What has Trump done to this country?

Never forget Nancy could give Donald and Bill Barr especially, a wedgie over this shit in La Fayette park and secret police etc. She could subpoena Billy over the incident and a secret federal police force. If he refused to appear, she could use the inherent powers of congress to arrest and bring him there and hold him in custody, a trial by the full house could give him 10 years, without pardon either. Nancy is wise and Donald is doing a great job of angering the nation and digging his own political grave, as well as that of the GOP, no need for that, yet. Remember, under Nancy's velvet glove lurks an iron fist, and will, if she ever unleashes it, you'll know you're in trouble, Donald will quickly realise he is in very deep trouble too, his minions will be terrified and should be.
Nobody wants to attend tRUmps GOP convention, they'll probably hire a bunch of actors to play the roles of tRUmptard supporters LOL.

Marcel, burn it down..

Good! Now, I hope the rest of that "team" that quit, resign entirely.

they didn't leave out of solidarity..i know what they said..they left because the paradigm is about to shift and they're not going to be able to run the streets their way anymore.

good riddance, it saves us the trouble of getting rid of dirty cops!
they didn't leave out of solidarity..i know what they said..they left because the paradigm is about to shift and they're not going to be able to run the streets their way anymore.

good riddance, it saves us the trouble of getting rid of dirty cops!
That's not how I read the union leader's statement.
Gee, I wonder who this guy supports? They should keep a MAGA hat on hand for mugshots. He doesn't look like a happy camper and when they are done suing his ass, he will be a lot less happy. Maybe he's a former cop who lost his job or something and is upset.

Maryland Man Charged In Assault On Activists For Racial Justice Along D.C. Area Trail


The Maryland-National Capital Park Police say that Anthony Brennan III was arrested Friday, after a video appeared to show him violently grab an object from a young adult who was posting signs protesting the death of George Floyd.
A 60-year-old man has been arrested in Maryland following allegations that he assaulted a group of three young adults who were hanging flyers in support of George Floyd and an end to racial injustice. The confrontation drew widespread outrage when video of the encounter was posted online.
Authorities with the Maryland-National Capital Park Police said Friday that Anthony Brennan III of Kensingston, Md., has been charged with second-degree assault in relation to the Monday incident.
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Young adults my ass, the one girl looked like she was 10 years old.
If I were her dad, I'd be mighty pissed and if the law didn't deal with him I would. Thanks to the internet identifying him, he would have a stick poked through his front spokes while whizzing along one day and then our conversation would begin, after he landed.
That's not how I read the union leader's statement.

Yep, I read it similar to you. I don't know how the words "totally unwarranted" can be interpreted as "I don't like what happened to that old man but I'm quitting to save my ass"

2 Buffalo Police Officers Charged in Shoving of 75-Year-Old Demonstrator
More than 100 police officers, firefighters and other supporters crowded outside the courthouse in Buffalo to protest the assault charges filed against the officers.

John Evans, president of the union, told WIVB-TV that the charges were “totally unwarranted” and thanked the police, firefighters and others who showed up to the courthouse to support the two men.

"Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square," Evans said. "It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."

Evans said the PBA stands "behind those officers 100%" and that the union would pay for any defense costs for the two officers, Evans said.

Evans said the two officers, whose names have circulated widely on social media, have been harassed.
Global public attention doesn't get more intense than this, there is a pandemic there too and that makes the whole thing even more powerful when you take into account the context of the public health crises in which it is happening, in the english speaking world at least. All of America's NATO allies have similar protests, even the ones who don't speak english.

The Protests, taking a knee, the 9 minutes of silence and the name Black Lives Matter have come to mean something larger, the symbols have become more than a sum of of parts, they are ceremonial and uniting a people in a singular purpose. These things are ancient, tribal even, it's what happens when people form themselves into groups to defend against threats or solve big problems. The have symbols and ceremonies that unite them into a common belief and purpose, on a visceral level, orthodoxy is enforced and political incorrectness is quickly ferreted out, purposes and definitions are more sharply defined in the group. They organise into hierarchical social structures and are empowered by doing so with coherent messaging, social discipline, planning, strategy and resources both human and these days financial.
'Black Lives Matter' projected onto Parliament as protesters hold socially distanced demo in London
Why because Trump got himself impeached by trying to cover up his forcing a vulnerable foreign ally into manufacturing political dirt on Joe because he has nothing on him?

Because Joe is reaching out to everyone in the country who is not brainwashed into Trump's cult?

Do you really think Democrats want to murder children? Do you think Democrats want to cancel Christmas? Because they do not. You have been pummeled with lies about the 'libs' by hate mongers on TV and Radio, and have been subjected to trolling online with foreign militaries pinpointing you with specific propaganda on every issue.

It is worth trying to figure out what it is you don't like about Biden and maybe watching a few complete speeches he has done before falling for the propaganda traps trolls for Trump are putting out there.

Sure, let's start with this speech, (be sure to read the comments).

PS Biden won't make it through the first 4 years, that isn't the "real" democratic plan. I assure Hillary is still in this fight.
