Rise in far-right threats against Justin Trudeau, police warn


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Bro is really too much! Don't you think that your knowledge of history ... real history is very scarce!

Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact

On May 8/9, 1945 (the date depending on the time zone), Nazi Germany surrendered, ending the war in Europe and starting the secret three-month countdown for Soviet commencement of hostilities against Japan. On August 9, 1945, just after midnight Manchurian time, the Soviets invaded Manchuria. The declaration of war against Japan followed nearly six hours later. Because of the time zone difference of 7 hours,[8] the declaration of war could be still dated August 8, 1945, being presented to the Japanese ambassador in Moscow at 11 p.m. Moscow time.[9] In this last campaign of the war, Soviet territorial gains on the continent were Manchukuo, Mengjiang (Inner Mongolia) and northern Korea.
The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-famine
The Holocaust memorial is located in Kharkiv. Why are you telling me this !!!! My great-grandfathers died on collective farms !!! Why are you telling me this? But this was not a holocaust - it was universal grief!
If there is no camera, then you need to draw))))) Savages!))))
You don't know this, but I know everything, Bro!

There is not even a hint of the photo))))


first color photos 1905 ..........

Are you kidding about the cameras?

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A Communist “requisition squad” removes grain hidden by Ukrainian peasants desperate to survive. People ate rodents, ants and worms. Robert Conquest estimated in Harvest of Sorrow that five million
On May 8/9, 1945 (the date depending on the time zone), Nazi Germany surrendered, ending the war in Europe and starting the secret three-month countdown for Soviet commencement of hostilities against Japan. On August 9, 1945, just after midnight Manchurian time, the Soviets invaded Manchuria.

Yes, but the allies of England and the United States insisted on this - it's a fact! You don't know history! There is a contract and it takes a long time to look for it! The last thing Russia wanted was to fight then .. in the 45th, believe me!
A Communist “requisition squad” removes grain hidden by Ukrainian peasants desperate to survive. People ate rodents, ants and worms. Robert Conquest estimated in Harvest of Sorrow that five million
Yes, I already wrote about this - it's true! They told me that they ate their children ... babies ... Why again? Will you admit yours or not !?)) Why do you constantly give me what I know myself ?!))

PS do not worry, please do not write in capital letters, I see so!
The Holocaust memorial is located in Kharkiv. Why are you telling me this !!!! My great-grandfathers died on collective farms !!! Why are you telling me this? But this was not a holocaust - it was universal grief!
I presented you with historical facts, you are the one carrying Stalin's water here, it would be no different if you were carrying Trumps. Catholic and orthodox Ukrainians both suffered under Stalin's domination and now Putin and Russia's Many Ukrainians have betrayed their country because of ethnicity, either because the are Russians or identify as such or orthodox Ukrainians.

So are you Catholic, or Orthodox, or perhaps a Jew, but they were a lot more rare after the war. I'm betting on Orthodox and you know what will happen if Trump loses.
But all this was not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia - exactly the same! Read for the Volga region!
I presented you with historical facts, you are the one carrying Stalin's water here, it would be no different if you were carrying Trumps. Catholic and orthodox Ukrainians both suffered under Stalin's domination and now Putin and Russia's Many Ukrainians have betrayed their country because of ethnicity, either because the are Russians or identify as such or orthodox Ukrainians.
Why do I need Stalin? I don't care about him! I just don't like frank lies! Or did I not admit that it is a fact !? And the fact that I will never admit a lie! Will you admit yours or not?)))
Yes, but the allies of England and the United States insisted on this - it's a fact! You don't know history! There is a contract and it takes a long time to look for it! The last thing Russia wanted was to fight then .. in the 45th, believe me!
Stalin had a huge army then and no enemies, good relations with the west and a rapidly evacuating American army in Europe, he made a land grab, he was no reluctant warrior, but seized what he could after betraying a neutrality treaty as required from an already defeated country. One of the reasons there is an asshole running North Korea is because of this land grab. The allies tried to get Stalin to break his treaty with the Japanese and he did, days after the attack on Hiroshima and days before the Japanese surrender.
One of the reasons there is an asshole running North Korea is because of this land grab.
What lands does Russia need ?!)))))))))) Do you know the population density in Siberia?))))))))) 1X 1000 km)))))))))))))) land .. fuck my dick!))))) And how many unexplored minerals .. this is Eldorado !!! Fuck foreign lands, tell me ?!
Alaska is a Russian land leased to the United States. Catherine II was very supportive of the United States then, because she hated England - this is the very first enemy of Russia since ancient times! She strongly supported your revolution then! And Alaska is proof of that!
Alaska is a Russian land leased to the United States. Catherine II was very supportive of the United States then, because she hated England - this is the very first enemy of Russia since ancient times! She strongly supported your revolution then! And Alaska is proof of that!
The land was purchased from Russia, not leased. Ya don't make states on leased land, ya make them on your own, and when you buy something you own it.

The Alaska Purchase
The Alaska Purchase
(Russian: Продажа Аляски, tr. Prodazha Alyaski, Sale of Alaska) was the United States' acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867, through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate and signed by President Andrew Johnson.

The purchase added 586,412 square miles (1,518,800 km2) of new territory to the United States for the cost of $7.2 million (2 cents per acre).
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What lands does Russia need ?!)))))))))) Do you know the population density in Siberia?))))))))) 1X 1000 km)))))))))))))) land .. fuck my dick!))))) And how many unexplored minerals .. this is Eldorado !!! Fuck foreign lands, tell me ?!
Stalin wanted power by then, he had a huge well equipped army and an economy tuned to war production, he grabbed land and either never let it go, or used it and it's people as a bargaining chip. Stalin was a Czar and they don't need a reason for conquest, just an opportunity, like Vlad does now. Before the war Stalin lived in fear of Germany, mostly because he murdered or imprisoned almost his entire senior officer corps, decapitating his army.
The Alaska Purchase
The Alaska Purchase
(Russian: Продажа Аляски, tr. Prodazha Alyaski, Sale of Alaska) was the United States' acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867, through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate and signed by President Andrew Johnson.
В этих условиях весной 1854 года от американского правительства, желавшего предотвратить оккупацию Аляски Британской империей, поступило предложение о фиктивной (временно, сроком на три года) продаже Русско-американской компанией всех своих владений и имущества за 7 миллионов 600 тысяч долларов.[нет в источнике] РАК заключила такое[какое?] фиктивное соглашение с частной Американо-русской торговой компанией в Сан-Франциско о том, что ее суда будут ходить под американским (нейтральным) флагом[3].

Error, not Catherine, but Alexander 2 - sorry. I'm all out of memory, not like you- from the wiki)))
В этих условиях весной 1854 года от американского правительства, желавшего предотвратить оккупацию Аляски Британской империей, поступило предложение о фиктивной (временно, сроком на три года) продаже Русско-американской компанией всех своих владений и имущества за 7 миллионов 600 тысяч долларов.[нет в источнике] РАК заключила такое[какое?] фиктивное соглашение с частной Американо-русской торговой компанией в Сан-Франциско о том, что ее суда будут ходить под американским (нейтральным) флагом[3].

Error, not Catherine, but Alexander 2 - sorry. I'm all out of memory, not like you- from the wiki)))
Another error, the land was legally purchased, not leased, all claims were given up.
The rich are a bunch of Francomassons who fled from France to America, taking the loot from Jerusalem, the Templars, they were called!
Another error, the land was legally purchased, not leased, all claims were given up.

Are you translating or not?

предложение о фиктивной (временно, сроком на три года)

I will translate: the land was sold fictitiously: for a period of three years!

fictitious, is it legal in your opinion ?!))))