40 days flowrng back jack sweet seeds heavy nutrient lock and def should i chop ?? do they ripe early because of this ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i have made a rookie mistake
until 3rd week of flowering everything was going smooth with little phosphorous defficiency and i added dap(di ammonium phosphate) but somehow my tds meter gave me incorrect readings i guess it was old dap and somehow dint increase the tds much upon adding dap and hence geve too much ...got severe nutrient burn so i flushed it out until run off ph and tds is 6.3 and 200ppm ...but since then i could not control the loss of fan leaves ..it steadily started declining and the severe nutrient burn made it even more tough to identify what problems i had and somehow managed till 40 days by flushing every 5 days and adding water ph 5.9-6 and tds 700 -800 approx with 20% run off ..
the grow setup is
3gal fabric pot
70/30 coco per
tds in 700-800ppm ph in 6.0
tds out 300ppm approx and ph out 6.5 approx
sunlight approx 8 hours

here are some pictures

do u think is it worth extending the plant more...it somehow seems to have ripen faster due to all the defficiencies?....i dont want a couchlock cbn high ..the pistils have turned 90% red and dont have a mciroscope to seee but upon close viewing i do see some trichromes getting erect....and kinda looks milky
is it possible they have riped quicker


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Your plant is showing some colour expression. So i wouod guess there has been a drop in temps...?!

Obviously its been in 'the wars' and there is damage, but I wouldn't chop yet: those issues won't speed up the harvest.
If you are just guessing (and sounds like you are) use the advertised date of finish.
But IMO they still have a few weeks yet, maybe a month...
Keep supplying them with food n TLC, they are mending and most of the way to finish: so don't jump the gun.
Good luck @vtmaster
Not even close to mature enough to even get buzzed.
thanks for the reply :) i agree i thought it ripes faster when under such stresss
Your plant is showing some colour expression. So i wouod guess there has been a drop in temps...?!

Obviously its been in 'the wars' and there is damage, but I wouldn't chop yet: those issues won't speed up the harvest.
If you are just guessing (and sounds like you are) use the advertised date of finish.
But IMO they still have a few weeks yet, maybe a month...
Keep supplying them with food n TLC, they are mending and most of the way to finish: so don't jump the gun.
Good luck @vtmaster
its a 8-9 week strain the company says and i m finishing 6 weeks tomorow .....
i guess my assumption of it ripening quicker is wrong
and one more suggestion...do u think i should remove the fan leaves that are half dead...i have seen that if i remove them then other fan leaves get yellow quicker whereas if i leave them it is slower but then the half dead leaves are covering my bud sites...
any suggesttions ??
oh yeah and one more...
i have taken three clones from it ..do u think if i try using sillver collidal and making fem seeds will i get good genetics seeds from clone ?.....
if so ..instead of flowering all three plants i will flower 2 for seed purpose ??
Your plant is showing some colour expression. So i wouod guess there has been a drop in temps...?!

Obviously its been in 'the wars' and there is damage, but I wouldn't chop yet: those issues won't speed up the harvest.
If you are just guessing (and sounds like you are) use the advertised date of finish.
But IMO they still have a few weeks yet, maybe a month...
Keep supplying them with food n TLC, they are mending and most of the way to finish: so don't jump the gun.
Good luck @vtmaster
and no infact the temperature is hot ..its summer here with high humidity 90% and it rains once in 10 days or so......i m also scared of having bud rot..had one of the buds ..removed the stem that was affecting..sicne then all the buds seem fine
Not sure if the nutes you feed but suggest keep feeding for a 2/3 more weeks before thinking about a flush (if you do that!)
Yeah, very little will actually speed up harvest, super duper lighting will only help by a few days at most!
OK, so leaves. Leave em on unless they are necrotic. The plant will use nutes stored: that why you fed them in first place. Only remove them if the go black or hold on to moisture (mold starts there and can spread to bud)
But if the leaves are simply dying off as it should do in later stages of bloom phase, leave them.
Colloidal silver use is a whole other artform.
Your genetics in clones will be the same as mother.
But if you want seeds, get clones: A & B vegging until about 12 inch's and single stalk.

Then choose one to be 'male', spray growth tips with CS and flip it.
Keep spraying growth tips twice a day and after a couple weeks the pollen sacs will form, you can start gathering pollen for the seed mother
A week after you flip the 'male', flip the female.
When the mature pollen is ready the mother's flower sites will have formed..
And remember to keep the male away from any place your normal plants are..
Pollen will get everywhere so take precautions.
Not sure if the nutes you feed but suggest keep feeding for a 2/3 more weeks before thinking about a flush (if you do that!)
Yeah, very little will actually speed up harvest, super duper lighting will only help by a few days at most!
OK, so leaves. Leave em on unless they are necrotic. The plant will use nutes stored: that why you fed them in first place. Only remove them if the go black or hold on to moisture (mold starts there and can spread to bud)
But if the leaves are simply dying off as it should do in later stages of bloom phase, leave them.
Colloidal silver use is a whole other artform.
Your genetics in clones will be the same as mother.
But if you want seeds, get clones: A & B vegging until about 12 inch's and single stalk.

Then choose one to be 'male', spray growth tips with CS and flip it.
Keep spraying growth tips twice a day and after a couple weeks the pollen sacs will form, you can start gathering pollen for the seed mother
A week after you flip the 'male', flip the female.
When the mature pollen is ready the mother's flower sites will have formed..
And remember to keep the male away from any place your normal plants are..
Pollen will get everywhere so take precautions.
firstlyy i really would like to thank you for taking the time and replying to my noob questions :D that was reallly informative !!!.
i have direct sunlight for 8 hours followed by 50w cheap chinese led flood light at 3k light that runs for 3 hours total 11 hours
the nutes i feed contains as follows
Macro :-
4ml per feed
the below contains per ml
contains per ml
boron Br=1.25
total ppm 700-800 approx
ph in 5.9-6
ph out 6.5
along with this i give a calcium nitrate and magnesium sulphate suppleminet every 5 days or so approx 200ppm of it
so after reading your reply i have a few more queries hope i m not bothering u ..

ok so i wont remove the fan leaves untill i see it actually completely die of ....
2nd question is
as of getting seeds from clone.... 2 of my clones are beautiful and healthy which is topped twice and close to 15 inches toll ....
both in 3 gal pot but one is fabric and the other is plastic
the third clone however i did not take care of it properly and is pretty small compared to others with a little ca and mg def as i see their fan leaf stem a bit purple redish violet ..
my question is should i veg the 3rd clone( the smaller one ) for 2 more weeks and then use it as male(collided with silver) or should i sacrifice a beautiful 15inches clone...
is it possible to take another clone out of these 15 inch clones and then do silver collidal for seeds
? is id advisable to take 2nd gen clones for seeds?...if thats the case it will be a good thing for me
i have another grow room for creating pollen so that wont be a issue :D :D
And yeah i feed them once evry 5 days and befor feeding i flush them and during run off tds reads 250ppm approx
No problem asking VT, we all gotta start somewhere and I did my stint asking everyone who would listen.. Right onto your points:

Lights are shit, not gonna lie. You will get smoke from your plants but you will never get great bud.
And unsure why the light only works for 3h 11m...(?) But that won't stop photoperiod plants going straight into flower if you can extend their light by a few hours at least. Any less than 12 hours will trigger flower, simple.
It's a fact that rubbish light will do to keep the plant 'awake' (for want of a better analogy), but good light (and @ roughly 30-50w m²) is what the want.
So, if you are keen on good weed, think about an upgrade 1st chance you get.

Your nutrient regime am sure is fine (I don't wanna mess with what your already doing) but if that is individually added, you may wanna find a more complete system (i use Biobiz - grow/bloom simple. All micro n macro nutes they need: then add guano, humus etc etc as required) but if it suits you, best of luck.

Leaf damage, yeah I'd go with that. Like I said unless they pose a mold risk, I'd leave them be until they are mostly crispy.

Clone, this is gonna have to be a judgment call. I'll give you my reasoning and if it doesn't apply to you, you can ignore :hump:

When I started using Colloidal Silver I started on a single branch thinking ill take pollen before it shags the rest of my girls. So, I clipped the branch and was left with a runty clone on 12/12 which was neither a clone nor a plant.
So, it makes much more sense to have the same thing, but with roots!
Now, of course you can use your 3gallon pots but in truth you only need this...
(My current CS plants both single branch, a couple of small lateral branches but much more 'user friendly)
Just to show you first, how manageable these 3 or 4 inch pots are over a 3 gal.
And each of those two will produce enough pollen for dozens of applications: so why do a full on plant?
Additionally, pollen is a painbto collect on a big plant.
In your shoes (IMHO) I would take 4 new clones (and look after them) take the strongest 2 and pot them in to small pots and give them a week or two to get to about 8 -10 inchs
Then do your thing with them.

On your last msg, just so i understand: you flush every time you feed?!?
If I've read that right, I don't understand why the flushing....?
Is it based on your nutrient line - is this brix based?!?
No problem asking VT, we all gotta start somewhere and I did my stint asking everyone who would listen.. Right onto your points:

Lights are shit, not gonna lie. You will get smoke from your plants but you will never get great bud.
And unsure why the light only works for 3h 11m...(?) But that won't stop photoperiod plants going straight into flower if you can extend their light by a few hours at least. Any less than 12 hours will trigger flower, simple.
It's a fact that rubbish light will do to keep the plant 'awake' (for want of a better analogy), but good light (and @ roughly 30-50w m²) is what the want.
So, if you are keen on good weed, think about an upgrade 1st chance you get.

Your nutrient regime am sure is fine (I don't wanna mess with what your already doing) but if that is individually added, you may wanna find a more complete system (i use Biobiz - grow/bloom simple. All micro n macro nutes they need: then add guano, humus etc etc as required) but if it suits you, best of luck.

Leaf damage, yeah I'd go with that. Like I said unless they pose a mold risk, I'd leave them be until they are mostly crispy.

Clone, this is gonna have to be a judgment call. I'll give you my reasoning and if it doesn't apply to you, you can ignore :hump:

When I started using Colloidal Silver I started on a single branch thinking ill take pollen before it shags the rest of my girls. So, I clipped the branch and was left with a runty clone on 12/12 which was neither a clone nor a plant.
So, it makes much more sense to have the same thing, but with roots!
Now, of course you can use your 3gallon pots but in truth you only need this...
View attachment 4591045
(My current CS plants both single branch, a couple of small lateral branches but much more 'user friendly)
Just to show you first, how manageable these 3 or 4 inch pots are over a 3 gal.
And each of those two will produce enough pollen for dozens of applications: so why do a full on plant?
Additionally, pollen is a painbto collect on a big plant.
In your shoes (IMHO) I would take 4 new clones (and look after them) take the strongest 2 and pot them in to small pots and give them a week or two to get to about 8 -10 inchs
Then do your thing with them.

On your last msg, just so i understand: you flush every time you feed?!?
If I've read that right, I don't understand why the flushing....?
Is it based on your nutrient line - is this brix based?!?
ook thanks a lot for your informative really...really appreciate it :D...
ok so firstly
its 8 hours of direct sunlight followed by 3 hours of that shitty light so total it gets 11 hours of light followed by 13 hours of darkness..
nothing better than sun right :D ..

nutrient schedule ..nope its not individual ..macro are all together and micro is all togehter ..so 2 parts of feeding macro feed and micro feed with the above formulation

as for your clone advice taking 4 more clones you mean is taking 4 clones from a clone plant and then do ?
basically it will be second generation clone ?...if thats what you mean then i shall do that and grow 4 plants and select the healthy >>
please calrify
do i take 4 clones from the clone i have ?...

4th flushing time
well yes i m flushing every 5 days and feeding and i know its a waste of nutrients but the leaves are so discoloured and colourful with all the nutrient defficiencies that i cant identify which is what bwahahahah!!

i usually dont flush every 5 days
my schedule for my 15 inches clone is feeding once a week with 800ppm nutes followed by plain water for the next 6 days
then flush every 15 days and suppliment with cal mag of 200ppm once every 15 days :D
and no infact the temperature is hot ..its summer here with high humidity 90% and it rains once in 10 days or so......i m also scared of having bud rot..had one of the buds ..removed the stem that was affecting..sicne then all the buds seem fine

If you're worried about bud rot then why are you spraying water on your plants?

In the future you would be best to refrain from using products like diammonium phosphate 12-61-0 as incorrect usage will cause issues.
If you're worried about bud rot then why are you spraying water on your plants?

In the future you would be best to refrain from using products like diammonium phosphate 12-61-0 as incorrect usage will cause issues.
ahh thanks for the info ..i will keep that in mind...and no i did not spray with water..i had kept it in my terrace and it was raining that time ...
If you're worried about bud rot then why are you spraying water on your plants?

In the future you would be best to refrain from using products like diammonium phosphate 12-61-0 as incorrect usage will cause issues.
nd the fert doesnt contain DAP i use it as suppliment only if required when i see P deff :D

nd the fert doesnt contain DAP i use it as suppliment only if required when i see P deff :D

That stuff is extremely high in P and it has a significant amount of N. It's easy to overdo it as you obviously found out. Too much phosphorus can lock out a significant number of other nutrients you plant needs.

I would be careful bringing wet plants inside back into a tent as the humidity can spike and bud rot is a real possibility at the stage you are at in flower.
That stuff is extremely high in P and it has a significant amount of N. It's easy to overdo it as you obviously found out. Too much phosphorus can lock out a significant number of other nutrients you plant needs.

I would be careful bringing wet plants inside back into a tent as the humidity can spike and bud rot is a real possibility at the stage you are at in flower.
yeah man even a little of DAP and it royally fkd up my plant mahn!! all sorts of nute problems and since then its all the more difficult to indentify and diagnose ...yes so before bringing it back into my tent i kinda let it dry out in front of my air conditioner for like an hour or so and then i have a small fan in my tent that blows on it half direct half indirect..hope thats sufficient enough not to cause of mold...or rot...if u think it can still happen from your experience i will try keeping it in a dark room which is more spacious ....

anyways i will keep this thread alive and keep you guys posted as to how it went and how much i yielded..

this plant is 15inch tall and is topped once...vegd from seed for 50 days and now today is day 40 of flower
....just keeping my fingeers crossd that this plant can make it all the way till harvest

pS:- the bud rot which i got from one of my colas ...at day 35 i cut it off and just out of curiosity i weighed it was 2.5g dry.....the size of it inch wise was 3-4 inches...only if that bud would have been ripe i guess it would pull 5g...lets c what the harvest is ....but looks pretty damn good for the kind of shit thats going on with it ....decently comparable to the previous moby dick from dinafem i grew..those wer some fat fucking nugs and heavy feeder...unlike this black jack which is a light feeder
12 hours ISNT enough for veg, they need at least 2-4 more hours to stay in 'veg'.
I suggest 4 clones because taking two means you relying on both surviving.
But remember, your goal is simply to have two small plants to breed..

Stop flushing, feed (even if its 75% of recommended). The flush isn't helping.
12 hours ISNT enough for veg, they need at least 2-4 more hours to stay in 'veg'.
I suggest 4 clones because taking two means you relying on both surviving.
But remember, your goal is simply to have two small plants to breed..

Stop flushing, feed (even if its 75% of recommended). The flush isn't helping.
ok the natural light cycle outside is 13/11 so all my clones in my terrace are in veg ...the schedule i told u was for the current flowering one ...

so as of now i have two clone 15 inches...
should i take out 4 clones from them and then use silver collidal for seeds?
can i use 2nd gen clones to make fem seeds?

ok and i wont flush no more untill a week end to harvest...i am letting itgrow all the way to the end of this month

thanks a lot :D
OK, was just making sure on the light timings.

two clone 15 inches
Use em!
Spray nbr1 twice a day for next 2/3 weeks n flip it now, hold nbr 2 back for 2 weeks then flip her too - both will be ready after about 4 weeks, leaving last 4/5 weeks for seed maturity.
(My 2 are only 2nd week of being sprayed - no balls yet!)

Good job, feed until fade...

Yo thanks a lot bro for all the amazing infro u gave..will follow that schedule..

By the way can you make seeds from 2nd or third generation clone