Pandemic 2020

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Highly addictive drugs are highly addictive to any people, alcohol has killed many of my very white friends and relatives.
In my opinion and experience, excessive drinking is a sign that the user no longer wishes to live and has no sense of their importance to others. Something else is always behind the loss of self worth but the drinking or drug use becomes its own issue that gets in the way. There is a lot of anger in the hillbilly community that goes way back, why is that? The causes of stress, anger, abuse aren't being talked about enough. We go after the symptoms, such as drugs or abuse or anger management. All are important but the underlying causes are sometimes generational, sometimes our society doesn't fit the individual, sometimes it's the way we respond to stress there are many different causes that lead to the same issue of self-harm, including drug abuse.
Mike Pence didn't learn nuthin during the first wave. He's trying to gaslight the second wave just like they tried to gaslight the first wave of this epidemic.

Mike Pence Hammered Over Coronavirus Op-Ed: ‘As Pathetic As It Is Reckless’

Pence, who leads the White House coronavirus task force, attempted an upbeat assessment of the federal response to the public health crisis in the opinion piece ― headlined “There Isn’t a Coronavirus ‘Second Wave’” ― that The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.
“We are winning the fight against the invisible enemy,” Pence declared, dismissing fears of a second wave of the pandemic, even as multiple states registered record numbers of new infections following the easing of lockdown orders.

10 states are seeing their highest average of daily new Covid-19 cases since the pandemic started

Just as much of the US was improving, 10 states are seeing their highest seven-day average of new coronavirus cases per day since the pandemic started months ago, according to a CNN analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University.
The data includes new cases reported by Johns Hopkins through Tuesday. The states seeing record-high averages are Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina and Texas.

Gee, do you think there is a relationship between bungling this epidemic and declines in Trump's polling numbers?

Wednesday, June 17
That said, it's not over. We still have five more months to go and as we've already seen, anything can happen between now and then.

Dingell: 'I don't believe these numbers' showing Biden with big lead

Lansing — Two top Michigan Democrats urged caution Monday for supporters of Joe Biden, arguing that backers of the former vice president shouldn't become complacent despite favorable polling ahead of the November election.

During an online event launching an effort called Michigan Women for Biden, U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, introduced herself as "Debbie Downer."

“Some people say, ‘Oh, look at the numbers,'" Dingell said. "I don’t believe these numbers.

“And look at what’s happened in five months. The world is upside down and not one of us on this phone call would have predicted that the world will be as it is today. And it is five months from now until November.”

Real Clear Politics currently shows Biden to have a 7.3% lead over President Donald Trump in its average of recent polling in Michigan and an 8.1% average polling lead nationally.

Four years ago, when polling showed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to have leads over Trump, Dingell voiced concerns before Trump became the first Republican presidential nominee to carry Michigan since 1988. Trump won the state by 10,704 votes against Clinton, his closest margin of victory nationally.
State by state figures for coronavirus. Some states are doing pretty good. Some, not so much.

Fla, Ala, Tex, Ariz, CA, Miss are all hurting right now.
I'm sorry for CA. The other residents made their beds. I suppose I should grieve for the children who won't get to know their gramps because their parents "weren't going to let the virus scare them". But y'know, given what their chosen leader has done, I can't say that I'm sorry for their loss. Or that its a loss whatsoever.
Wife and I are together sans child for the first time in over three months. We have 210 minutes.

First time without the kids in over a full quarter. I suspect that if we have to do the holidemic again next year at this time, you'll have another kid to try to be sans of ;)
here we go, the next shoe drops.

States with the situation under control are beginning to implement travel restrictions from states that don't.

NY, NJ and CT require travelers from states with high coronavirus rates to quarantine for two weeks

Probably not too far distant, the west coast will impose their own restrictions. This is a logical development and should not surprise but I'm sure we'll hear dear leader insist that we "tear down those walls". The narcissist in chief will see this as a repudiation of himself and not what it is. A sane reaction to other people's apparently insane actions.
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