What has Trump done to this country?

This was country wide, 68 was called the long hot summer for a reason, the Canadian folk singer was banned from Michigan for decades over Black day in July.
How recent protests, destruction compares to the 1968 riots in Chicago
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I wonder how many members who were around then, have evolved their views over the years since 68? I was a kid of 13 at the time, but I was aware of events and watched the news on TV.

I first heard about MLK from my Sunday (Anglican/episcopalian) school teacher when I was a small kid, she was an educated young women with principles. Canadians could see the fires and smell the smoke across the river in Detroit. In 68 Pierre Trudeau became Canadian PM, he used to be minister of Justice and settled gay rights, human rights and abortion then and there, his son is PM now. Later he gave us a Bill of rights and brought the constitution home while saving the country from dissolution. He was the original world's most interesting man, from the ad, a bit of a hero of mine, brains, guts, values and character too.
How Justin's dad dealt with a national crises and the press. He evoked the war act, he did not fuck around, he was a liberal and prepared to defend his actions in free discussion, in your face if required. Pre coronavirus, for those who forget what life was like
Pierre Trudeau - Just Watch me
Yeah that would look just great on national TV the slaughter in La Fayette park in broad daylight, talk about first amendment violations, peaceful protesters mowed down like grass with steel jacketed .50 cal rounds going through the dozens of people before being spent. Make look like happened in Amritsar India in the 1920's with the British look tame. A real formula for success that one, in the midst of a pandemic that is killing folks like flies. Man yer foxhole old feller the weather is warm and it ain't as damp at night. Prepare and set out the AAs and string the wire.
we've done this before.....
we've done this before.....
National guard slackers and connected, the soldiers were in nam, poorly disciplined and led weekend warriors, was one my self as teenager. I expect no such thing in the DC park, the cops can use tear gas after curfew, nobody will mind, before curfew in broad daylight with a peaceful protest of this nature, in this location, that is an entirely different matter. Politicians will be at the front of the people and this is first amendment shit plain and clear.

Daytime and night time are different now, people know this, what happens at night has little to do with the folks on the streets in the day, though the cause might be the same for some, most are just crooks.
National guard slackers and connected, the soldiers were in nam, poorly disciplined and led weekend warriors, was one my self as teenager. I expect no such thing in the DC park, the cops can use tear gas after curfew, nobody will mind, before curfew in broad daylight with a peaceful protest of this nature, in this location, that is an entirely different matter. Politicians will be at the front of the people and this is first amendment shit plain and clear.

Daytime and nigh time are different now, people know this, what happens at night has little to do with the folks on the streets in the day, though the cause might be the same for some, most are just crooks.
The decision to send in the 82nd Airborne was made at the pentagon. There are many other us military units with more appropriate training for crowd control....that's not part of the 82nds MOS. They are a elite combat assault team.
Looks like an echo of the sixties to me, you were doing time in Hell so I guess it didn't seem as bad as Tet! :D
A restaurant owner, a football star: the people killed as protests spread

One man was a retired St Louis police captain checking on his friend’s shop. Another was the beloved owner of a Louisville barbecue restaurant who provided free meals to officers. Yet another was a man known as “Mr Indianapolis”, a former star football player.
A restaurant owner, a football star: the people killed as protests spread

One man was a retired St Louis police captain checking on his friend’s shop. Another was the beloved owner of a Louisville barbecue restaurant who provided free meals to officers. Yet another was a man known as “Mr Indianapolis”, a former star football player.
I figured cops would be ambushed, it too has happened before, one of the problems with bully cops is it gets other cops killed.
The decision to send in the 82nd Airborne was made at the pentagon. There are many other us military units with more appropriate training for crowd control....that's not part of the 82nds MOS. They are a elite combat assault team.
I won't argue about deployments, but the quality of the troops was high as is their IQs, as is that of their officers, Trump will throw them under the bus too and they know it. Operational flexibility is part of the game too, they knelt before Iraqi's and they will do the same before their own people.
A restaurant owner, a football star: the people killed as protests spread

One man was a retired St Louis police captain checking on his friend’s shop. Another was the beloved owner of a Louisville barbecue restaurant who provided free meals to officers. Yet another was a man known as “Mr Indianapolis”, a former star football player.
Unfortunately jj it looks like a regular day in the states to a Canadian, how many murders and mass shootings a year? People get popped in droves everyday during normal times, the lockdowns cooled things off for a spell. I sound cynical, honestly if ya put those stories in a typical American day they would not stand out from the normal carnage. Sad to say.
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Never know, George might show up in Washington with Barack and some other politicians, at the front of a peaceful protest in broad daylight in the middle of La Fayette park. Maybe stand in front of that church for a photo op, just for contrast.

George W. Bush Calls George Floyd’s Death, Harassment A “Shocking Failure” In Open Letter; Donald Trump Fires Back
One day after former President Barack Obama called on Americans to “a president, a Congress, a U.S. Justice Department, and a federal judiciary that actually recognize the ongoing, corrosive role that racism plays in our society and want to do something about it,” his predecessor, George W. Bush has weighed in on the death of George Floyd and racism in America with an open letter posted to social media.

“Laura and I are anguished by the brutal suffocation of George Floyd,” Bush began before saying he was reluctant to speak out.

“It remains a shocking failure that many African Americans, especially young African American men, are harassed and threatened in their own country,” continued the former president.

Bush then stated that protests are “a strength” of America, before offering criticism of those opposing them.

“Those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of America,” said the president, “or how it becomes a better place.”

“America’s greatest challenge,” Bush continued, “has long been to unite people of very different backgrounds into a single nation of justice and opportunity. The doctrine and habits of racial superiority, which once nearly split our country, still threaten our Union. The answers to American problems are found by living up to American ideals.”

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Here is the latest polling on Trump's handling of the protests:
33% Approve (same percentage of assholes everywhere, every country)
56% Disapprove

This is a social war and Donald is socially retarded, the protesters are organising now and gaining political support and soon money. It might even be a good time to take a break, go home and organise online if necessary, get some leaders with brains etc, The usual stuff people do to empower themselves with organisation, money and planning.
Was catching up on Morning Joe, here is another poll they showed this morning:
73% of Americans support the protesters
20% Oppose

Apparently 13% of the 33% who are assholes do too!