Pandemic 2020

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At his core he is a pigheaded asshole who won't listen to advice or counsel, he is seriously into reality denial. He is also emotionally and socially retarded, you can see it in his actions and are the cause of his problems. He is also deeply ignorant and stupid about most things, except how to manipulate, slime others and try to get away with this crimes and fuckups, he has vast experience in exploiting the weakness and flaws of others. Of course he will try to steal the election, he can't possibly win it, of course the republicans will try to help him do it, they always have.

Will they succeed? That's up to you.

In spite of all that has happened these past 3 years, all the deaths, destruction and betrayals, he still has 40% who will vote for him and if he just STFU and stayed off twitter, he'd bounce back to dangerous levels in the polls pretty quick, many are eager to forgive Donald. If he wasn't such an utter incompetent asshole he'd be King of America in nov. Covid might kill you in large numbers, but it also might have given your freedom from a worse fate.

The reasons I stated were for tRUmp and his enablers, the psycho has different motivations than the people hoping to keep him in power and happy.
He is surrounded by the most extreme of the Deplorables.

Also Putin’s Russian subjects are permitted to criticize the Russian Government, The Kremlin. Putin’s number one rule is that Putin is not to be criticized or disparaged in any way.
And so it is with his American subject, donald trump. trump is so fucking owned.
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Last week we had a guy call in with all the Covid symptoms. Manager of our branch has been gone for several weeks and did not return email. So we all discussed how to handle it. Four of us felt he would need a Covid test one felt it was his right to work if he felt ok. So I told him he would need a test to return or have to wait ten days since onset of symptoms.

Of course, he did not get tested and I had him stay home today. The branch manager returned today and rescinded our decision. So we have a young guy who will be working with about 45 people tomorrow with no mask who could be positive and contagious.

This is why it is spreading. Fucking bonehead right wingers.

I can't say shit about it due to PHI. There are people who have elderly parents living with them that are now at risk who would fucking shit if they knew.

Nothing can go wrong here.
Last week we had a guy call in with all the Covid symptoms. Manager of our branch has been gone for several weeks and did not return email. So we all discussed how to handle it. Four of us felt he would need a Covid test one felt it was his right to work if he felt ok. So I told him he would need a test to return or have to wait ten days since onset of symptoms.

Of course, he did not get tested and I had him stay home today. The branch manager returned today and rescinded our decision. So we have a young guy who will be working with about 45 people tomorrow with no mask who could be positive and contagious.

This is why it is spreading. Fucking bonehead right wingers.

I can't say shit about it due to PHI. There are people who have elderly parents living with them that are now at risk who would fucking shit if they knew.

Nothing can go wrong here.
Sounds like the branch manager had covid himself and was down for the count. Many companies select psychopaths for upper management positions because they have leadership abilities, the talent of believably lying. At times, when he was at his peak Trump's lies were/are seductive for the weak minded, it's almost like the force in starwars for some. Psychos also have no problem calling you about work shit at home, or on weekends and generally don't give a fuck about subordinates, often holding lower employees in contempt. The company becomes just the core management team, everybody else is disposable and treated as such, management by fear, bullying and intimidation are promintate features. Been there done that and have seen supervisors barf blood in waste paper baskets.
The reasons I stated were for tRUmp and his enablers, the psycho has different motivations than the people hoping to keep him in power and happy.
I figure at this point Trump wants to get away with his crimes and if he could, he'd resign, Pence is the only one who would pardon him and I imagine the heat is on him to do it and cut a "deal". It's his only way out, other than stealing the election which would start a civil war or a constitutional crises, but he would not remain in power, no matter what. All cards are on the table with Donald, whatever he figures he can get away with, his judgement is bad and he has no conscience, only an empty void of an ego. We think that Donald has no shame, but he is deeply ashamed of what and who he is, that's why he's a liar, a fake, a phoney and a loser, at his core he hates himself too.
The reasons I stated were for tRUmp and his enablers, the psycho has different motivations than the people hoping to keep him in power and happy.
Whatever the details Captain, it's sufficient to say he's a fucked up asshole who is unfit to remain free much less POTUS. His minions are either psycho's narcissist or just old fashioned criminals. His supporters are racist and fools.
Sounds like the branch manager had covid himself and was down for the count. Many companies select psychopaths for upper management positions because they have leadership abilities, the talent of believably lying. At times, when he was at his peak Trump's lies were/are seductive for the weak minded, it's almost like the force in starwars for some. Psychos also have no problem calling you about work shit at home, or on weekends and generally don't give a fuck about subordinates, often holding lower employees in contempt. The company becomes just the core management team, everybody else is disposable and treated as such, management by fear, bullying and intimidation are promintate features. Been there done that and have seen supervisors barf blood in waste paper baskets.
Nah, he was just on the East Coast in some training thing.
Trump Defends Confederate Flag in Latest Race-Based Appeal to White Voters
President Trump implied that NASCAR’s decision to prohibit Confederate flags at its races was a mistake while also falsely asserting that a top Black driver, Bubba Wallace, had engaged in a hoax involving a noose found in his stall.


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So, uh, the directive came down this morning. Everybody in our organization is now required to wear a mask.

Despite this and the fact that we have a person here working who is untested and exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, management declined to brief employees on the new policy. I am the only person wearing a mask.
So, uh, the directive came down this morning. Everybody in our organization is now required to wear a mask.

Despite this and the fact that we have a person here working who is untested and exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, management declined to brief employees on the new policy. I am the only person wearing a mask.
They just made mask wearing inside public places mandatory in my region. When I go out I’m one of maybe 20% who wear one.

Should be an interesting few weeks......
I ran out of coffee and had to make a CVS run. Did it early in the morning and only a couple people were in the store, masks on.

Doesn't make me feel much better when I heard someone cough.

Back into my hole for another couple weeks.

The worst thing though is as I am checking out, right on the counter next to the CC machine was a box of kit kats just sitting right in primetime breathing/viral shedding on area. That shit is just fucked up. It is like they are baiting fat people to catch this virus.
I ran out of coffee and had to make a CVS run. Did it early in the morning and only a couple people were in the store, masks on.

Doesn't make me feel much better when I heard someone cough.

Back into my hole for another couple weeks.

The worst thing though is as I am checking out, right on the counter next to the CC machine was a box of kit kats just sitting right in primetime breathing/viral shedding on area. That shit is just fucked up. It is like they are baiting fat people to catch this virus.
You sound like me out there, head on a swivel :D
Stay safe and be careful. America needs people like you to get through this.
I made a run on my motorcycle to pick up more diclofenac gel. I was totally geared up so I didn't need the mask. I flipped up the visor as I walked in, but saw that the Walgreens was pretty crowded and not a single person was wearing a mask and I flipped it right back down and snapped the front vent shut.

This on top of cases exploding here in Georgia and my county (Gwinnett) leading the entire state in cases.

It's stupidity on a level I just can't come to grips with.
I made a run on my motorcycle to pick up more diclofenac gel. I was totally geared up so I didn't need the mask. I flipped up the visor as I walked in, but saw that the Walgreens was pretty crowded and not a single person was wearing a mask and I flipped it right back down and snapped the front vent shut.

This on top of cases exploding here in Georgia and my county (Gwinnett) leading the entire state in cases.

It's stupidity on a level I just can't come to grips with.
The salesman I recently purchased a tile saw from in Knoxville thought it was just a plan to take down Trump.

I must admit, Vlad got us good. These people will believe anything they're told.
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