Schools open & I'm going too die

Economic collapse:
You all keep saying the "Trump" virus? I mean literally, that is just the dumbest stuff I've ever heard. Like the man personally went and brought it back from China. Just ridiculous. Truth hurts, call it whatever you want, but the China Virus really is what it is, because it originated in CHINA.

Oh, he isn't testing enough? We waited to long to shut everything down? Well holy cow, they're ramping them up as fast as they can, and trying for a vaccine as fast as they can. If you can do science better and faster, have at it. In fact, why aren't you (rhetorical you) at the White House? Didn't help matters that China and the WHO are absolute LIARS, and the information we utilized to proceed as we did, was based on THEIR recommendation....ironic right?

And the laughable thing is this, if Biden is elected he unequivocally promised to shut down the country, thus affecting us all, and definitely you @UncleBuck (as YOU stated...go back to work or run out of money).......
@16:20 Tiffany Cross says it better than I can.

And you are lying about Biden's stance. He said that he would listen to the scientists. While Trump was buzzing Nascar, Biden warned that we needed to take pandemics seriously and to listen to them about what to do to keep people safe during the pandemic that is burning through our nation.

Dependency on the Government / State:
*See Economic Collapse: If they can bring you to your knees and take away your means to support and defend your family, guess where you will be? In the line for services just like everyone else, waiting for the next government handout. Sorry, I'll take capitalism any day of the week. If you don't work, you don't eat. Basic biblical premise.

This is a statement that is not based in reality. You draw a bullshit line in the sand and pretend anything not on 'your side' as not being capitalism. If you actually believe this stuff, you should really think about not trusting what you 'know' until you can really examine how you got to this conclusion.

Cancel Culture:
Convincing You that "freedom of speech" is only available to those of your likenesses.
*See literature written by George Orwell - 1984. “The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought.” It will render dissent “literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” Orwell text reference You become an "un-person" when they decide that you're narrative does not fit theirs. Funny thing is,

The obvious troll here is the fact that Trump has just cancelled Jackie O's culture. And that Trump has used stormtroopers on peaceful lawful protesters for a photo op.

Convincing you that you are owed everything. Just doesn't work that way.

The rub is this - ok, so let's say Biden gets elected, and everything is suddenly free. Free healthcare, free education, free time (like, you won't have to work again, right?). Socialism at it's finest. So, when there is no longer the tax base to support all of these "government services" what then? How do we succeed as a nation with no revenue? Just not logical.

Then what happens next, is the hilarious part - When people don't get exactly what they want, when they want, they throw a temper tantrum *enter the riots and looting all over our country* These actions (riots/looting/violence) are in NO WAY even a means with which to propel our society forward toward less police violence and more communication. It's laughable that they even try to associate this with social justice. Plain outright lawless BS. Arrest the violent rioters, Antifa and any jackass dumb enough to be present at that destructive meeting participating. I'm all for peaceful demonstration, but I think we all know that ship sailed long ago.

The thought process that takes you to thinking Biden is going to give everything away is flawed. You should stop listening to what proven liars are telling you to believe so that Trump has any chance in hell to get away with their cheating for another 4 years.

The far Left wants to shut down everything (services etc). Period. Churches, schools, basically anything that doesn't conform to their narrative. Keep the history controlled, so that way in a few generations, no one will remember the Holocaust, or the race riots, or the senseless violence happening now. It's sad that we cannot just learn from our past and try to do better.

But, not the Left, they want to keep everyone under their proverbial 'thumb', and at the same time try to convince you that they're doing it for "your safety" or "your own good". Hard Pass. I'll decide what's good for me and my family, not the government.

The bottom line is this: We are not decedent from fearful men. It's one thing to be cautious, another to be a pansy. My niece is a school teacher, and don't think for a second I want her in harms way. Being a teacher comes with responsibility to not only yourself, but to all the unlearned children that need an education.

I call bullshit. It is nice that you can spin a narrative like you do, but you are not backing it up with anything. Science is not political outside of the cult that needs you to believe that.
Just because you trust God does not mean you are exempt from the frailties of the flesh. We will all die.

Eternal spiritual life, not Eternal human body.

then what's the point, Nutella?

eternal spiritual life?- let me know how it is when you get there and i'll reconsider.
@16:20 Tiffany Cross says it better than I can.

And you are lying about Biden's stance. He said that he would listen to the scientists. While Trump was buzzing Nascar, Biden warned that we needed to take pandemics seriously and to listen to them about what to do to keep people safe during the pandemic that is burning through our nation.

This is a statement that is not based in reality. You draw a bullshit line in the sand and pretend anything not on 'your side' as not being capitalism. If you actually believe this stuff, you should really think about not trusting what you 'know' until you can really examine how you got to this conclusion.

The obvious troll here is the fact that Trump has just cancelled Jackie O's culture. And that Trump has used stormtroopers on peaceful lawful protesters for a photo op.

The thought process that takes you to thinking Biden is going to give everything away is flawed. You should stop listening to what proven liars are telling you to believe so that Trump has any chance in hell to get away with their cheating for another 4 years.

I call bullshit. It is nice that you can spin a narrative like you do, but you are not backing it up with anything. Science is not political outside of the cult that needs you to believe that.
Listen to the science - which one?(s)? there are thousands that have an opinion. That's the point. We have a pretty good idea how this is going to run, we've seen it in Europe. The tragic thing is, the virus will mutate and adapt like they always do. I don't think there's an "out the door" solution.

Either way you look at it, good chat, always glad to hear an opposing opinion.

Hard Left / Right will never meet, and that's a good thing. I think that honestly, BOTH sides think each others opponents are crazy and their ideas outlandish and far fetched.

So who's the real winners here?
then what's the point, Nutella?

eternal spiritual life?- let me know how it is when you get there and i'll reconsider.
That's the thing, you have to accept it here, before you can get there. Doesn't work in reverse, which is why it's so important.
Listen to the science - which one?(s)? there are thousands that have an opinion. That's the point. We have a pretty good idea how this is going to run, we've seen it in Europe. The tragic thing is, the virus will mutate and adapt like they always do. I don't think there's an "out the door" solution.

Either way you look at it, good chat, always glad to hear an opposing opinion.

Hard Left / Right will never meet, and that's a good thing. I think that honestly, BOTH sides think each others opponents are crazy and their ideas outlandish and far fetched.

So who's the real winners here?

and when you're sick you go to the doctor or hospital? emergency? the ER?

why? it's science.

and no, you clearly don't like opposing opinion.
they're ramping them up as fast as they can
trump passed on using WHO tests that worked and instead waited for US made tests that did not. trump was so mad at China for not telling the truth about the Trump virus that he sent them 17 tons of PPE. trump was so smart that he bought ventilators from USSR that didn't work.

and tRump is the one signing the Socialism checks to the tune of 6 trillion. Capitalism doesn't bail out farmers either for his failed tariff war. Capitalism doesn't sign an EO giving out 300 extra for unemployment checks. More socialism from tRump. Capitalism doesn't postpone evictions.

You aren't very good at this
and when you're sick you go to the doctor or hospital? emergency? the ER?

why? it's science.
Yes, Science - given to us by God!

We didn't just wake up one day with the knowledge, it was gifted from our Creator <3 to help us survive and thrive and to understand the Majesty of HIS creation :)
That's the thing, you have to accept it here, before you can get there. Doesn't work in reverse, which is why it's so important.

yes, it's an ancient book of manners/rules for the masses back when people lived in caves..why anyone would want to follow this drivel is beyond me.
trump passed on using WHO tests that worked and instead waited for US made tests that did not. trump was so mad at China for not telling the truth about the Trump virus that he sent them 17 tons of PPE. trump was so smart that he bought ventilators from USSR that didn't work.

and tRump is the one signing the Socialism checks to the tune of 6 trillion. Capitalism doesn't bail out farmers either for his failed tariff war. Capitalism doesn't sign an EO giving out 300 extra for unemployment checks. More socialism from tRump. Capitalism doesn't postpone evictions.

You aren't very good at this
Why would we want to use ANYTHING from CHINA? So lets get testing units from the very place that the virus came from. uhhh....

The sad fact that American manufacturing is on it's knees is the very reason we need to stop using anything from CHINA.

That's just silly.

Support from your government during an economic crisis is not socialism, its called HELP. Big, big difference.

Trump subsidies will END when the economy is back. However on the Socialism side, lol, i suppose they would too - without the tax base right?
yes, it's an ancient book of manners/rules for the masses back when people lived in caves..why anyone would want to follow this drivel is beyond me.
Well, the hope for something more than just "this" I think.

If "this" is all there is, that's kinda sad. :(
Listen to the science - which one?(s)? there are thousands that have an opinion. That's the point. We have a pretty good idea how this is going to run, we've seen it in Europe. The tragic thing is, the virus will mutate and adapt like they always do. I don't think there's an "out the door" solution.

Either way you look at it, good chat, always glad to hear an opposing opinion.

Hard Left / Right will never meet, and that's a good thing. I think that honestly, BOTH sides think each others opponents are crazy and their ideas outlandish and far fetched.

So who's the real winners here?
I would start with your doctor. They go through a lot of training and education to get to the point that they can provide healthcare for you. Outside of that if you are having a hard time understanding the difference between reality based science and the scams that conmen make to keep their cults snowballed, maybe just not think you know enough about it to really draw a accurate conclusion.

Right now, the people you think of as 'Hard' right/left are under an attack by a foreign military, one that is using the lies and propaganda to keep people from being able to talk to one another. It sucks and is shitty, but it is very real.

If you are truly not another troll it is worth taking the time to think through all the ways you have seen or heard anything you tie to politics. Because there is a very high probability that is where the lies are being pushed.
Yes, Science - given to us by God!

We didn't just wake up one day with the knowledge, it was gifted from our Creator <3 to help us survive and thrive and to understand the Majesty of HIS creation :)

a new therapist once said those same words to me, she said it in the beginning of the appointment so she had to listen to me for the remainder of exactly what i thought about her comment..needless to say, it was our first and last visit.
I would start with your doctor. They go through a lot of training and education to get to the point that they can provide healthcare for you. Outside of that if you are having a hard time understanding the difference between reality based science and the scams that conmen make to keep their cults snowballed, maybe just not think you know enough about it to really draw a accurate conclusion.

Right now, the people you think of as 'Hard' right/left are under an attack by a foreign military, one that is using the lies and propaganda to keep people from being able to talk to one another. It sucks and is shitty, but it is very real.

If you are truly not another troll it is worth taking the time to think through all the ways you have seen or heard anything you tie to politics. Because there is a very high probability that is where the lies are being pushed.
Very, very true.

I would argue from both sides there are lies and deception. We all know it. Trump is no choir boy, for real.

I think independently, and make my decisions based on what I hear/see, just like everyone else.

That's what makes this difficult.

Thanks for taking the time to reply :)