What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member

Will Bill Barr Go to Jail When This Is All Done?

In Ep. 16 of The New Abnormal, former DOJ prosecutor Glenn Kirschner takes down Bill Barr. Plus, Rick and Molly chat election predictions, Confederate flag truthers and more.

Attorney General Bill Barr was in on Trump’s scheme to bribe and lean on Ukraine’s president. He let his boss’ criminal cronies off the hook. But the worst part, former DOJ prosecutor Glenn Kirschner says, was Barr’s crackdown in Lafayette Square on people just expressing their First Amendment rights.

And if Barr isn’t under criminal investigation in 2021 for that, he tells Rick Wilson and Molly Jong-Fast, then “shame on us.”

It’s all part of a jam-packed episode of The New Abnormal in which Kirschner crucifies the AG and the Trump administration: “I would say under Donald Trump—first to Jeff Sessions, then to Matt Whitaker, and then to Bill Barr—it has gone from bad to worse to criminal.”

Then, Rachel Bitecofer of the Niskansen Center for Public Policy, joined Molly and Rick to present her forecast for this November—and she has some promising news for Democrats.

Plus, the dynamic duo tackle the ultimate fuckery that is the Donald Trump White House, including the president “playing footsie” with Confederate flag truthers, his Twitter-gasm over his Tulsa rally and how the “Bitch Boy” and his minions did the seeming impossible: became even more racist.

Listen to The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher.


Well-Known Member
I see they redid this ad, to show a racist asshole with his knee on another clowns neck, mocking Floyd George's murder and they replaced the tiki torch losers scene at the end. They figure this ad captures the spirit of the times and will most likely run it on TV. As Rick Wilson said, the culture war has suddenly become inverted, many were surprised at the seemingly sudden shift in public attitudes. Donald still doesn't get it, and most likely never will, he only knows how to divide and sow discord, most people have had enough of the bullshit.
Flag of Treason


Well-Known Member
That's right, there is that black hole..super delegates.
Super delegates not part of the general election. Sanders has already conceded and Biden has enough delegates to win the first round of ballots, so, you won't have super delegates to carp about this time.

Electoral College, yes. That biases the general election from a simple popular vote to one that is biased toward states with smaller populations.


Well-Known Member
We're fucked, my mom's a teacher. She says the kids far dumber now then when she started her career, like beyond repair dumb. She cracks me up. She tells me recently about assigning eighth graders a subject for an assay in science class. One girl was assigned the sea sponge, she then proceeded to write an assay about a contraceptive device. LMAO!
At least she didn't do an essay on this guy :)



Well-Known Member
the party that was 100% against civil rights until the 90's??? ok
Fact-checked, rated as "pants on fire"

Major race-related legislation 1960-1980:
Civil Rights Act 1964- Johnson (D)
Economic Opportunity Act 1964- Johnson (D)
Voting Rights Act 1965- Johnson (D)
Civil Rights Act 1968- Johnson (D)
Community Reinvestment Act 1977- Cater (D)
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Well-Known Member
Why face them and address their concerns when you can just label them Antifa and terrorists and lynch them with the power of the military? I mean, if they wanted to be taken seriously and heard, why wouldnt they just arm themselves to the teeth and storm their state Capitol buildings or a National Wildlife Refuge? That's what real patriots would do, right?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Hey, Igor, your translator needs work. the word is misleading.
Now now, how could a NASA employee (with a felony conviction) not have a command of the English language? Come on fog ...... jeesh. Not sure about the US penal system but I guess they’ve expanded the course offerings in the prisons to include the sciences.......that’s great.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
All you weak ass weed farmers that are living paycheck to paycheck need to stop drinking the political kool-aid and start farming. Fuck these dudes that cry about there sad little lives. Grow your car, house, or property payment.
In the ten years, I have been off and on this website, I have grown over 30 million plants and have made and lost a lot of money. Stop listening to these crybabies and learn how to grow your paycheck and don't follow them. if they knew how to grow more than nitrogen filled mids they wouldn't be crying about the economy...
Hmmm 30,000,000 plants you say. That’s a lot of plants over 10 years. Almost impossible I would think. That’s like 8000 plants a day ..... busy beaver huh.