What if?


Well-Known Member
That's why we're taking the gas out of it and having a bit of fun. Go with it, it's improvisation time.
Ok ok fair enough lol. I'll go with @Unclebaldrick's theme then.

What if tomorrow a whole bunch of people finally realized the meaning of Jesus message that "what you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me" means. I know, I know, its one of the more complex parables that takes a really deep study of the Bible to understand so I won't get my hopes up.

Was that good? :)


Well-Known Member
Ok ok fair enough lol. I'll go with @Unclebaldrick's theme then.

What if tomorrow a whole bunch of people finally realized the meaning of Jesus message that "what you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me" means. I know, I know, its one of the more complex parables that takes a really deep study of the Bible to understand so I won't get my hopes up.

Was that good? :)
I like it. Now you're getting it. We gotta laugh. That reminds me, it's past time to get high. Laugh on, you crazy diamond.


Well-Known Member
What benefit do you get except owning the libs for being a Trump supporter? At what point did you say "fuck it no one will ever like me so I'll just be an asshole the rest of my life"?

He was born a deplorable and will die a deplorable, what you call a bad seed.


Well-Known Member
He was born a deplorable and will die a deplorable, what you call a bad seed.
he tried to pretend he wasnt sucking trump dick for a long time. i called it out as a lie from day one. i was vindicated

bugeye is a total piece of shit. a racist and a compulsive serial liar. but his best lie is that he has a jewish wife. dude is unfuckable.


Well-Known Member
he tried to pretend he wasnt sucking trump dick for a long time. i called it out as a lie from day one. i was vindicated

bugeye is a total piece of shit. a racist and a compulsive serial liar. but his best lie is that he has a jewish wife. dude is unfuckable.
i thought his wife was russian.


Well-Known Member
What if bars of soap were made with one side molded to accept an almost used-up bar of soap thereby facilitating the sticking of them together, reducing waste

What if soap companies want you to waste their product
been thought of and turns to soap scum.