Rise in far-right threats against Justin Trudeau, police warn

I am going to need to smoke another bowl to understand this post.

Democracy = the political party that governs and is comprised of all of the people in our nation and unlike the current Republican party is not just legislating for one demographic.
Why do you hate whites so much! Did the Ku Klux Klan affect you like that? Or the brutal suppression of black Manifistants on the "Maidan" in the 60s, perhaps the murder of Martin Luther King?

Didn't the Spaniards burn a million or so women because they were witches? Once again, though I don't know much about other nations history.
Everyone was killed for gold! There's blood all over your neck! There is no point in understanding this! The conquest of the American mainland - Stalin is resting on the sidelines, in cruelty and inhumanity! You did not know?
I meant 'troll' as you being tired and starting to say stupid shit just designed to end a conversation and not really trying to have one.
I never say stupid things in public! If you don't understand the metaphors, then let me explain in more detail .. but tomorrow, Bro!

Sorry that I offended you! I didn't want to believe it! I am just my opinion .. independent .. express!

Why do you hate whites so much! Did the Ku Klux Klan affect you like that? Or the brutal suppression of black Manifistants on the "Maidan" in the 60s, perhaps the murder of Martin Luther King?

Everyone was killed for gold! There's blood all over your neck! There is no point in understanding this! The conquest of the American mainland - Stalin is resting on the sidelines, in cruelty and inhumanity! You did not know?

I never say stupid things in public! If you don't understand the metaphors, then let me explain in more detail .. but tomorrow, Bro!

Sorry that I offended you! I didn't want to believe it! I am just my opinion .. independent .. express!
that didn't take long
You are a funny guy)))))))))))) Do you have a Ph.D.?)))))

"I confess that I approached Stalin with some suspicion and prejudice. An image of a very cautious, self-centered fanatic, despot, envious, suspicious monopolist of power was created in my mind. I expected to meet a ruthless, cruel doctrinaire and a self-righteous Georgian mountaineer, whose spirit never fully escaped from his native mountain valleys ... All vague rumors, all suspicions for me ceased to exist forever after I spoke with him for several minutes. I have never met a person more sincere, decent and honest; there is nothing dark and ominous in him, and it is these qualities of him that should explain his enormous power in Russia."

H.G. Wells

sorry for the translation, but look for the original in English)

You too, Bro!

Thank you for the conversation!
One of the features of psychopaths is superficial charm, Stalin had it and was erudite as well, even Donald used to display this charm to casual acquaintances. Stalin was responsible for the tens of millions of deaths, more than Hitler, his mental paralysis for a week after the German attack cost the USSR dearly, Molotov had to rally the nation while Stalin blubbered. His secret police deported whole nations to the far north, where they were released from the boxcars onto the barren tundra among the skeleton of previous arrivals. Gulags stretched from one end of the country to the other containing millions of slaves, arrested for that reason, to be slaves.

Stalin was an asshole and a psychopath with a brain, he had all the classic traits, if Donald was half as smart as Stalin, he would have America enslaved by now, with the help of the republicans and of course the Russians.
Why do you hate whites so much! Did the Ku Klux Klan affect you like that? Or the brutal suppression of black Manifistants on the "Maidan" in the 60s, perhaps the murder of Martin Luther King?
Who said I hated whites? I was just correctly describing what occurred here to stop us from having border disputes unlike what you are experiencing there.

Everyone was killed for gold! There's blood all over your neck! There is no point in understanding this! The conquest of the American mainland - Stalin is resting on the sidelines, in cruelty and inhumanity! You did not know?
Interesting saying.

I never say stupid things in public! If you don't understand the metaphors, then let me explain in more detail .. but tomorrow, Bro!

Sorry that I offended you! I didn't want to believe it! I am just my opinion .. independent .. express!

No? Well you keep saying things and acting like I said them, I classify that as 'saying stupid things'. But to each their own. Have a great night.
where they were released from the boxcars onto the barren tundra among the skeleton of previous arrivals. Gulags stretched from one end of the country to the other containing millions of slaves, arrested for that reason, to be slaves.
Yes it's true.

after the German attack cost the USSR dearly, Molotov had to rally the nation while Stalin blubbered.
I would have shot myself if I were! He believed Hitler, Hitler deceived him despicably. It was a crash. Stalin survived it somehow! He was on the verge of suicide then.
Stalin was an asshole and a psychopath with a brain
No one had ever seen Stalin raise his voice, he always spoke calmly. A psychopath cannot be this by definition Maybe you got it wrong?




Didn't you believe Gerrbiert Wells?))
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If Stalin was believed by the great writer who invented aliens, then why the people of Russia did not believe Stalin? As the eastern wisdom says - There are no ideal people, there are only ideal intentions!

Trump, in comparison with Stalin, is an unreasonable child, spoiled from childhood by his father's billions. There are no brains and close, there only money decides .. father's money, do not forget!
No one had ever seen Stalin raise his voice, he always spoke calmly. A psychopath cannot be this by definition Maybe you got it wrong?
I'm not wrong neither were the experts, Stalin was a psychopath, he was smart and had good impulse control, unusual for a psycho, stalin would send the NKVD for you later, and used to go to sleep dreaming about the fate of those he condemned. He lived a relatively spartan existence except for drinking bouts with officials and military leaders, even then he maintained excellent self control. He was a predator, the old commie idealists never had a chance against him, he could read people and find their weaknesses, manipulate them too. He was one of the great evil men of History, a peer of Hitler, though they had different styles, he also had no sense of history and did not care about his legacy at all. Trump is a narcissistic psychopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ or 78, but with a talent for low cunning, he has many more emotional needs than Stalin and is brain damaged.
he was smart and had good impulse control, unusual for a psycho
such a case is described in psychiatry, so that the psychopath in the moments of the seizure could control himself! Show me, the author probably received the Nobel Prize for this! My father is a psychopath, I know exactly what it is, don't tell me stories, Bro!)))

stalin would send the NKVD for you later, and used to go to sleep dreaming about the fate of those he condemned.
)))) you've probably watched the movie "Archangel". With Craig in the title role))) I've already heard this nonsense.))) He slept very little, he did work at night. Read the Kremlin records of events in the visitors' log, those times, it's all public now. Whom did he receive at night and with whom he talked, and what he talked about! I studied Stalin's life under a microscope in factual documents, he was not a psychopath - this is all a cold calculation!
great evil men of History

even worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Are you kidding me like that ?!


in a few seconds, 150,000 people turned into a shadow - these are not warriors, these are children, old people and women, basically!
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Or maybe you are about the use of US napalm in Vietnam ?!


Or are you talking about the peaceful city of Iraq, in which no nuclear and chemical weapons were found?


Or about the peaceful city of Belgrade Yugoslavia

even worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Are you kidding me like that ?!

View attachment 4654557

in a few seconds, 150,000 people turned into a shadow - these are not warriors, these are children, old people and women, basically!
Millions were saved, by the japanese surrender, it was estimated a million American dead with an invasion and many more millions of japanese dead. Sometime you have to be cruel to be kind. War is Hell, Russia and Vlad are going to find that out the hard way, think about what happened to Iran after they held American embassy personnel hostage? It will be much worse than that and for longer too, not even China will trade with Russia with in a year, out going internet traffic or them and their proxies will be out going filtered, incoming traffic will be normal speed. The trouble is tough they will still be using cellphones and computers from the current era for a long time. I support cold war level sanctions and the confiscation of all Russian assets accessible to America and its allies. One day the millions or billions will be in a Bahamian tax haven and the next day the account will be empty, half to the host government as a reward for cooperation.
Millions were saved, by the japanese surrender
You didn’t know that the Soviet army was advancing from Manhuria to Japan, liberating China. The days of Japan were numbered! Was it a show of strength in front of the USSR?

Tell those grandparents who were blown up by an atomic bomb and consumed with napalm!

Bro, this conversation is over! This is too much for me!
Or maybe you are about the use of US napalm in Vietnam ?!

View attachment 4654566

Or are you talking about the peaceful city of Iraq, in which no nuclear and chemical weapons were found?

View attachment 4654567

Or about the peaceful city of Belgrade Yugoslavia

View attachment 4654569
Not too many pictures of Russian or Chinese atrocities, they never did and still don't allow cameras, besides they don't have a free press.

One other thing, cold war level sanctions and massive aid for Ukraine until Russia vacates seized Ukrainian territory (in good order) including Crimea. I'll bet you are orthodox Ukrainian and write in cyrillic

Ви зі сходу України
Or maybe you are about the use of US napalm in Vietnam ?!

View attachment 4654566

Or are you talking about the peaceful city of Iraq, in which no nuclear and chemical weapons were found?

View attachment 4654567

Or about the peaceful city of Belgrade Yugoslavia

View attachment 4654569
This is why I would remind you of this post I made (the one you said was too long as were going to go to sleep). Why pick a fight with out nation by allowing Putin to attack our citizens, what do you think will happen next?
Not too many pictures of Russian or Chinese atrocities, they never did and still don't allow cameras, besides they don't have a free press.
If there is no camera, then you need to draw))))) Savages!))))
You don't know this, but I know everything, Bro!

There is not even a hint of the photo))))


first color photos 1905 ..........

Are you kidding about the cameras?

You didn’t know that the Soviet army was advancing from Manhuria to Japan, liberating China. The days of Japan were numbered! Was it a show of strength in front of the USSR?

Tell those grandparents who were blown up by an atomic bomb and consumed with napalm!

Bro, this conversation is over! This is too much for me!
The USSR had a peace treaty with Japan that it honored until just before the very end of the war, Stalin stayed neutral in the Pacific war. The USSR liberated nothing in the east, but did illegally seize a Japanese island at the end of the war. The Russians walked through an enemy already defeated by the Americans.

Liberal means liberty I am a liberal, it means freedom under the constitution and rule of law while election those who will represent us fairly. You're an apologist for totalitarian dictatorships, liberal democracy is the last best hope for humanity, human rights and equality for all, to oppose it is to be an enemy of humanity. Democracy is not perfect, neither are people, but it is a process towards that end which is bottom up driven and top down implemented. Even countries like Russia imitate the form, but not the substance, the old Soviet constitution under Stalin was a beautiful idealistic work of fiction.
If there is no camera, then you need to draw))))) Savages!))))
You don't know this, but I know everything, Bro!

There is not even a hint of the photo))))


first color photos 1905 ..........

Are you kidding about the cameras?

View attachment 4654579View attachment 4654580View attachment 4654581View attachment 4654583
Free news photographers and other independent people photographing real events like the imposed famine in the Ukraine. Here read this book and educate yourself to your own history, another thing lost under totalitarian governments Robert Conquest, Harvest of sorrow

The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-famine is a book by British historian Robert Conquest, published in 1986. It was written with the assistance of historian James Mace, a junior fellow at the Ukrainian Research Institute, who, following the advice of the director of the Institute, started doing research for the book.[1]

The book deals with the collectivization of agriculture in 1929–31 in Ukraine and elsewhere in the USSR under Stalin's direction, and the 1932–33 famine which resulted. Millions of peasants died due to starvation, deportation to labor camps, and execution. Conquest's thesis was characterized as "the famine was deliberately inflicted for ethnic reasons" or that it constituted genocide.[2][3]:507

According to David R. Marples, the book was generally well received, but also served as an indicator of divisions in Western scholarship on the subject.[3]:507

Largely accepting his thesis was Geoffrey A. Hosking, who wrote that "Conquest’s research establishes beyond doubt, however, that the famine was deliberately inflicted there [in Ukraine] for ethnic reasons—it was done in order to undermine the Ukrainian nation". Peter Wiles of the London School of Economics, stated that "Conquest had 'adopted the Ukraine exile view [on the origins of the famine of 1932–1933], and he has persuaded this reviewer'".[3]:507

Craig Whitney in a New York Times book review stated: "The eyewitness testimony may be reliable, but far more debatable is the thesis that the famine was specifically aimed as an instrument of genocide against the Ukraine. The clear implication of this book is that the author has taken the side of his Ukrainian sources on this issue, even though much of his evidence does not support it well".[3]:508

Alexander Nove, while generally praising the book, noted: "That the majority of those who died in the famine were Ukrainian peasants is not in dispute. But did they die because they were peasants, or because they were Ukrainians? As Conquest himself points out, the largest number of victims proportionately were in fact Kazakhs, and no one has attributed this to Stalin's anti-Kazakh views".[3]:508

Later scholarship has been divided on the question as well. Marples states: "Hiroaki Kuromiya notes that those who examine the famine from a general Soviet perspective downplay any specific Ukrainian factor, while specialists on Ukraine generally support the concept of a genocidal famine".[3]:508

The Harvest of Sorrow won Conquest the Antonovych prize in 1987, and the Shevchenko National Prize in 1994.