Well-Known Member
I live in San Diego and I grow in a greenhouse, regardless I have a small amount of supplemental lighting (because I just sprouted seeds a couple days ago so I need to keep my plants in veg for a few extra weeks). Anyways, it never drops below 50 in San Diego so you can grow year round especially if you have a greenhouse. I'm considering starting seeds indoors in the first couple weeks of December and then vegging from January through February and flowering in the spring. In January and February we only get 10 hours of direct sunlight a day and I was considering using the gaslantern technique where I use the full 10 hours of direct sunlight in my green house then 5.5 hours later turn on my supplemental lighting for 3 hours then turn it off and repeat so I can veg through the January and February (9 weeks not including the two weeks I'm using to start my seedlings in December). Would this work?
In case you don't know what I'm talking about:
In case you don't know what I'm talking about: