Pandemic 2020

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Probably not too far distant, the west coast will impose their own restrictions.

I'm fine with a wall that goes from the east side of Alberta/Montana straight south. So long as I have a portion that blows over, has huge, gaping flood doors that are always open, portions that I can cut through with my sawzall, or huge swaths that don't exist yet, so I can go visit my Ma out east.
State by state figures for coronavirus. Some states are doing pretty good. Some, not so much.
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Fla, Ala, Tex, Ariz, CA, Miss are all hurting right now.
I'm sorry for CA. The other residents made their beds. I suppose I should grieve for the children who won't get to know their gramps because their parents "weren't going to let the virus scare them". But y'know, given what their chosen leader has done, I can't say that I'm sorry for their loss. Or that its a loss whatsoever.
In Sonoma County, the infections are mostly borne by Hispanics. The high cost of living and low wages make them have to double, or even triple up families in one house, or apartment. Nearly everyone abides by the mask rule, keeping the death rate down to 5, though the number of infections is spiking since the re-opening of businesses.
here we go, the next shoe drops.

States with the situation under control are beginning to implement travel restrictions from states that don't.

NY, NJ and CT require travelers from states with high coronavirus rates to quarantine for two weeks

Probably not too far distant, the west coast will impose their own restrictions. This is a logical development and should not surprise but I'm sure we'll hear dear leader insist that we "tear down those walls". The narcissist in chief will see this as a repudiation of himself and not what it is. A sane reaction to other people's apparently insane actions.
That is the smart thing to do . Now I hope people take this seriously and are being watched . Like my brother and sister in law who have plane tickets up from Florida to NJ for a family reunion . They best keep their asses down in Florida now. And they just moved down there from NJ. Moving from one epicenter to another. They were like are you coming to the reunion ? I was like fuck no, we are in a Pandemic! I’m not going to NJ. Bunch of COVIDidiots .
That is the smart thing to do . Now I hope people take this seriously and are being watched . Like my brother and sister in law who have plane tickets up from Florida to NJ for a family reunion . They best keep their asses down in Florida now. And they just moved down there from NJ. Moving from one epicenter to another. They were like are you coming to the reunion ? I was like fuck no, we are in a Pandemic! I’m not going to NJ. Bunch of COVIDidiots .
An invitation to a family reunion with people coming from across the states?

In Sonoma County, the infections are mostly borne by Hispanics. The high cost of living and low wages make them have to double, or even triple up families in one house, or apartment. Nearly everyone abides by the mask rule, keeping the death rate down to 5, though the number of infections is spiking since the re-opening of businesses.
Oregon is spiking upward too. 1300 new cases during the week ending on June 21. And what you say is true, this time, the new cases are showing stratification by economic class. Of course, this is why Trump is so nonchalant about the whole mess. One only needs to read what Ivanka said during her pre-recorded graduation ceremonial address to get a view into how disconnected her kind are. "Make a tent in your living room and pretend its a campout with the children!!!!!". While she is tenting with the kiddies in her mansion, as you say, people in crowded living conditions are taking the hit.

Meanwhile Moscow Mitch is promising aid to companies but nothing for people.
They do a pretty good job in my town with plexiglass at cash registers at the convienent stores and pharmacy's. There are Good markings on the floors for social distancing as well.

As far as mask wearing here right now, it’s about 50 / 50 in the shopping stores. but in the gas station / convienent stores mask wearing is more 80% not wearing to 20% wearing.

Hospital is 100% mandatory for patients but I hear that some employees are acting very lax and a student tested positive in the CT dept. and some of the techs were not wearing masks so they all had to get tested today, 8 days after exposure is now the new incubation period to test from contact.
That is the smart thing to do . Now I hope people take this seriously and are being watched . Like my brother and sister in law who have plane tickets up from Florida to NJ for a family reunion . They best keep their asses down in Florida now. And they just moved down there from NJ. Moving from one epicenter to another. They were like are you coming to the reunion ? I was like fuck no, we are in a Pandemic! I’m not going to NJ. Bunch of COVIDidiots .
They might not let you in...;)

PS: DON'T tell them yer coming from from okie. Ya might get in as a red state refugee perhaps.
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Dozens of Secret Service officers and agents told to self-quarantine after Trump’s Tulsa rally
Dozens of Secret Service officers and agents who were on site for President Trump’s rally in Tulsa last week were ordered to self-quarantine after two of their colleagues tested positive for the novel coronavirus, part of the fallout from Trump’s insistence on holding the mass gathering over the objections of public health officials
Dozens of Secret Service officers and agents told to self-quarantine after Trump’s Tulsa rally
Dozens of Secret Service officers and agents who were on site for President Trump’s rally in Tulsa last week were ordered to self-quarantine after two of their colleagues tested positive for the novel coronavirus, part of the fallout from Trump’s insistence on holding the mass gathering over the objections of public health officials
Trump actually referred to them as the SS the other day.

What an idiot, huh?
Remember, this is the president who didn’t know what the significance of Pearl Harbor was.
The press should have baited him with a leading question like, " Why did the Germans attack pearl harbor"? His press people would have literally jumped onto the resolution desk to end the interview!
Trump actually referred to them as the SS the other day.

What an idiot, huh?
First he kills and sickens the poor bastards en mass, now he's inferring they are like the mass murders of nazi Germany! Jesus Christ, expecting someone to take a bullet for this cocksucker is far too much to ask from any normal human being. He'll end up as some SS guy's human shield one of these days.
First he kills and sickens the poor bastards en mass, now he's inferring they are like the mass murders of nazi Germany! Jesus Christ, expecting someone to take a bullet for this cocksucker is far too much to ask from any normal human being. He'll end up as some SS guy's human shield one of these days.

anything that says he MUST take a bullet?
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