You be the judge!!


some people are hydro, some are soil. It's just preference. The idea if transplanting from pot to pot terrifies me...

hopefully this is gonna be the smallest grow i do. Next time i'm gonna move up to 16 plants. Then i'm gonna keep adding till i get 64. Thats when i'll be pro at producing the dro! But until then, i hope my little aerogarden works...i'll have to pm filthyfletch next time shit hits the fan.

good news though, 5 out of 5 of my clones in my other aerogarden have rooted, two of them being my cronic seed from a friend thats been flowering for a while with my other plants. I had topped it awhile ago, so i got to steal 2 clones at once and threw them into my other garden. It's showing female flowers. pretty happy about that shit:). I've yet to plant a male...thats survived.

shit; you think pot to pot transplanting is terrifying?? i transplanted one plant from dirt to hydro (when i got the kit)... then when they were all looking like hell, i transplanted all 6 from hydro to dirt... never lost one! i was damn proud of myself... good job on them clones... i have never got clones to root... except for on this grow... just pulled it off the plant and stuck it in the dirt.. now im gonna let it flower just to see what it will do....


Well-Known Member
You do need cloning solution. With that it's pretty easy. I've yet to have a clone fail on me. From pot, to mint. Even tiny little suckers. I took mint clippings, dipped in solution, threw in a pot that i water on occasion. All 7 survived. The aerogarden has worked great so far for cloning. Not sure what normal results are, but as long as they survive i'm happy. This time, i thought you were supposed to clone them in 0 ppm water. And all of my clones turned purple over night. Cranked it up to like 200, which is what you are supposed to do, i think. Things have been better.

Transplanting from soil to hydro isn't supposed to be as likely as hydro to soil. Hydro to soil is very little stress on plant, that is one of it's advantages. It's too bad your hydro grow didn't work out. wonder what happened? but fcuks it, your soil grow is kickin.

I think using organic nutrients only, hydro can be made even more simple. I want to learn how to grow all organic pot. Nutrient burning is harder. I'm not sure if you even have to flush. Maybe not as thoroughly? I don't have the money now.


You do need cloning solution. With that it's pretty easy. I've yet to have a clone fail on me. From pot, to mint. Even tiny little suckers. I took mint clippings, dipped in solution, threw in a pot that i water on occasion. All 7 survived. The aerogarden has worked great so far for cloning. Not sure what normal results are, but as long as they survive i'm happy. This time, i thought you were supposed to clone them in 0 ppm water. And all of my clones turned purple over night. Cranked it up to like 200, which is what you are supposed to do, i think. Things have been better.

Transplanting from soil to hydro isn't supposed to be as likely as hydro to soil. Hydro to soil is very little stress on plant, that is one of it's advantages. It's too bad your hydro grow didn't work out. wonder what happened? but fcuks it, your soil grow is kickin.

I think using organic nutrients only, hydro can be made even more simple. I want to learn how to grow all organic pot. Nutrient burning is harder. I'm not sure if you even have to flush. Maybe not as thoroughly? I don't have the money now.

alright, i'll address this point by point...
i do have me some roo-tone... but feel you dont need it... all of my previous failures i used rootone... i have been watching my grandpa "take cuttings" for years on various kinds of plants, no rooting solution... really its about having a good "rooting bed" (well draining medium) and taking care of them, may have to mist them for the first week, but most of the time they take off without a problem...

soil to hydro is VERY risky.... but i just did it real patiently, gently washed all the dirt out of the rootball and just set it in the netpot and covered with hydroton... well i did pull the main taproot through one of the day, a bunch of roots were through the netpot reaching for the water..

and yes, with the right all organic mix, you wont burn the plants, wont have to add nutes, and wont have to flush.... beautiful... just too lazy to make up a good mix and give it a shot... there is a wealth of information about it on here though...

side note, i enjoy our little hydro/soil debates and actually look forward to these little growing discussions we have.... you're a cool guy:blsmoke:


oh and as far as what happened wrong with my hydro stint... i firmly believe it was my water... i am on a free flowing well, which is very high in minerals, esp sulphur (egg water)... i believe i was doomed from the start with that....


Well-Known Member
Organic sounds the way to go. But it sounds like you have to put that much more effort in though. And the costs go up a little.

it's cool finding someone who knows a thing or two on here. There are plenty of people on forums ready to give bad information. Plus I might be doing this as a future life project, so i'm up for discussing and learning anything i can about this. And if i ever switch to soil, which i've thought of doing if i wanted to create a mother plant one day, you'll be the first i'll message.

If you actually live in "da bayou," we are a little too far to catch up, but it's too bad we can't toke up. I'd like to meet a local grower. I'm gonna try to create a few once i get going. Make some money starting them up. Have "mafia like" grow meetings in my kitchen. Then tell my grandchildren about when marijuana was illegal and how i fought the system by producing a 1lb a month and starting up all the major grows in "where i live."


Organic sounds the way to go. But it sounds like you have to put that much more effort in though. And the costs go up a little.

it's cool finding someone who knows a thing or two on here. There are plenty of people on forums ready to give bad information. Plus I might be doing this as a future life project, so i'm up for discussing and learning anything i can about this. And if i ever switch to soil, which i've thought of doing if i wanted to create a mother plant one day, you'll be the first i'll message.

If you actually live in "da bayou," we are a little too far to catch up, but it's too bad we can't toke up. I'd like to meet a local grower. I'm gonna try to create a few once i get going. Make some money starting them up. Have "mafia like" grow meetings in my kitchen. Then tell my grandchildren about when marijuana was illegal and how i fought the system by producing a 1lb a month and starting up all the major grows in "where i live."

dont flatter me too much... i know a thing or two, but it is only because i actually listen to the real pros on here rather than ask the questions and ignore them like alot of people seem to do.... but yeah, im not in da bayou so much as to need a boat to get to me, but i am down in louisiana... dont know where you are, but theres not too many people from my area on here (at least not that i know of):sad:.. kinda suckss... plan to be out of this state and in cali sometime next year though; where i can get legal (or as close as possible):clap:


Well-Known Member
my garden has seemed to have stop getting worse, and today made an attempt at recovery. I just flushed my system again and redid some mixtures. Hope Tonight it will get over the hill. Sometime this week i'm gonna get some calmag or something equivalent if i can run into the money, and just start all my solutions with 150ppm's of calmag everytime.

tomorrow i'll know for sure if green color thats been spreading is actually spreading and me not imagining things. ::crosses fingers::


my garden has seemed to have stop getting worse, and today made an attempt at recovery. I just flushed my system again and redid some mixtures. Hope Tonight it will get over the hill. Sometime this week i'm gonna get some calmag or something equivalent if i can run into the money, and just start all my solutions with 150ppm's of calmag everytime.

tomorrow i'll know for sure if green color thats been spreading is actually spreading and me not imagining things. ::crosses fingers::

i got some kind of bugs puttin spots on my leaves.... but only cause i put them back in the brush when im not home... i'll take care of it sometime this week.... ahhh; the ease of soil:mrgreen: (never gonna stop messin with you about it; just waitin till you get the hydro down so you can mess with me back:mrgreen:) you got any new pics bro?


Well-Known Member
Nah, no new pics yet. I almost hate even talking amount my plants when they arn't doing too good. I'll take a picture again when things settle. Maybe tomorrow or the day after. My clone is probably gonna lose a leaf though. One i didn't want gone. It's recovering, but we'll see. I trimmed off the seriously damaged leaves off my other plant.

yea, i'll be the one messin when i get an extra 25% out of a shorter amount of time;). Then again, watch me have to turn this soil...

My dad said he might have the time to build my box this weekend. Wait till you see that shit...I've got a guy who is gonna help fund me a little once i get it built too. I'm hoping having a 5-10 gallon res (i forget how much it holds) will help stability. And having the extra room, 2'x2' grow space, will help the plants stretch out a little. Gonna get another nutrient to try and make up whatever my other nutrients lack. I guess Cal/Mag is a good one. Going to hope FF tiger bloom+big bloom+cal/mag will in combination give everything my plants need.


Nah, no new pics yet. I almost hate even talking amount my plants when they arn't doing too good. I'll take a picture again when things settle. Maybe tomorrow or the day after. My clone is probably gonna lose a leaf though. One i didn't want gone. It's recovering, but we'll see. I trimmed off the seriously damaged leaves off my other plant.

yea, i'll be the one messin when i get an extra 25% out of a shorter amount of time;). Then again, watch me have to turn this soil...

My dad said he might have the time to build my box this weekend. Wait till you see that shit...I've got a guy who is gonna help fund me a little once i get it built too. I'm hoping having a 5-10 gallon res (i forget how much it holds) will help stability. And having the extra room, 2'x2' grow space, will help the plants stretch out a little. Gonna get another nutrient to try and make up whatever my other nutrients lack. I guess Cal/Mag is a good one. Going to hope FF tiger bloom+big bloom+cal/mag will in combination give everything my plants need.

cant wait to see what happens.... i have nothing but respect for the hydro guys that can pull it off without a hitch... not me though.. hopefully you can make this grow work out and not have to try that hydro/soil transplant... not too fun... but for me, i dont think i'll ever try the hydro again; too much hassle for my liking... but im a lazy bastard:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Not sure who that is intended to...i think me, cause gogrows at the very least is topped. My build is for one main top, so, it's on purpose. I will eventually grow lots of these single colas. like, 16 to be specific. But i actually have 4 2ndary branchs all level with the top of my plant, and i should have 5 but i accidently broke that one when it was premature...

The problem with hydro not working out for me is that i have a lot invested in it. All of my ideas right now revolve around a fast growing, compact, hydro design. DWC to be specific. I'm dead set on making it work. I just need a good formula, and then it's just follow the steps. I think if i truely can get that box built this weekend, i'm gonna message that guy you sent me gogrow, and have a chat with him.

Hydro is unforgiving, but easily controlled. I just gotta know how to control it.


Well-Known Member
ok well i know i do this all the time. top in and out of our little contest. but how is your plants doing happelwood and gogrow?? my plant now stands at 21'' and have now started forming buds!!


ok well i know i do this all the time. top in and out of our little contest. but how is your plants doing happelwood and gogrow?? my plant now stands at 21'' and have now started forming buds!!

well you and i are neck to neck... mine is at 21.5in at the tallest point... here's a pic from today.... looks nice, smells nice, cant wait.... cant take closeup pics with my camera, but all of the lil leaves around the pistils are a dark purple... looks neat:-P



Well-Known Member
Still no new damage that i can really tell. Yesturday i got a 1/2" of growth, so i'm gonna wait till the end of today to take a pic. But i feel quite behind...

My biggest plant is budding quite nicely though. it's not growing other two plants stopped growing taller too, but have continued to flower


Well-Known Member
nice gogrow yea our plants are at the same height but yours is a little more flowerings then mine. i just have a lot of white hairs the leafs are barley comming out. but so far so good. i just cut off all the branch offs with no buds. my friend has a supose technique that if you do that then your buds will grow quicker.


Well-Known Member
13.5" from the top of the main cola. I'm missing one 2ndary stem that should be right above the first one (thats left). It broke in early stages:(. Lost i think 2 main fan leaves to the mag damage, which is kind of a lot when you concider i had like, 7, 5 of which were massive, and lost 2 of those 5.



nice gogrow yea our plants are at the same height but yours is a little more flowerings then mine. i just have a lot of white hairs the leafs are barley comming out. but so far so good. i just cut off all the branch offs with no buds. my friend has a supose technique that if you do that then your buds will grow quicker.

why, why why??:wall::wall:... could you please elaborate exactly what you did bro? not sounding good from the picture im getting..


13.5" from the top of the main cola. I'm missing one 2ndary stem that should be right above the first one (thats left). It broke in early stages:(. Lost i think 2 main fan leaves to the mag damage, which is kind of a lot when you concider i had like, 7, 5 of which were massive, and lost 2 of those 5.

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what's up with the yellowing all around the borders of the leaves (pic 1)?? is that the magnesium damage you speak of???


Well-Known Member
yea. That damag is old and just hasn't repaired yet. I've got a leaf that is nearly reparied from being completely yellow a while back. I'm REALLY surprised at how far this particular leaf has decided to come back. If you look in the way back you can see a big broad fan leave with massive amounts of damage. Thats a better sign of what the major leaves were doing.