US attorney requests DHS investigation after video shows masked, camouflaged federal authorities arresting protesters in Portland | CNN
"This is a fight to save our democracy," said Kelly Simon, interim legal director with the ACLU of Oregon.
How positively American. Be careful what you wish for, or those same "police" may be coming for you one day.
No one cares what you say
Not really, I use to use it, realized a lot of similarities in addictive behavior to heroin, and quit that too, not all together obviously but in small doses can be fun
The kids are burning small businesses that have done nothing...have you ever built a business do you the work it requires...I say beat the shit out of all those little shit heads and leave them for dead
Biden is already receiving intelligence briefings.
Trumpers have no honor.
Ahahaha, bro I don't even know how I ended up here! But gotta love a douche who thinks he's right the entire time!so fonzy what brings you to our little neck of the gulag, Comrade?
The kids are burning small businesses that have done nothing...have you ever built a business do you the work it requires...I say beat the shit out of all those little shit heads and leave them for dead
What I hear him saying is, "we will go back to the way it was, by force if necessary." Dinosaurs.The dialogue surrounding Trump's invasion of Portland is typical of today's civil rights discussions.
People who are demanding to safely go about with their daily lives implore using reason and discussion.
People who are demanding the status quo threaten and criticize without trying to discuss.
Take this as an example:
What Portland Commissioner Ann Hardesty said:
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What Chad said:
“A federal courthouse is a symbol of justice - to attack it is to attack America. Instead of addressing violent criminals in their communities, local and state leaders are instead focusing on placing blame on law enforcement and requesting fewer officers in their community. This failed response has only emboldened the violent mob as it escalates violence day after day.
“This siege can end if state and local officials decide to take appropriate action instead of refusing to enforce the law. DHS will not abdicate its solemn duty to protect federal facilities and those within them. Again, I reiterate the Department’s offer to assist local and state leaders to bring an end to the violence perpetuated by anarchists,” said Acting Secretary Chad Wolf
Hardisty is talking about issues and facts. Wolf talks about war. The same thing happens here when a right wing troll shows up. Same dichotomy between arguments. One side tries to be polite and use reason, the other threatens to kick ass.
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Yep, trolls like @Bublonichronic are violent, backwards thugs. No other way to describe them.What I hear him saying is, "we will go back to the way it was, by force if necessary." Dinosaurs.
Yep, trolls like @Bublonichronic are violent, backwards thugs. No other way to describe them.
look at you, white knighting for a racist junkieI've missed where he was violent. He was actually commenting on someone else's view on dealing with people, or at least that's how I read it. I might of missed something?
@Bublonichronic care to elaborate?
Imagine the mental gymnastics required to claim to be a small-government/states-rights/local control Republican, and cheer on a president sending unidentified federal troops to an American city for the purpose of domestic extraordinary rendition of citizens exercising their constitutional rights.Think this shit will gain or lose votes for Trump? He's down to his bedrock base now and digging furiously at it in the hole with a pickaxe.
Portland mayor: Trump administration policing tactics are 'abhorrent'
The Democratic mayor of Portland slammed the Trump administration on Sunday for its response to ongoing protests in the city, saying federal agents deployed there are denying protesters due process during arrests.www.cnn.com
Portland mayor: Trump administration policing tactics are 'abhorrent'
Washington (CNN)The Democratic mayor of Portland slammed the Trump administration on Sunday for its response to ongoing protests in the city, saying federal agents deployed there are denying protesters due process during arrests.
"The tactics that the Trump administration are using on the streets of Portland are abhorrent," Mayor Ted Wheeler told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
"People are being literally scooped off the street into unmarked vans, rental cars, apparently. They are being denied probable cause. And they are denied due process. They don't even know who's pulling them into the vans. The people aren't identifying themselves. And, as far as I can see, this is completely unconstitutional," Wheeler said.
Demonstrators in Portland have been protesting racial inequality and police brutality for the past 50 nights, US Attorney Billy J. Williams said in a statement. Federal authorities have protected the Mark O. Hatfield US Courthouse and, at times, interaction between protesters and law enforcement has gotten violent. Last weekend, one protester was seriously injured after the man was shot in the head with impact munition.
Recent videos from the scenes of the protests show Department of Homeland Security personnel arresting protesters and putting them in unmarked SUVs. In one such video that was shared on Twitter by Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, two masked, camouflaged individuals with generic "police" patches, detain a person dressed in a black outfit and place them in an unmarked van before driving away.
Earlier Sunday, President Donald Trump, who has called for an aggressive federal response to protests around the country, weighed in on his administration's actions in the city in a tweet, writing: "We are trying to help Portland, not hurt it."
The New York Times reported on Saturday that federal law enforcement agents who have been deployed to the city "were not specifically trained in riot control or mass demonstrations," according to an internal DHS memo the newspaper obtained.
The Times said the memo was dated Thursday and was prepared for Chad Wolf, the department's acting secretary, ahead of a trip he took to the city that day to view the site of the ongoing protests.
It's suppose to be every gun owning rednecks worse nightmare, bullshit like their patriotism, snatch the flag from them and tell them traitors have no right to wave it about. There needs to be a new ethos of patriotism, a true one, patriotism is caring about our families, neighborhoods, communities, states and countries, patriotism is all about love and driven by it, time for an attitude change IMHO. It also means putting all those things first when it's crunch time, it's about being as good a citizen as reason and the law will allow, it means caring enough to wear a mask now. Patriotism is not about wrapping yourself in the flag or hugging it like Trump. It's about responsibility, not rights, take care of the responsibility and the constitution will take care of your rights. Patriotism is also the last refuge of a scoundrel and expect to see a few republicans seeking its cover, the usual suspects.Imagine the mental gymnastics required to claim to be a small-government/states-rights/local control Republican, and cheer on a president sending unidentified federal troops to an American city for the purpose of domestic extraordinary rendition of citizens exercising their constitutional rights.
I haven't see ya about JJ, I see Donald is having a Helluva time and the republicans are living a nightmare and are in trouble in Dixie. Donald don't learn and is repeating the same mistake in portland only on steroids, that hammered him in the polls with the BLM movement and Lafayette park back in June. Secret federal police snatching people off the street, how do ya think that is gonna go over with voters? Someone is gonna kill the sons of bitches.vote republicans out...