What did you accomplish today?

I've never combined butter and coconut oil. Sounds interesting tho...

Stale weed makes the best butter because it has minimal smell & taste.
I just blast everything in a rice cooker with a quart of water for about 1 hour. (most of the water boils off)

What's your waste percentage with cheesecloth? Mine is usually 15 - 20%.

There's gotta be a way to recover more oil from the sludge... :???:
When I do butter or QWET I use an extra fine strainer like this, it reduces loss and I haven't noticed any greenery getting through.
I played an early gig today at a local arboretum. Started at 10:30am, had to wake up at 8am. Haven't been up that early in years. Gorgeous day, sunny and 65. It was an hour wedding ceremony/picture taking gig for $250, but they gave me the biggest tip I've ever received!

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Tip paid more than the gig. I'm just that good. Gotta start getting up early more often...

Hell yeah shake it man!
I made a retort furnace today. I plan on uping my organic soils with some biochar plus making my own lump charcoal. I fired it up already and should know in the morning if it works or if I’ll have to adjust it some to get it to run right. Fingers crossed.
P.S. money spent on this project so far......0.00$ so if it fails..... it won’t be an experience education. But like so many other hair brained ideas YT led the way with so many conflicting stories that success or failure will not give me back the 10 hours of couch time I’ve invested or wasted.

Can “ high hopes “ be claimed if were high and hope it worked?
Welp got the lawn mower. That was a freaking pain, started the mower, started cutting then bam something hit the blades, large rock hit the blades after some inspection..so now I had a blade bent. Went to the store pick up a set, got the bent one replaced....and the lawn got done. Also got about have the yard weedeated, still got half to do. Finally had a beer and some space tomatoes and low and behold I'm a new grandpa to 8 puppies. A hell.....

Going back to beer and space tomatoes, it's been a day, don't want to adult anymore...Get you a pic of the new fur babies tomorrow and a count.
Breakfast, watched a little heartbreak at the TDF TT, walked the neighbors dogs, raked the side yard and filled the green bin with pine debris, cleaned the garage up, lunch, another walk, ate a wonderful dinner and now gonna watch a bad movie on the TV. Shitty week till today.. Hope others also saw a improvement.
Ordered my gas line this a.m. after much research...went with coated 1/2" soft copper. So now that I have a few days wait time, I can get the other parts ready...Need to run the 2 vent lines down the chimney, and i'm going to install an electric outlet right in the firebox so I can hide the wiring....and maybe run a thermostat wire to make things really nice.

With a little luck I'll be sitting in front of a fire next weekend!! I would have had a wood fire going last night if it was still hooked up...Frost here last night....Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

My daughter came home from the hospital with her daughter and then had some breast feeding issues and freaked out. They took her to the ER and she had to wait in the car (she had a c-section). Called us crying. ER yelled at our son-in-law (SIL) for not feeding her formula. Daughter asked us to pick up formula and laxative, so we did and met them at their house. Her husband had only had three hours of sleep in the last three days and was exhausted (I remember those days). We sent him to bed and Mrs. Mo held our granddaughter all day! Breast pump arrived and things started to get better. We went home that evening when our SIL woke up. We fixed a quick snack, and settled down in front of the TV to watch some Silent Witness (Britbox). We get a call - daughter dropped a laxative pill on the floor and the cat ate it. Now the cat is foaming at the mouth and SIL is headed to the Vet ER. We go back and keep her company while we wait for news. SIL returns and the cat is going to be OK. We head home and get in bed to watch the news. News ends and bam! We have an earthquake. The day from hell had to have a last word.

My daughter came home from the hospital with her daughter and then had some breast feeding issues and freaked out. They took her to the ER and she had to wait in the car (she had a c-section). Called us crying. ER yelled at our son-in-law (SIL) for not feeding her formula. Daughter asked us to pick up formula and laxative, so we did and met them at their house. Her husband had only had three hours of sleep in the last three days and was exhausted (I remember those days). We sent him to bed and Mrs. Mo held our granddaughter all day! Breast pump arrived and things started to get better. We went home that evening when our SIL woke up. We fixed a quick snack, and settled down in front of the TV to watch some Silent Witness (Britbox). We get a call - daughter dropped a laxative pill on the floor and the cat ate it. Now the cat is foaming at the mouth and SIL is headed to the Vet ER. We go back and keep her company while we wait for news. SIL returns and the cat is going to be OK. We head home and get in bed to watch the news. News ends and bam! We have an earthquake. The day from hell had to have a last word.


Oh man what a day! SIL is gonna be changing diapers and picking up cat shit.....lol poor guy......Happy it's not me :bigjoint:
Picked up a bed frame for $10, need to find a box spring. We have a captains bed with drawers under it that I need to take apart so that the flooring I have can be installed. Dropped off a bag of pomegranate sees for the grandkids. Stopped on the way home to call and see if the wife wanted me to stop at the taqueria and saw an accident happen. Idiots were racing to where he road goes to one lane and the SUV went off the road. There was a semi right next to them when it happened. I was surprised the SUV didn't roll, they had to be doing 90. I called 911 and drove past the accident, a couple people were sitting next to the road near the mangled SUV.
My daughter came home from the hospital with her daughter and then had some breast feeding issues and freaked out. They took her to the ER and she had to wait in the car (she had a c-section). Called us crying. ER yelled at our son-in-law (SIL) for not feeding her formula. Daughter asked us to pick up formula and laxative, so we did and met them at their house. Her husband had only had three hours of sleep in the last three days and was exhausted (I remember those days). We sent him to bed and Mrs. Mo held our granddaughter all day! Breast pump arrived and things started to get better. We went home that evening when our SIL woke up. We fixed a quick snack, and settled down in front of the TV to watch some Silent Witness (Britbox). We get a call - daughter dropped a laxative pill on the floor and the cat ate it. Now the cat is foaming at the mouth and SIL is headed to the Vet ER. We go back and keep her company while we wait for news. SIL returns and the cat is going to be OK. We head home and get in bed to watch the news. News ends and bam! We have an earthquake. The day from hell had to have a last word.

Running on no sleep with a newborn is the worst. Especially when life throws you curve balls. Hopefully blessings and positive vibrations are to follow the chaos they are experiencing.
Ordered my gas line this a.m. after much research...went with coated 1/2" soft copper. So now that I have a few days wait time, I can get the other parts ready...Need to run the 2 vent lines down the chimney, and i'm going to install an electric outlet right in the firebox so I can hide the wiring....and maybe run a thermostat wire to make things really nice.

With a little luck I'll be sitting in front of a fire next weekend!! I would have had a wood fire going last night if it was still hooked up...Frost here last night....Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Can you flare this pipe or is it compression fittings or does it have its own line or “ special “ fittings.

All I have seen locally is stainless steel and I don’t have the tools for it but I can still run black pipe or regular soft copper . You must have a gas fitter license to do it legally here but it there’s no inspection I will do it when necessary, but also really like to do things up to code just in case they sell and get a home inspection later.
It's harvest season here in the PNW.
Well, sort of...

I had to compost most of my big plants due to mold and/or bugs.
Now I'm bringing some of the survivors inside to finish and it's a pain in the ass.
All fan leaves get removed along with anything lower than 18" from the tips.
Then they get hosed down with mighty wash and spinosad.

It has been a learning experience, as usual.
Polyhybrids sure love to grow nuts on lower nodes! Holy shit!!! :shock:
Rather than try to find all the balls, it's safer and easier to just strip off the lower growth before pollen can be released.