Pandemic 2020

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wow reporter just stumped Pence..can't wait for the vid.

Q: why are you holding rallies when the pandemic is in full?

:lol: he's leaving- questions are too hard..damn! he stumbled through that and made no sense..what a FLOP! such an ignoramus!

it's here..start at 1:24:00.

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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
no that was separate issue and later on in the 80s..i believe it to be a Reagan era commercial 'just say no'..

did you ever get your masks? i left the for you all small business owners eager to fulfill requests and it helps our community by supporting neighbors' businesses.
Oh yes ! Thank you so much !! I never got my N95 masks but I did get my snake mask. It was delayed 2 months because it was made in a small town in China and I think the shipper thought it was contaminated so it sat in Los Angeles for 2 months! Then they took it out of the original box and repacked it in Alabama!!!
I do need to get more N95 masks.
I like the duck ones. Do you know anyone selling the duck ones?
This snake mask is not forEveryday work. It’s too nice. I might use it over an N95 to spruce it up a bit . 36F581E4-AC30-4092-A528-BFDC3920E5D9.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I can't stop thinking about this being the same playbook as Vietnam. And in a lot of ways it kind of is the same. Trump is still going around just trying to avoid catching a virus in both cases at the very least.

But every time I see them trying to burry details with numbers to try to spin this as some kind of 'win' for Dear Leader I think of how McNamara did the same for the war. Also data was just as garbage back then too.
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LOS ANGELES -- In the military, after action or a mission, officers are required to file "Lessons Learned" reports, basically reviewing what worked and what did not. From 1961 to 1968, the most important of those reports were sent to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, possibly the smartest fool ever to serve at the highest level of government in the United States.

What lessons are to be learned from the long life of McNamara, who died last week at the age of 93?

1. Smart doesn't always count. Judgment counts. Honesty counts, with yourself and others.

2. Outlive your enemies. History is easier to spin if there are fewer surviving witnesses to what actually happened. In McNamara's case, there were just too many witnesses and too many enemies. Me, among them.

3. Don't believe every number you hear.

4. Don't believe memos unsent or memos "to the file" or "for the record."

5. Deathbed confessions and conversions are, to say the least, the cheapest coin of character.

To begin with numbers, and remembering that McNamara was the chief salesman of body counts as a measure of military success in Vietnam, even the Central Intelligence Agency, that paragon of honest numerics, tried to raise an alarm about Pentagon numbers. In a year-end National Intelligence Estimate, certainly read by President Kennedy, the CIA said this:

"Various statistics indicate government progress against the Viet Cong during 1962, but these can be misleading. ... Viet Cong casualties during 1962 were reported at more than 30,000, including some 21,000 killed in action. Yet current Viet Cong strength is estimated at 22,000-24,000 regulars, as opposed to an estimated 17,600 last June. This suggests either that the casualty figures are exaggerated or that the Viet Cong have a remarkable replacement capability -- or both."

Or, the numbers were made up. It would have been interesting to see how McNamara explained such things to President Kennedy.

On Dec. 21, 1963, the secretary of defense returned from a trip to Vietnam and wrote a "Memo for the Record" stating, among other things:

"There is no organized government in South Vietnam at this time. ... It is abundantly clear that statistics received over the past year or more from the Government of Viet Nam officials and reported by the US mission on which we gauged the trend of the war were grossly in error. ... The Viet Cong control larger percentages of the population, greater amounts of territory, and have destroyed or occupied more strategic hamlets than expected. ... In my judgment, there are more reasons to doubt the future of the effort under present programs or moderate extensions to existing programs than there are reasons to be optimistic about the future of our cause in South Vietnam."

Then McNamara went out and assured the American people we were winning -- for four more years. It was 32 more years, in 1995, before, in a confessional interview with Robert Scheer of The Los Angeles Times:

"Look, we dropped three to four times the tonnage on that tiny little area as were dropped by the Allies in all of the theaters in World War II over a period of five years. It was unbelievable. We killed -- there were killed -- 3,200,000 Vietnamese, excluding the South Vietnamese military. My God! The killing, the tonnage -- it was fantastic. The problem was that we were trying to do something that was militarily impossible -- we were trying to break the will; I don't think we can break the will by bombing short of genocide."

He still thought in numbers. "Where is your data?" he used to say. "Don't give me your poetry."

He should have listened to the poetry. We should be listening to the poetry now, particularly in Afghanistan, where new generations of policy analysts, men not so different from McNamara -- men who have not learned the lessons of Vietnam -- are again trying to break the will of people who are very, very different from all of us. Men who have been there for thousands of years and will be there for thousands more. Rudyard Kipling wrote the outsider poetry of that hard part of the world:

"When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,

"And the women come out to cut up what remains.

"Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains.

"And go to your Gawd like a soldier. A soldier of the Queen."

Copyright 2009, Universal Press Syndicate Inc.


Well-Known Member
He might as well take their guns while he's at it...

Biden says he would make wearing face masks mandatory for Americans amid coronavirus pandemic

(CNN)Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden said if elected president, he would make wearing a face covering in public compulsory, furthering himself on the issue from President Donald Trump who has stressed that masks are voluntary and has flouted public health recommendations.

"The one thing we do know is these masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist that everybody out in public be wearing that mask. Anyone to reopen would have to make sure that they walked into a business that had masks," Biden told CNN's affiliate in Pittsburgh, KDKA, while wearing a black mask.

Pressed if he'd use federal power to mandate wearing a mask in public, Biden responded, "Yes, I would. From an executive standpoint, yes I would."
Asked again if that meant he would "in effect" mandate mask wearing, Biden said, "I would do everything possible to make it required that people had to wear masks in public."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone "should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public" to reduce transmission and slow the spread of the coronavirus, which is highly contagious.

At least 16 states and the District of Columbia have mandates on wearing cloth face masks in public, but masks have become a political flash point as some argue the requirement infringes upon their civil liberties.

Despite the advice from public health experts, Trump continues to defy health recommendations and has been reluctant to be seen wearing a mask in public. The White House maintains that everyone who comes in contact with the President is tested for coronavirus regularly.

Trump recently told The Wall Street Journal that masks are "a double-edged sword" and also suggested that masks are being worn as a political statement, rather than a health precaution, to show disapproval of him.

"People come in, they're talking through the mask for hours. They probably don't clean them after, you know, they get a little cocky, right? Then they take the mask, they put their finger on the mask, and they take them off, and then they start touching their eyes and touching their nose and their mouth. And then they don't know how they caught it," he told the paper.

Last month, Trump and the White House had mocked Biden for wearing a mask outdoors to a Memorial Day event, leading Biden to fire back in an interview with CNN, calling Trump "an absolute fool."


Well-Known Member
Think about that, for every 10,000 people who catch the virus (these are only reported cases, not the real number of total cases) perhaps 2,000 people will require hospitalization, a day, in Florida alone, of those between 500 and a thousand will die, a day. Ditto for Texas and other red states, including California, but I expect they will hammer on the brakes, especially in hot spots. Most of these red states don't have the healthcare or public health infrastructure to cope and are already overwhelmed, this will drive the mortality rate up.

Supportive steroid therapies to deal with clotting issues are the only thing that will mitigate the mortality rate at this point, convalescent plasma will help some, though it's like a fart in the wind compared to the scale of the crises. Masks, sensible policy and NPRs will help the most.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn’t have a choice my license plate is a dead giveaway . Soooooo embarrassing . Yes I am from Oklahoma But No .. No I’m Absolutely not from Oklahoma. ;) My hopes of getting out of here by next month have faded away . I actually got a job offer in NY But the pay sucked . It was a humiliating offer and was hoping to negotiate a higher pay but they wouldn’t Budge so I told them to take the job and shove it. NY is hella expensive and those fuckers wanted to pay me less then what I make in Oklahoma! What happened to hazard pay and being a Hero??. All talk no action. Now with everything spiking again hiring freezes will go into effect again. I am thinking I will not get out of her until next year or after the vaccine is out and the flood doors open up. I have way too much experience and skill to be giving my services away for shit Pay and high cost of living. Plus I’m have a pretty safe job and am in an isolated area at my job and watch the door who comes in and out and I know everything they touch so I am right on top of all contamination and decontamination At all times.
try to get something from home- many employers are moving towards'd be surprised at what companies are doing this.


Well-Known Member
Think about that, for every 10,000 people who catch the virus (these are only reported cases, not the real number of total cases) perhaps 2,000 people will require hospitalization, a day, in Florida alone, of those between 500 and a thousand will die, a day. Ditto for Texas and other red states, including California, but I expect they will hammer on the brakes, especially in hot spots. Most of these red states don't have the healthcare or public health infrastructure to cope and are already overwhelmed, this will drive the mortality rate up.

Supportive steroid therapies to deal with clotting issues are the only thing that will mitigate the mortality rate at this point, convalescent plasma will help some, though it's like a fart in the wind compared to the scale of the crises. Masks, sensible policy and NPRs will help the most.
those are NY numbers, who with the leadership of Cuomo, got it under control. my fear is those red states don't have a leader like him and many more will die needlessly.

all because of Trump*.


Well-Known Member
Dick Cheney says WEAR A MASK. #realmenwearmasks

Cheney said in March that the US must address its health care crisis in order to restore the economy, as some of Trump's allies pushed to reopen the country despite the threat of the coronavirus pandemic.
"There will be no normally functioning economy if our hospitals are overwhelmed and thousands of Americans of all ages, including our doctors and nurses, lay dying because we have failed to do what's necessary to stop the virus," Cheney wrote on Twitter.
In April, Cheney pushed back against a false claim by Trump that he has "total" authority to decide to lift restrictions governors have imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
"The federal government does not have absolute power," Cheney tweeted at the time, though she did not mention the President explicitly.
The Wyoming Republican invoked the 10th Amendment to the Constitution in her tweet, saying, "'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' United States Constitution, Amendment X."
Cheney is not alone in calling for mask-wearing. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, whose state of Florida has seen a recent surge of coronavirus cases, said Wednesday that "everyone should just wear a damn mask."
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