I got five 648s in, some of the last ones on the whole internet that I can see, unfortunately, and I'll be hooking them up in the next few days in the garden using two 320H-C2800ABs for each bank of two and the existing 120H-54A for the center piece. I have a 2.5x5.5 area that is currently being vegged with one Bspec on the 120 driver and two 6500k T5s on the side of it. I've got a few peppers growing just from the Bspec itself, so I'll find out how to safely post photos here when it's all done. Please pray for me that I am not one of those people that cannot hook up three conductors to the right place per bank of two boards in series and experience catastrophic failure. I still do not understand how the 648 issue is any worse than the 288 kits. I suspect people still blow their 288s, but since it costs more money and time to get 648s in, maybe that's why they were discontinued.