How does destroying the property of innocent people fix systemic problems of governmental abuse ?


Well-Known Member
As per typical of the media, they fomented the mayhem that is still transpiring

Instead of immediately interviewing the police chief who could have explained that what the police officer did was protocol for a someone having a drug overdose, if that was the situation? I read where someone reported seeing Floyd in the car and started acting out an extreme overdose behavior (which MIGHT suggest why he used photocopy money). Aren't the officers supposed to wear video, which would show him in the car?

And why shooting, beating officers, and business owners trying to protect their businesses form looters, who by the way destroyed any lawful attempt to protest.

If the explanation is as stated above, the media should be held accountable

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If the explanation is as stated above, the media should be held accountable
One way to hold a person accountable is to cease funding them and give your money to somebody who behaves in a more mutually satisfying way.

The problem with the present Police structure, is that is not allowed. "The protectors", the "public servants" , won't allow that. You are forced to pay them and disallowed from seeking alternatives. Until that changes, there will be no "policing the police". The inherent systemic problems will keep coming up....forever.

A person who first threatens you cannot claim the money you gave them under threat is funding your protection. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.


Well-Known Member
Been a long time coming if you ask me. I'm from the UK by the way.

Viva la revolution!

The whole world is fed up of the USA being stuffed down our throats as they are the only country in world!

Fuck Trump, his lame lap dog team and his deluded supporters.

Let them do what they need to do to create change.


Well-Known Member
That is an elusive allusion, driven by an illusion.

Show your work and disprove my premise.
Why so you can just wind up getting to a point that your bullshit falls apart and you say something stupid and move onto the next troll?

1591189937873.jpeg At least until you show any grounding in reality.

They killed a black cop last night and shot 4 other cops fyi pthat was in one city alone. Put a store owner into a coma who will never walk again... The protest is fine but the rioters are either morons, thieves, or organized anarchists.
The violence is being excited by the same people who have been attacking our democracy for the last 10 years at least. They are trying to hijack yet another major moment in our country to their benefit.
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Well-Known Member
Been a long time coming if you ask me. I'm from the UK by the way.

Viva la revolution!

The whole world is fed up of the USA being stuffed down our throats as they are the only country in world!

Fuck Trump, his lame lap dog team and his deluded supporters.

Let them do what they need to do to create change.
Let Trump do what they need to do? Because screw that. And while I totally agree with the 'fuck Trump', you should be more pissed at Putin for what he has done to both of our countries democracies since 2014.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Been a long time coming if you ask me. I'm from the UK by the way.

Viva la revolution!

The whole world is fed up of the USA being stuffed down our throats as they are the only country in world!

Fuck Trump, his lame lap dog team and his deluded supporters.

Let them do what they need to do to create change.
You bring up some interesting points. Except it isn't really a "revolution" , it's whining for master to be kinder.

A revolution would involve a clearer goal, to end slavery and get rid of the plantation system, flush the turd so to speak, rather than polish it.

Below is a spot on excerpt from an article written by John Whitehead.

…anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.

What is unfolding before us is not a revolution.
The looting, the burning, the rioting, the violence: this is an anti-revolution.

The protesters are playing right into the government’s hands, because the powers-that-be want this. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. They want a reason to make the police state stronger.

It’s happening faster than we can keep up.

The Justice Department is deploying federal prison riot teams to various cities. More than half of the nation’s governors are calling on the National Guard to quell civil unrest. Growing numbers of cities, having just barely emerged from a coronavirus lockdown, are once again being locked down, this time in response to the growing upheaval.

This is how it begins.


Well-Known Member
Let Trump do what they need to do? Because screw that. And while I totally agree with the 'fuck Trump', you should be more pissed at Putin for what he has done to both of our countries democracies since 2014.
No not Trump, the population to get rid of this nutcase.

Putin. Totally different because he does not force feed us shit like Trump and his supporters. Besides, Putin has some brain cells which can't be said for Trump and his deluded supporters.

Like I said, it's been a very long time coming and I welcome anything and everything it takes to make change. About time I say.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why so you can just wind up getting to a point that your bullshit falls apart and you say something stupid and move onto the next troll?
translation = You do not have an answer to how an entity can first extort from you, and then claim they are protecting you from people who might extort you.

The cognitive dissonance response you are having can be beaten, but you have to stop feeding it and accept that an internet Bigfoot could be onto something. Relax and fall into my light. Release your fear!!!


Well-Known Member
You bring up some interesting points. Except it isn't really a "revolution" , it's whining for master to be kinder.

A revolution would involve a clearer goal, to end slavery and get rid of the plantation system, flush the turd so to speak, rather than polish it.

Below is a spot on excerpt from an article written by John Whitehead.

…anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.

What is unfolding before us is not a revolution.
The looting, the burning, the rioting, the violence: this is an anti-revolution.

The protesters are playing right into the government’s hands, because the powers-that-be want this. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. They want a reason to make the police state stronger.

It’s happening faster than we can keep up.

The Justice Department is deploying federal prison riot teams to various cities. More than half of the nation’s governors are calling on the National Guard to quell civil unrest. Growing numbers of cities, having just barely emerged from a coronavirus lockdown, are once again being locked down, this time in response to the growing upheaval.

This is how it begins.
Sorry but I don't care how it starts, call it what you want.

This is time for the USA to step in line and not think its head and shoulders above any other nation on earth.

Now, if the people have to riot, burn, loot etc then so be it to get your leader removed.

You have guns for fuck sake which are used regularly in fucking schools....... Maybe the idiots who use them should consider other higher profile targets and do the whole world a fucking favour.

Implode and start afresh with sense and equal.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
your leader
A leader is somebody people willingly follow. Jesus, MLK, etc. were leaders.

A MASTER is somebody people are forced to follow. Name ANY politician that people in a given area AREN'T forced to follow.

You have guns for fuck sake which are used regularly in fucking schools..
Yes, guns are used to fund government schools aren't they ? That should stop shouldn't it ?


Well-Known Member
translation = You do not have an answer to how an entity can first extort from you, and then claim they are protecting you from people who might extort you.

The cognitive dissonance response you are having can be beaten, but you have to stop feeding it and accept that an internet Bigfoot could be onto something. Relax and fall into my light. Release your fear!!!
Translation = Rob Roy wants some attention because the world is hurting all around him and he wants to pretend like his white nationalist? cult leader on his climate hoax conspiracy theory thread showed how ridiculous he is.

And now he is covering for the fact that the White power crowd is the ones making all the mess in these protests.

No not Trump, the population to get rid of this nutcase.

Putin. Totally different because he does not force feed us shit like Trump and his supporters. Besides, Putin has some brain cells which can't be said for Trump and his deluded supporters.

Like I said, it's been a very long time coming and I welcome anything and everything it takes to make change. About time I say.
We have our chance in November.

Putin has been force feeding your citizens as much shit as Trump ever has here. Don't kid yourself. Brexit was pushed hard by the Russians onto your populace pretending to be your fellow countrymen.

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
how a UK soldier on military attachment training Kenyan special forces - repeatedly went into the zone and retrieved civilians. That is a great example of public service.
That is a great example of an individual fighting his obedience training and acting like a caring human being.

You cannot be a "public servant" if you derive your pay from extorting those you also claim to protect. It is impossible. If you disagree, please offer your counter point.

Mr. Krinkle

Well-Known Member
So yea - Floyd was probably OD'ing - that's probably why he died so easily - but without a knee in the neck, he'd probably still be alive. So there's really no way around that although that will be the defense's argument.

That cop sure looks like an angry neo-nazi tho right? Not saying that he is, but he sure looks like one....but is it racism or police brutality? or both? i don't know...i don't think it's racism - maybe a little bit but not so much as just straight up police brutality

I think those whiteys in Georgia who shot the one dude jogging are a couple of turds....they should probably be shot - who the fuck are you to think you can just start pointing guns and telling somebody to stop because you think somebody may have stolen something even though he's jogging down the street in shorts and not carrying anything? And they don't get charged right away for that? are you kidding me? that's a bad bad deal....i'll tell ya, those mountain people are a different breed

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
like his white nationalist? cult leader on his climate hoax conspiracy theory thread showed how ridiculous he is.
I don't have a master and seldom do I have a leader.

When I do have a leader it is because I willingly agree to it, for a specific thing, such as instruction in something I am paying a person to teach me how to do etc.

I do admire some people that I can learn from, in that sense I see those people as leaders, but your continued refusal to stop miscasting my position makes me think your case of cognitive dissonance is so advanced you might actually need hospitalization and heavy pharmaceuticals. Are you hearing voices ? Any sudden discoloration in your bowel movements?

I could give a fuck about Trump, nationalism and the bozos that think Trump (or Biden) will fix anything.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a master and seldom do I have a leader.

When I do have a leader it is because I willingly agree to it, for a specific thing, such as instruction in something I am paying a person to teach me how to do etc.

I do admire some people that I can learn from, in that sense I see those people as leaders, but your continued refusal to stop miscasting my position makes me think your case of cognitive dissonance is so advanced you might actually need hospitalization and heavy pharmaceuticals. Are you hearing voices ? Any sudden discoloration in your bowel movements?

I could give a fuck about Trump, nationalism and the bozos that think Trump (or Biden) will fix anything.
Sure put it on me and not your responses.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Antifa is causing shit yes
I think it may be a case where there are agent provocateurs of various stripes all seeing violence and misdirected anger type property destruction as useful to their respective goals. People with different end goals leaping in front of the parade and trying to herd people.

Cops will not change their behavior (for the most part) as long as they are paid via extortion. There is no incentive for them, until a service provider has competition from others, why will they change ? It's not in their interest too.

A side dish to the lunacy.... People wearing government mandated or "heavily recommended" virus fear masks while walking shoulder to shoulder protesting government abuses, is pretty fucking ironically funny.