Rise in far-right threats against Justin Trudeau, police warn

I agree with this, perhaps. In the Baltic republics of the former USSR, they do not like Russians very much - this is since the days of the USSR. I was in Riga in the 80s under the USSR. I was then a child. I spoke to a woman on the street in Russian to ask how to get there. An elderly woman answered me very rudely and cursed. I turned around and walked on. without answering me.

Russia has very tense relations with the Baltic countries of the former USSR. There they are demonstratively holding parades of SS veterans. They are destroying monuments to Soviet warriors, and also outraging the graves of soldiers! It's true! In Russia, this is a very sore subject - the Second World War. In this war, according to the latest estimates, about 40 million people died, citizens of the USSR, most of them were Russian Ukrainians and Belarusians. They honor the memory of their grandfathers who died in this war for their freedom. In the baltics, parades of SS veterans are being held at this time!

What do you think, what is the relationship between Russia and these countries? The question is rhetorical. But this is not aggression, Bro is an insult!
Didn't the dictator of the USSR murder about 8 million people throughout his country? I am sure there are all kinds of deep rooted feelings.

You want to read about a real cyber attack, which makes you scary! There is no way you can avoid this attack
Remember as in the Bible: why talk about a grain of sand in my eye if you don't notice the beam in your own eye!

And those attacks that you write about are that little bit in the eye, in comparison with real aggression!
You do get that Snowden smuggled all that ability to conduct those attacks to Putin right? I was still looking at the rest of your post when this comment popped up so I had to respond. This is the intelligence that has made Putin's attack on our nation and the democracies around the world so effective.

Are you ok with this occurring (Russian military being used to attack our citizens)? It is hard to tell from reading your response.
Again hackers))) Bro is unprovable! Once upon a time, Russian hackers broke into the Pentagon's server. It could be a puny guy with glasses at the computer, it is not necessary to be a spy and work for the government, like Snowden (read for him, Bro), it could be ordinary people, there are a lot of them in Russia, so please don't be afraid of Russian hackers how they scare you.)) Better be afraid of zombies or aliens. LOL.
I find you suspect for saying this about the attack on our democracy by hacking into our American politicians political campaigns so that the Russian military could use Wikileaks to publicize their propaganda so that the militarized trolls that the Russian military hired can flood every chat feed with their lies to get Trump elected by spreading bullshit about his political competitors.
Traitor to America just like any confederates

What is he a traitor? He showed the whole world what the CIA is doing. And it’s true, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking for him. I was really scared when I found out what they were up to! Do you call this democracy?)))

Why is a traitor from Russia given the Nobel Prize? (Solzhenitsyn) And American traitors are nothing.)))) Are Russian traitors really that much better than American ones?))))
Didn't the dictator of the USSR murder about 8 million people throughout his country? I am sure there are all kinds of deep rooted feelings.
yes, it was a very terrible time then, the country was on the verge of death! the whole nation was on the brink of death. Stalin sacrificed the peasants, so he saved the rest of the country. He had no choice then .. Very cruel, but it's true, Bro! Throw out of your head the nonsense that he killed for pleasure - the fire is not a fool far!

Are you ok with this occurring (Russian military being used to attack our citizens)? It is hard to tell from reading your response.
I understand that your head was washed with propaganda, Bro! There is no need to talk about some kind of Russians, which is somewhere far away.))) I am here, Bro, I am Russian - I have no desire to attack the world, I communicate with thousands of Russians now, they are of the same opinion. The Russian bear never attacks first!

I find you suspect for saying this about the attack on our democracy by hacking into our American politicians political campaigns so that the Russian military could use Wikileaks to publicize their propaganda so that the militarized trolls that the Russian military hired can flood every chat feed with their lies to get Trump elected by spreading bullshit about his political competitors.
Bro, I'm very stupid, and I hardly understand what these attacks are)))) I would rather agree to these attacks, and not to the war, which is a few hundred kilometers from me ... It continues now, Bro! If you knew what a real war is, you would forever be silent about the Trump elections in Zimbabwe, which were influenced by Russian hackers, learning from Snowden.))) Have you noticed how many times it has been said here about "Russian hackers"? In Russia, no one knows about them))) Nobody talks! I assure you that the Russians would now read what you wrote, they would have laughed for a long time)))) It's really funny why they fool your head!

World peace!
Russians are to blame for Trump's choice!

do you think what you are writing about, guys?))) I'm seriously telling you! It feels like I'm from another planet.))) I don't understand - this is a joke or sarcasm.)))

Fraudulent election. Bush Jr.- are they also Russian hackers?
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I agree with this, perhaps. In the Baltic republics of the former USSR, they do not like Russians very much - this is since the days of the USSR. I was in Riga in the 80s under the USSR. I was then a child. I spoke to a woman on the street in Russian to ask how to get there. An elderly woman answered me very rudely and cursed. I turned around and walked on. without answering me.

Russia has very tense relations with the Baltic countries of the former USSR. There they are demonstratively holding parades of SS veterans. They are destroying monuments to Soviet warriors, and also outraging the graves of soldiers! It's true! In Russia, this is a very sore subject - the Second World War. In this war, according to the latest estimates, about 40 million people died, citizens of the USSR, most of them were Russian Ukrainians and Belarusians. They honor the memory of their grandfathers who died in this war for their freedom. In the baltics, parades of SS veterans are being held at this time!

What do you think, what is the relationship between Russia and these countries? The question is rhetorical. But this is not aggression, Bro is an insult!

Cyber attack?))) Bro-exhale!)))

It all started with the military conflict in Abkhazia in 1993, when the USSR collapsed, Georgia took part in the conflict. Cyber attacks have nothing to do with it! The Russians stood up for Abkhazia in 2008, Saakashvili (Georgia's president) enlisted the support of the United States. The United States has promised to send a navy to the Black Sea. As a result, Russian tanks in Tbilisi, and the US Navy never appeared on the horizon.

The United States betrayed Georgia and deceived it, Saakashvili was very excited then that he began to eat his tie. He was so upset that he was betrayed.

And these bitches still laugh at him .. imagine how insulting Saakashvili is!

After that, Abkhazia gained independence.

Now further: the scenario with Georgia was repeated in Ukraine. Maidan is a CIA special operation that was carried out at the expense of US taxpayers. Several tens of billions of dollars were invested in the operation, incl. on bribes to people who organized it. For example, Yatsenyuk, who was Prime Minister of Ukraine after the Maidan, unexpectedly became a billionaire in a few months. It was called the IMF tranche, aimed at helping the country, the people did not see the money, they were all stolen by Yatsenyuk and others .. don't you believe? look))) Did no one really notice that Yatsenyuk became a billionaire))) Or rather stole that tranche? The video of how he celebrated his first billion, at a party in his villa, was on YouTube. - while Ukraine was at war with Russia.

View attachment 4654270

The United States has promised a fleet in the Black Sea (deja vu), as well as weapons, etc.
As a result, Crimea became Russian, and Donbas gained independence.

I don’t understand one thing, what have hackers got to do with it?)))

What does the mafia have to do with it, bro?)))

Yes, the mafia and the government, be it the United States or Russia, are one and the same ... But not to the same extent!)))

Here I do not know why the Russian special services are interested in the elections in Scotland.

Again hackers))) Bro is unprovable! Once upon a time, Russian hackers broke into the Pentagon's server. It could be a puny guy with glasses at the computer, it is not necessary to be a spy and work for the government, like Snowden (read for him, Bro), it could be ordinary people, there are a lot of them in Russia, so please don't be afraid of Russian hackers how they scare you.)) Better be afraid of zombies or aliens. LOL.

The word Nazism also gives me a nervous fit, Bro! All my grandfathers and relatives died in the Second World War, and they tortured and raped my grandparents throughout the war! So it's not customary for us to talk about it!

In Russia, there is a slightly different attitude towards gays, Bro, there they can be beaten on the street if they see a gay. They don't like gays there, Bro! And Russia has always been friends with France, both now and in the old days.

Monument to a Russian soldier in France (World War I)

View attachment 4654291
If Russia is such an enlightened place, why don't you move there? You are technically a citizen and can speak the language, you are soft selling Stalin and never mentioned 30 million people Ukrainian genocide in the 30's, these kinds of crimes were repeated throughout the Soviet empire. Putin is trying to rehabilitate Stalin, rules like him and is trying to reassemble the old Soviet empire. Russia enslaved it's neighbors and is still trying to do so, when they "liberated" the baltics and eastern europe, they raped and pillaged their way through, then enslaved to population for 50 years. Uncle Sam is gonna fuck mother Russia until she shits out Vlad, count on it, he will have an awful lot of willing help too. If you move there times will be very hard for a very long time.
What is he a traitor? He showed the whole world what the CIA is doing. And it’s true, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking for him. I was really scared when I found out what they were up to! Do you call this democracy?)))

Why is a traitor from Russia given the Nobel Prize? (Solzhenitsyn) And American traitors are nothing.)))) Are Russian traitors really that much better than American ones?))))
Yes he is a traitor. He took the 2013 equivalent of American nuclear weapon technology and smuggled it to Putin for the Russian military to then turn around and use on our own citizens.

yes, it was a very terrible time then, the country was on the verge of death! the whole nation was on the brink of death. Stalin sacrificed the peasants, so he saved the rest of the country. He had no choice then .. Very cruel, but it's true, Bro! Throw out of your head the nonsense that he killed for pleasure - the fire is not a fool far!
I don't know enough of your history to know if what you are saying is a valid reason for murdering 8 million people.

I understand that your head was washed with propaganda, Bro! There is no need to talk about some kind of Russians, which is somewhere far away.))) I am here, Bro, I am Russian - I have no desire to attack the world, I communicate with thousands of Russians now, they are of the same opinion. The Russian bear never attacks first!
Our entire nation's collective 'head' is filled with propaganda that Putin used to attack the hundreds of millions of people. That is the problem. I am cool with you being Russian, I don't have any problem at all with the people in your country.

I do however take great offense to your dictator thinking that he can use his your military to troll around in our nation to find every vulnerable person here and fill them with enough propaganda that they cannot see strait and radicalize them into being domestic terrorists.

I take even more that he has used his your military to catfish our citizens. Especially because he is using these militarized trolls to trick them into thinking that the propaganda Putin is using to first get Trump elected, and now to try to get him re-elected.

Russia is currently attacking our nation with their military. They are also killing people on EU soil.

Bro, I'm very stupid, and I hardly understand what these attacks are)))) I would rather agree to these attacks, and not to the war, which is a few hundred kilometers from me ... It continues now, Bro! If you knew what a real war is, you would forever be silent about the Trump elections in Zimbabwe, which were influenced by Russian hackers, learning from Snowden.))) Have you noticed how many times it has been said here about "Russian hackers"? In Russia, no one knows about them))) Nobody talks! I assure you that the Russians would now read what you wrote, they would have laughed for a long time)))) It's really funny why they fool your head!

World peace!
I don't have any issues with you man, at all. Even if you were a Russian militarized troll. I don't want your dictators need to be a dick to the rest of the world turn into a actual hot war. But it is not in my hands. All I can do is act like the primates we are and sound the alarm and hope enough people see it before the election to understand the stakes.

Because I understand data analysis and the psychological tests that are applied in making the programming to spit out what propaganda to send to whom. This shit is highly accurate and humanity cannot stop themselves form falling for it. And because our current president is allowing it to happen (and amplifying it), us American citizens are left unprotected.

We are programmed to believe what we see too much, and the spam attacks with the personalized propaganda is being used by Putin as a weapon against our citizens. And it needs to stop for all our sakes.

Russians are to blame for Trump's choice!

do you think what you are writing about, guys?))) I'm seriously telling you! It feels like I'm from another planet.))) I don't understand - this is a joke or sarcasm.)))

Fraudulent election. Bush Jr.- are they also Russian hackers?
I dont understand why you would pretend like this is something so ridiculous when you said earlier that you don't know anything about it.

Screen Shot 2020-08-15 at 10.14.17 AM.png

The Russian military had 1.1 billion interactions with 67million people in just the last month leading up to the election of Trump on just one internet platform.

Trump won by less than 80k votes in key states here. And we know Trump gave Putin the data from the RNC on all of our voting citizens so he knew who to attack down to the districts they lived in.

I find you suspect because I have to believe that anyone that is capable of reading this understands how profoundly impactful this warfare on our nation has been. And when America starts to catch and turns our head your way to stop this attack, I really hope cooler heads prevail.
you are soft selling Stalin and never mentioned 30 million people Ukrainian genocide in the 30's,

I try to think objectively. The famine was not only in Ukraine. he was in the Volga region and in other regions of the USSR. You also add that genocide was also in relation to the Russians in the 30s.

Yes, they took grain from the peasants, so they died of hunger. And Stalin himself ate this grain. Do I understand you correctly? You call this genocide?

All this grain was sent to the cities so that people there would not starve, and for this grain they bought machinery and machine tools abroad in order to restore the industry. If this had not happened, then the country would have died then and no one would have helped it! How can I say .. softly or not softly is a historical fact!

After Stalin's death, he only had a military uniform and boots, he had no other property, everything belonged to the state. So where did this grain go, what do you think? Again, I am now trying to objectively judge that time. I do not support anyone, or vice versa, only facts!
If Russia is such an enlightened place, why don't you move there?
What for? This is called by the Russians, to change the awl for soap.))) The same thing ... I work in Russia as a freelancer, I live in Ukraine, I think that's enough!
and can speak the language
Yes, I speak Russian better than Ukrainian, I am from the east of Ukraine.
Russia enslaved it's neighbors and is still trying to do so, when they "liberated" the baltics and eastern europe, they raped and pillaged their way through, then enslaved to population for 50 years.
stop stop stop))) A little slower))) Do you know the story?))) Yes, Russia liberated, as you deigned to put it, the Baltic countries, only that was a little earlier .. Somewhere in the early 18th century.))) Freed she these countries, from the Swedish king Karl 12, whose aggressive policy, fucked up the whole of Europe then. The climax was the battle near Poltava (Ukraine), when Karl fled shamefully, disguised as a soldier. It was then that the Baltic countries were annexed to the Russian Empire. Peter the Great and his government treated the people of the Baltic states normally - it's a lie that they were tortured and killed!

Then, during the 1917 revolution, these countries separated from Russia, as well as Poland and Finland ... Of course, the Russians did not like this, and at the first opportunity in 1939 Poland. 1940 Finland. Stalin returned his territories, and mind you, not all of Poland, not all of Finland, only a part!

You don't know the story well, Bro, to lead the palemic at this level!

Uncle Sam is gonna fuck mother Russia
Are you justifying the Maidan? No, Russia has not suffered, Ukraine has suffered, Russia has only become stronger.
If you move there times will be very hard for a very long
In Ukraine, after Yanukovych, the standard of living fell sharply, under Yanukovych we lived better at times. Yes, Ukraine is in the ass!

PS who is Vlad?
Yes he is a traitor. He took the 2013 equivalent of American nuclear weapon technology and smuggled it to Putin for the Russian military to then turn around and use on our own citizens.
This is the first time I've heard of this. You probably confused with Rudolph Abel. He, yes, he stole nuclear technology, only they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki for some reason, not the United States,)))

Washed head again, bro! Why are you talking if you don't know. What no! Russia was the first to fly into space. This is rocket technology! And to load a warhead with uranium is a fool!

I don't know enough of your history to know if what you are saying is a valid reason for murdering 8 million people.

This is the key point !!! If you don't know, then don't tell! That's what the Russians say!

I am not making excuses or defending him. There are many victims in one hand, in the other, what he did in the country! He turned the barn into the foremost country in the world in ten years, while saving Europe from Hitler. If not for him, then in Europe they would still speak German. And this is also a big sacrifice, because our soldiers died for you! This is a sacrifice on the altar to the world!
Too much text ... It's hard for me in English, I'm tired)))) Tomorrow we will definitely continue !!)))
I try to think objectively. The famine was not only in Ukraine. he was in the Volga region and in other regions of the USSR. You also add that genocide was also in relation to the Russians in the 30s.

Yes, they took grain from the peasants, so they died of hunger. And Stalin himself ate this grain. Do I understand you correctly? You call this genocide?

All this grain was sent to the cities so that people there would not starve, and for this grain they bought machinery and machine tools abroad in order to restore the industry. If this had not happened, then the country would have died then and no one would have helped it! How can I say .. softly or not softly is a historical fact!

After Stalin's death, he only had a military uniform and boots, he had no other property, everything belonged to the state. So where did this grain go, what do you think? Again, I am now trying to objectively judge that time. I do not support anyone, or vice versa, only facts!

What for? This is called by the Russians, to change the awl for soap.))) The same thing ... I work in Russia as a freelancer, I live in Ukraine, I think that's enough!

Yes, I speak Russian better than Ukrainian, I am from the east of Ukraine.

stop stop stop))) A little slower))) Do you know the story?))) Yes, Russia liberated, as you deigned to put it, the Baltic countries, only that was a little earlier .. Somewhere in the early 18th century.))) Freed she these countries, from the Swedish king Karl 12, whose aggressive policy, fucked up the whole of Europe then. The climax was the battle near Poltava (Ukraine), when Karl fled shamefully, disguised as a soldier. It was then that the Baltic countries were annexed to the Russian Empire. Peter the Great and his government treated the people of the Baltic states normally - it's a lie that they were tortured and killed!

Then, during the 1917 revolution, these countries separated from Russia, as well as Poland and Finland ... Of course, the Russians did not like this, and at the first opportunity in 1939 Poland. 1940 Finland. Stalin returned his territories, and mind you, not all of Poland, not all of Finland, only a part!

You don't know the story well, Bro, to lead the palemic at this level!

Are you justifying the Maidan? No, Russia has not suffered, Ukraine has suffered, Russia has only become stronger.

In Ukraine, after Yanukovych, the standard of living fell sharply, under Yanukovych we lived better at times. Yes, Ukraine is in the ass!

PS who is Vlad?
Where are you from? Now?

You seem to be educated with a soviet version of history, not the most accurate or objective. Stalin was a psychopath, not much different than Donald, not as narcissistic, and a whole lot smarter, but where it counts they are the same. People remember the aftermath of the second world war and it's end much more clearly than the 17th century, they remember the murders, rapes and oppression the most. They all hate Russians for a very good reason, Russia has no friends, that will be important in the coming year.
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Stalin was a psychopath

You are a funny guy)))))))))))) Do you have a Ph.D.?)))))

"I confess that I approached Stalin with some suspicion and prejudice. An image of a very cautious, self-centered fanatic, despot, envious, suspicious monopolist of power was created in my mind. I expected to meet a ruthless, cruel doctrinaire and a self-righteous Georgian mountaineer, whose spirit never fully escaped from his native mountain valleys ... All vague rumors, all suspicions for me ceased to exist forever after I spoke with him for several minutes. I have never met a person more sincere, decent and honest; there is nothing dark and ominous in him, and it is these qualities of him that should explain his enormous power in Russia."

H.G. Wells

sorry for the translation, but look for the original in English)

Have a good evening.
You too, Bro!

Thank you for the conversation!
Already in my time, the history of Ukraine was rewritten three times.

I studied history deeply. but not this one, so I try only facts!
Already in my time, the history of Ukraine was rewritten three times.

I studied history deeply. but not this one, so I try only facts!
That is why the white men genocided all the tens of millions of people that lived here as they drew their borders to the north and south. There were way too few people left to have real border disputes in America.
Yes, I think it's time to talk about the Indian and African American genocide! And who got rich on this, if not the Rockefellers and Trumps! Now dirty, bloody money has turned into goodness and democracy.))) How dashing!))) As overseers over slaves, the Americans hired Russians))) It's the Russians who are to blame for this! Zombies and aliens were also spotted there, distinguished by their particular cruelty! America is built on the bones of these unfortunate people who are still humiliated in ghettos and reservations!

Americans are born aggressors - it's a fact!
Yes, I think it's time to talk about the Indian and African American genocide! And who got rich on this, if not the Rockefellers and Trumps! Now dirty, bloody money has turned into goodness and democracy.))) How dashing!))) As overseers over slaves, the Americans hired Russians))) It's the Russians who are to blame for this! Zombies and aliens were also spotted there, distinguished by their particular cruelty! America is built on the bones of these unfortunate people who are still humiliated in ghettos and reservations!

Americans are born aggressors - it's a fact!
I thought you were going to bed, lets not start trolling. I didn't say shit about 'American's' I said 'white men'.
I thought you were going to bed, lets not start trolling. I didn't say shit about 'American's' I said 'white men'.

All I understood is that the British are to blame .. the Portuguese and the Spaniards were good conquerors!

Bro, I don’t understand why there is a troll or a moomin troll?))) If about Russians, is this normal? Isn't that a troll? Why? Democracy only extends to black Americans? I don't understand you, to be honest! Yes, I'm tired, I’m probably dull, sorry! But now it looks more like racism!
All I understood is that the British are to blame .. the Portuguese and the Spaniards were good conquerors!

Bro, I don’t understand why there is a troll or a moomin troll?))) If about Russians, is this normal? Isn't that a troll? Why? Democracy only extends to black Americans? I don't understand you, to be honest! Yes, I'm tired, I’m probably dull, sorry! But now it looks more like racism!
I am going to need to smoke another bowl to understand this post.

Democracy = the political party that governs and is comprised of all of the people in our nation and unlike the current Republican party is not just legislating for one demographic.

Didn't the Spaniards burn a million or so women because they were witches? Once again, though I don't know much about other nations history.

I meant 'troll' as you being tired and starting to say stupid shit just designed to end a conversation and not really trying to have one.