What did you accomplish today?

Whenever I try eating all dressed chips my parotid gland goes absolutely nuts and makes my jawline hurt like mad. Some red wines do that to me as well.

The first time I had Lay's "dill pickle" potato chips, as the chip neared my mouth my salivary glands squirted like a freakin cobra- they've backed off on the flavoring since then

I took my mom to the urologist today
You mean the Donney Bunch show?
Jerry Jr is meeting up with them later to watch them play hide the salami.
Fuck trump and anybody who thinks he’s doing a terrific job.
in fact. Fuck anyone who is part of the GOP.

Hey bro. Did you flip them plants? The cake stretches like a mofo. Remember, supercropping.
I’d do them up 1 week in and again at 2 weeks in ;-)
Use a sharpie.
Fuck trump and anybody who thinks he’s doing a terrific job.
in fact. Fuck anyone who is part of the GOP.

Hey bro. Did you flip them plants? The cake stretches like a mofo. Remember, supercropping.
I’d do them up 1 week in and again at 2 weeks in ;-)
Use a sharpie.
I finished upsizing the pots today and I have another timer I'm going to set to 11P to 11A that I'm making sure works tonight, then I'll just swap them out in the morning. I'll water them in in the morning when I do the swap. I can gain about 8" of headroom by pulling out my raised floor also.
You got some pics of the sticks you've been pounding together?
I finished upsizing the pots today and I have another timer I'm going to set to 11P to 11A that I'm making sure works tonight, then I'll just swap them out in the morning. I'll water them in in the morning when I do the swap. I can gain about 8" of headroom by pulling out my raised floor also.
You got some pics of the sticks you've been pounding together?
Dude. I’m kind of embarrassed to do that. My back/sciatica is fucking me up pretty good. Before you see the pic, i have most the shit cut to pound together and stand up tomorrow. Got help coming.
The next day i’ll frame in the window sills. Then do all the blocking. Then sheath the fucker. Will be ready for the roof trusses.

if you look hard enough at that perry scaffolding, the god damn mother fucker got blown off the dancefloor at 2am this morning. Fucked it all up.
It was all hands on deck. The wind decided to fucking whip through here. Was a mess all over my property bro.