What did you accomplish today?

On Sunday, Chrissy Teigen tweeted, "These were very tasty. Are they some sort of BBQ/salt and vinegar hybrid? Two thumbs up." The photo included in the tweet featured a package of Zapp's New Orleans Kettle Style Voodoo Potato Chips.

Sounds like all dressed.

What's the point of skinny if it's a salty snack?

You can pig out on almost 4 cups of it and it's only 150 calories. And it tastes great!


Is that what they call ketchup chips down there?
I bet you don't crave chips when you can constantly smell them cooking.
Luckily I'm far enough away the only time I smell them is if I drive by at the right time... But yeah, I wouldn't want to live next door. I'm not adventurous at all though...It's barbecued, plain, or maybe ruffled.

Well I have my mess cleaned up. This is going to be the true test for my home made chiller, being under HPS lights instead of LED's. It could be re-design #4, or peel the wallet open and buy one! It lost all it's cold with me replacing lines, and it's hot as hell today too. We shall see!
What did you do today that you're proud of? Something at work, home, school, personal achievement, etc...

Today I had gravel dropped off and I put in a new driveway. It was a lot of work but I got it done quicker than I thought I would.:)

I took the most rejuvenating dump ever about 30 mins ago.

Sorry just in a joking mood lol

On another note... I won a Spider Farm SF1000 today in a giveaway!
That is a beautiful GT.
One of the coolest (and strongest) fish out there. Def a bucket list specie.

Not my pic, BTW, should have mentioned that. The one I caught was a little smaller, but not much. I was shore fishing at night and had to run up and down the beach to get it. I was lucky it didn't wrap me around a coral head, I lost one because of that. I had it almost in and the line popped.
