F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....


Well-Known Member
Latinos FOR TRUMP,
He WILL win the African American vote as well....
Bunker joe doesn’t stand a chance!
And he damn sure will not debate Trump Mark my words shmucks
He's not going to win either of those votes. He barely had 9% of the black vote in 2016.
His campaign strategy is to appeal to his shrunken base of self-hating incels. At this point, he might as well be campaigning FOR Biden.


Well-Known Member
You can't answer my question and I'm deluded. Got it.
First of all you didn't answer my question, with yes or no. You answered with a question. so why should I answer yours. Ill play along tho sure.

Yes, I think that there are things for the greater good that while we all don't agree with, we should pay taxes for, like health inspections and food safety. You benefit from both of these things, whether you want to admit it or not. Yes, I also think that if you want the benefit of making money in this society, especially while handling food, i think you should have to follow basic safety protocols. I also think that if you dont, your license should be suspended. Is that clear enough for you?

I take it from your answer you are against all forms of taxation? Cool. Good for you. I'm not here to discuss politics. I know its hard for your Trump worshippers to stay on point, but we are discussing food safety and health, not political ideologies.

I made my point. You also made it clear you are a selfish greedy person who only cares about themselves. Yes, I think you are clearly deluded.

Take care.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yes, I think that there are things for the greater good that while we all don't agree with,
So you are not opposed to using force to make otherwise peaceful people go along with your ideas then ?

Where do you get the right to do that ?


Well-Known Member
So you are not opposed to using force to make otherwise peaceful people go along with your ideas then ?

Where do you get the right to do that ?
why do you keep lying?

You can’t have taxes taken from you in any way without consent

I’m over $10 thousand dollars in covid relief btw. How much did you get?


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Not gonna discuss politics with you dude. I'm not the one. Good luck with your trolling. Stay healthy. Wear a mask and wash your hands!
I see why you like to wear masks. You have no principles and believe it's okay for you to rob people. It's not.



Well-Known Member
Guarantee you that I have more discipline and morals in my big toe than you have in your whole body.
he has no impulse control and poor morals. Had to be locked away from society. Can’t support his own family.

Talk about a shitty father and husband