You be the judge!!


Well-Known Member
it'sa gettin bigger. Yours and lovetotoke's seem to be heavier into flowering than mine so far. Maybe tomorrow i'll start to see a little more. I'm gonna foilar feed tonight, once every monday right as they go to sleep, so maybe i'll see a little something something tomorrow.

I'm gonna avoid putting another picture up till next today so I can show bigger differences...and it will get me to calm down and not watch it grow. Unless of course something goes wrong with my clone.


it'sa gettin bigger. Yours and lovetotoke's seem to be heavier into flowering than mine so far. Maybe tomorrow i'll start to see a little more. I'm gonna foilar feed tonight, once every monday right as they go to sleep, so maybe i'll see a little something something tomorrow.

I'm gonna avoid putting another picture up till next today so I can show bigger differences...and it will get me to calm down and not watch it grow. Unless of course something goes wrong with my clone.

today is the 10th day of flower for me, not of 12/12 though.... maybe about 3days before that.... so you can call it day 10 or 13, you pick; i start when i get my hairs... it was topped the day before 12/12, so look in the 2nd pic; see the "v"? thats how tall she was 13days ago... just relax about the flowering, the first few weeks are nothing exciting to look at; she'll catch on.....


Well-Known Member
wow, that's not bad at all. I wish I took a pic of mine at the begining of fowering. And because the nodes alternate, i have trouble keeping track of where the plant was. I've got a small garden of legal herbs out side that are cranking along, but i don't really watch them to notice the difference between hydro and soil growth. But i wouldn't be upset a your current pace right now at all.

i've got a mint plant this is slowly "erupting" from the center pretty rapidly. It's kinda fun to watch. And i can stick my hand in it, shake it, and my hand gets this powerful mint smell all over it. I wonder if i can do that with my marijuana plant when it's late flowering?


wow, that's not bad at all. I wish I took a pic of mine at the begining of fowering. And because the nodes alternate, i have trouble keeping track of where the plant was. I've got a small garden of legal herbs out side that are cranking along, but i don't really watch them to notice the difference between hydro and soil growth. But i wouldn't be upset a your current pace right now at all.

i've got a mint plant this is slowly "erupting" from the center pretty rapidly. It's kinda fun to watch. And i can stick my hand in it, shake it, and my hand gets this powerful mint smell all over it. I wonder if i can do that with my marijuana plant when it's late flowering?

oh, im not upset at the pace it is growing at all; quite the contrary, im f'n estatic!! she is just a reachin for the sky and getting bigger by the day... so your's has a minty smell? never gotten that out of a plant yet... i would describe my plants aroma as "skunky fruit"... loves it:hump:


Well-Known Member
lolol, no. I am literally growing a mint plant outside in soil. My current plant just smells like...i live with it, i don't really know...pot? i somehow forgot to mention "outside" and "soil." But mint plants have a strong strong mint smell, just by touchy you can get the smell on you. I wonder if my pot plant will do the same. I mean, i know it will smell something fierce, but if i rub my finger on a leaf or bud, will the oils get on my finger and smell like bud?


lolol, no. I am literally growing a mint plant outside in soil. My current plant just smells like...i live with it, i don't really know...pot? i somehow forgot to mention "outside" and "soil." But mint plants have a strong strong mint smell, just by touchy you can get the smell on you. I wonder if my pot plant will do the same. I mean, i know it will smell something fierce, but if i rub my finger on a leaf or bud, will the oils get on my finger and smell like bud?

ooops... i got you; i got some spearmint taking over the side of my house... hit it with the weedeater every once in awhile to knock it down, and the smell will damn near knock you down.... but yeah, go rub the stem.... depends on strain though, some smell more than others.... this lil bastard is the stinkiest plant i have grown.... i can smell it from like 15ft away... outside....


Well-Known Member
don't weedwack that shit. Muddle it up in some mojitos, mmmm, mojitos. You ahve to wait till leaves get good size though, and even then, i'm not sure if it's as good as the stores mint for some reason.

Wonder if i can make some marijuana mojitos...


don't weedwack that shit. Muddle it up in some mojitos, mmmm, mojitos. You ahve to wait till leaves get good size though, and even then, i'm not sure if it's as good as the stores mint for some reason.

Wonder if i can make some marijuana mojitos...

i just put some in my herbal teas... got way too much of it though... and from what i understand, mint from seed almost always has a bitterness to it; gotta get a clone from root stock for store quality....


Well-Known Member
ok damn it looks like ive missed alot. ok well happelwood my plant has been showing its sex now for about 3 weeks thats when i first seen white hairs on it. but i didnt switch to flowering until 8 days ago. ok but now she is standing 15" and looking great. she's not really getting to bushy but the pistils are popping out of everywhere like crazy.


Well-Known Member
damn, i got some ground to make up. I'm at 12" today. Should be at 15" in maybe...thursday/friday. Hairs are still pretty lacking though.

But what is getting kinda hairy is my bigger plant in the same garden. I don't know how long shes been flowering, maybe two weeks? Maybe someone can tell? It's looking purty though.
that's a 2ndary growth branch.


hey Baz... i forgot to give you props for attempting to grow what appears to be an almost pure sativa indoors... with cfls none the less.... looks damn good, and i like that innovative solution you came up with to light as much of those tall suckers as possible... how long you been flowering those girls??


Well-Known Member

the christmas tree is 7 n half weeks into flowering, and the other 3 are 4 week in, but i only vegged tham for 4 week, but the bigone was vegged for about 2-3 months, im not 100% when shes done, i been told up to 14 weeks, i think about 4 weeks left tops, what are the signs to look out for when shes done?



the christmas tree is 7 n half weeks into flowering, and the other 3 are 4 week in, but i only vegged tham for 4 week, but the bigone was vegged for about 2-3 months, im not 100% when shes done, i been told up to 14 weeks, i think about 4 weeks left tops, what are the signs to look out for when shes done?

do you have a scope to check the trichs (crystals)? they will begin to change color... or you can listen to fdd.... the bud just looks finished, for lack of a better description... he's been telling people this forever, but nobody listens.... pay attention, (as im sure you do with your babies) and you will see it... the whole bud just looks different; the best way i can describe it is it takes on a yellowish glow/hue that just stands out at you... kinda hard to do if you havent seen it to know to look for it, i guess; but it is the same as looking at the trichs up close under magnification; just without the magnification... shit; that was confusing huh?? check the trichs, harvest when they are turning amber/yellowish.....:mrgreen:


2/3rds of the hairs need to turn color, whatever color they turn.

hairs are not a good thing to go by... too many variables... some strains will keep white hairs... but they do kinda shrink back into the stipule toward harvest.... change hairs to trichs/crystals and i will agree....