You be the judge!!


Well-Known Member
so gogrow and happelwood how are the plants doin??pics? ill try as soon as i can. im going to vancouver to pick up some jack herer white widow cross strain. YEEEE!!!


so gogrow and happelwood how are the plants doin??pics? ill try as soon as i can. im going to vancouver to pick up some jack herer white widow cross strain. YEEEE!!!

my latest pics in this thread are from yesterday... more in a few days...


Well-Known Member
son of a , i want whitewidow/jack herer cros......i used to know a guy who grew jack herer, thats where i developed my love for sativas.


Well-Known Member
12.5". After i foilar fed the other night, my leaves got really soft. I was thinking my cronic seed was "more cronic" than my bad seeds because the leaves were softer. That might be some way to know if the bud is good. But after the foilar feeding, it's like i made up a deficiency and all my leaves are still exceptionally softer than they were before i fed, which was monday night.

So does hard leaves mean deficiency? They are huge and green still. No signs of damage. They just used to be hard, now they are softer.

oh yea, and i ran out of ph solution, so i can't check my ph till i go to the hydro store.


12.5". After i foilar fed the other night, my leaves got really soft. I was thinking my cronic seed was "more cronic" than my bad seeds because the leaves were softer. That might be some way to know if the bud is good. But after the foilar feeding, it's like i made up a deficiency and all my leaves are still exceptionally softer than they were before i fed, which was monday night.

So does hard leaves mean deficiency? They are huge and green still. No signs of damage. They just used to be hard, now they are softer.

oh yea, and i ran out of ph solution, so i can't check my ph till i go to the hydro store.

i have to say i have no idea what you are talking about....:?:

did you see the harvest/"ready" pics i was talking about?? i posted a link a few posts back.....


Well-Known Member
i'm tellin yea. The plant that i had that was from good seed had really soft leaves, and my clone, especially, had very hard, or thick feeling leaves. I foilar fed monday night, and my clone feels like my "good seed." Originally i thought that maybe reg seeds tended to have harder/thicker leaves and cronic seeds tended to have softer. But i've never ever read that, i just thought it might be a trend or something. But now i think i fixed some kinda of deficiency.

yea i did. Those buds look perfect. I think i'm gonna get scared and pull early this first time. cause those "not ready" pics sure do look smokable, but "ready" pics look perfect. I bet the smoke is something else too.


i'm tellin yea. The plant that i had that was from good seed had really soft leaves, and my clone, especially, had very hard, or thick feeling leaves. I foilar fed monday night, and my clone feels like my "good seed." Originally i thought that maybe reg seeds tended to have harder/thicker leaves and cronic seeds tended to have softer. But i've never ever read that, i just thought it might be a trend or something. But now i think i fixed some kinda of deficiency.

yea i did. Those buds look perfect. I think i'm gonna get scared and pull early this first time. cause those "not ready" pics sure do look smokable, but "ready" pics look perfect. I bet the smoke is something else too.

me thinks you are fretting too much on the small stuff... remember, dont sweat the petty stuff; pet the sweaty stuff:lol:.... i dont/have never foliar fed my plants, so cant say if that may have effected them or not, but i would be willing to bet that it is nothing to worry about, unless by hard leaves you mean that they are almost solid and brittle... like they break if you bend then... if that makes any sense...

dont harvest too early, it is an all too common mistake seen in new growers... after putting so much time and effort into it, why would you want to get impatient at the end?? when it comes time for that, just keep postin pics and asking the age ole "is she ready" questions.... we'll help you out....


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the leaf thing isn't that big a deal. I just thought it strange. They were never brittle, like the difference between touching tissue and touching thick paper.

Come the end of our harvests this thread is going to be flooded with pictures. 3 different grows + whatever random people put up here to contribute. It's going to be niiice.


I'm sure the leaf thing isn't that big a deal. I just thought it strange. They were never brittle, like the difference between touching tissue and touching thick paper.

Come the end of our harvests this thread is going to be flooded with pictures. 3 different grows + whatever random people put up here to contribute. It's going to be niiice.

yes it is going to be pretty cool... this is the most i have involved riu in any of my grows... and i dont even consider this a grow... just fuckin around with one plant... but i am excited to see how different us 3's plants look and develop toward the end... and then there are harvest pics, cure pics, bud shot upon bud shot, and everyone's favorite, the smoke report!! cant wait:hug:


Well-Known Member
changed the water out today. Filled with distilled water. Restarted it at 640ppm's with 100ppm's being grow big. going to cranck it up a little more to 750ppm's with the tank full when i get my big bloom in. Would have just done 200ppm's big bloom 550ppm's tiger bloom if i had the big bloom today...thats what i get for ordering online.

Heres some pics of the entire garden. The clone in this comp is on the far left. of both pictures. Everything is right at 12-12.5"


thanks for that rep happel, i sent you one back.... i presume you were talking about the when to harvest pics??? you see what i mean about it just looking "done"?? yes, it does seem to happen overnight.... you'll see for yourself soon enough....


changed the water out today. Filled with distilled water. Restarted it at 640ppm's with 100ppm's being grow big. going to cranck it up a little more to 750ppm's with the tank full when i get my big bloom in. Would have just done 200ppm's big bloom 550ppm's tiger bloom if i had the big bloom today...thats what i get for ordering online.

Heres some pics of the entire garden. The clone in this comp is on the far left. of both pictures. Everything is right at 12-12.5"

looks good... with your measurements, got me wondering how tall mine was.... she was topped at 11inches and is now 21inches... but all that ppm stuff is why i dont do hydro; too involved... i dont own any ppm meter, have never checked my ph, and dont even measure my nutes... which arent even what most people would consider putting in their weed plants... just generic shit from walmart... and i feed em by feel... dont think i could ever go hydro... what is that btw?? looks like an aerogarden base, is it? and also, what the hell is that in the ziplock bag in pic 2?? looks like a chicken bone:mrgreen::confused:


Well-Known Member
we had a friend come over a while ago with a dog. Those are dog bones...we don't clean up a lot, we just try not to make a mess, so it takes a really long time to get messy.

Wow, i didn't realize how behind my plant was comparatively. I'm a terrible guesstamator, i seriously thought your plant was more along lovetotokes plant which i think he said yesturday or the day before that it was 15".

If i was doing soil, i'd be doing the exact same thing to tell you the truth. Using run off from the soil to calculate everything. I just wouldn't need to do it as much. I have to adjust the PH twice a day to make sure it stays where i want it. I have full faith plants can grow just fine without all the messing around, but i'm really gonna try to suck everythng i can out of these plants. Especially since i plan to do SoG with a series of 2x2 grow spaces, i need to get as much out of as little space and time as possible.

As far as "most people wouldn't consider putting in their weed plants," I believe most hydro setups use nutrients like this. The plants gets almost nothing from the water, and really nothing if you use distilled like me, 0 ppms, so you have to supplement. But yea, i will have to flush my plants to get rid of all the shit in them or my weed will be more harsh, taste worste, crackle as it burns, AND be worse for me (the same i think goes if you use nutrients in soil).

And yea, that is an aerogarden. I use just the bottom unit because i have a 150w above it. Turthfully, you can buy just the bottom unit of the aerogarden for 100$, then throw a 50$ ( or 90$ (like mine) 150w above it and you have yourself a 150w hydrogarden. I have another aerogarden using the upgraded lights where i'm currently waiting for roots to set in on my new clones.

Truthfully, i see myself going into hydro as a job in the future. Not in ganja unless it becomes legal. Just, hydro in general. Though, legal marijuana would open a big industry to hydro growers. I've got my 2x2 autocaded and i'm waiting on my dad to sync up with me to build. From there, i know people who are in need of herb producing minicabs...especially SoG style.


Active Member
im going to say love to toke1-1.5 oz, gogrow 1.5-1.75, and heppel wood 1.25-1.75,
wet weight winers
1 love to toke,
2 hapel wood
3 go grow
dry weight
1 go grow
2 love to toke,
3 happel wood

over all i put my money on go grow, based on an uneducated geuss.
good luck to all 3 of you


we had a friend come over a while ago with a dog. Those are dog bones...we don't clean up a lot, we just try not to make a mess, so it takes a really long time to get messy.

Wow, i didn't realize how behind my plant was comparatively. I'm a terrible guesstamator, i seriously thought your plant was more along lovetotokes plant which i think he said yesturday or the day before that it was 15".

If i was doing soil, i'd be doing the exact same thing to tell you the truth. Using run off from the soil to calculate everything. I just wouldn't need to do it as much. I have to adjust the PH twice a day to make sure it stays where i want it. I have full faith plants can grow just fine without all the messing around, but i'm really gonna try to suck everythng i can out of these plants. Especially since i plan to do SoG with a series of 2x2 grow spaces, i need to get as much out of as little space and time as possible.

As far as "most people wouldn't consider putting in their weed plants," I believe most hydro setups use nutrients like this. The plants gets almost nothing from the water, and really nothing if you use distilled like me, 0 ppms, so you have to supplement. But yea, i will have to flush my plants to get rid of all the shit in them or my weed will be more harsh, taste worste, crackle as it burns, AND be worse for me (the same i think goes if you use nutrients in soil).

And yea, that is an aerogarden. I use just the bottom unit because i have a 150w above it. Turthfully, you can buy just the bottom unit of the aerogarden for 100$, then throw a 50$ ( or 90$ (like mine) 150w above it and you have yourself a 150w hydrogarden. I have another aerogarden using the upgraded lights where i'm currently waiting for roots to set in on my new clones.

Truthfully, i see myself going into hydro as a job in the future. Not in ganja unless it becomes legal. Just, hydro in general. Though, legal marijuana would open a big industry to hydro growers. I've got my 2x2 autocaded and i'm waiting on my dad to sync up with me to build. From there, i know people who are in need of herb producing minicabs...especially SoG style.

note the highlighted part....

i wasnt talking about your nutes... i was talking about the nutes i use:mrgreen:.. by most people's standards, they are crap... miracle gro:mrgreen:... im familiar with the tiger bloom and whatnot... supposedly good stuff... im using the miracle grow because i learned to like it this year with my peppers... it isnt as bad as people make it out to be... but most people (on here) would never consider using it for their plants..... but i was in no way criticizing your choice of nutrients....


im going to say love to toke1-1.5 oz, gogrow 1.5-1.75, and heppel wood 1.25-1.75,
wet weight winers
1 love to toke,
2 hapel wood
3 go grow
dry weight
1 go grow
2 love to toke,
3 happel wood

over all i put my money on go grow, based on an uneducated geuss.
good luck to all 3 of you

i appreciate your faith in my grow.... but i dont understand why you think that "wet weight winners & dry weight winners" would be different orders... that makes no sense to me:confused:... if one had the most wet weight, then they would have the most dry weight also.... bud is basically all the same water content...