Trump's rape victim seeks his DNA

You are commenting on a weed growing website and you have a problem with people using the word "dude"? Dude, you serious right now, dude? I could have just as easily said "The man" or "He" or "Fella" or "Guy" or I could have pretended I was 30 years younger and said "Bro".

You do realize people act a little different in their personal life than they do at work right? You have sex with your shirt tucked in and your tie up tight? Because, I mean, thats how everyone always looks at work..... And if the people at work always look that way, they must fuck that way too, right? Be careful you dont scuff those Oxfords on the bed post, I know you just got em shined.

Ive always called the people I work with (including most bosses) just about whatever I want. Dude. Man. Compadre. Guy. Puta. Bitch. Kid. Fella. Squirt. Granded you have to be somewhat careful with exactly what you say to who; But being a real person at work is a lot more enjoyable than being a fucking robot, you should try it some time. A few days ago I called my boss broskey toward the end of fucking with him about why I was entitled to brewskey reimbursement because work is the only reason I drink. The "Brewsky Bursement" check, to be issued daily; Mondays and Fridays get expensive while mid week is usually pretty manageable; but if you want us here on Saturday you better look into a corporate loan first, maybe Trump has a stimulating package that could help with that? Couple other guys were chiming in and we all had a good laugh. I dont remember exactly how it played out, but if you had been there, you would have had a laugh too; or maybe not because you obviously have a 10 foot pole up your ass.

Seriously.... You dont joke around with the people you work with? Like at all? That must be fucking depressing.

Loosen up brochacho.

They rape men all the time. They wait until they are drunk and then go after them, which for whatever reason, is totally ok. But when a man seduces a drunk woman..... RAPEEEEEE.
you sound like a creepy rapist
Many people weren't surprised when Trump's rape victim came forward either.
People have already villainized Trump. There are people that would believe he eats a deep fried newborn baby for breakfast every day if they seen it on instagram. Almost everyone was shocked about Cosby.
You are commenting on a weed growing website and you have a problem with people using the word "dude"? Dude, you serious right now, dude? I could have just as easily said "The man" or "He" or "Fella" or "Guy" or I could have pretended I was 30 years younger and said "Bro".

You do realize people act a little different in their personal life than they do at work right? You have sex with your shirt tucked in and your tie up tight? Because, I mean, thats how everyone always looks at work..... And if the people at work always look that way, they must fuck that way too, right? Be careful you dont scuff those Oxfords on the bed post, I know you just got em shined.

Ive always called the people I work with (including most bosses) just about whatever I want. Dude. Man. Compadre. Guy. Puta. Bitch. Kid. Fella. Squirt. Granded you have to be somewhat careful with exactly what you say to who; But being a real person at work is a lot more enjoyable than being a fucking robot, you should try it some time. A few days ago I called my boss broskey toward the end of fucking with him about why I was entitled to brewskey reimbursement because work is the only reason I drink. The "Brewsky Bursement" check, to be issued daily; Mondays and Fridays get expensive while mid week is usually pretty manageable; but if you want us here on Saturday you better look into a corporate loan first, maybe Trump has a stimulating package that could help with that? Couple other guys were chiming in and we all had a good laugh. I dont remember exactly how it played out, but if you had been there, you would have had a laugh too; or maybe not because you obviously have a 10 foot pole up your ass.

Seriously.... You dont joke around with the people you work with? Like at all? That must be fucking depressing.

Loosen up brochacho.

They rape men all the time. They wait until they are drunk and then go after them, which for whatever reason, is totally ok. But when a man seduces a drunk woman..... RAPEEEEEE.
I just read the first line of your post. Such bullshit. Weed growing forum has children evidently. I'm sure others would disagree. You are a child.