Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

Hopefully they up the charges at the preliminary hearing.
They're giving him lesser charges so he won't have to do much time... If they cut a deal, which they probably will, he'll get the manslaughter charge and get four and a half years... And then... 100 times worse than the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict... Too many cops have gotten away with killing unarmed non resistant people... Black people,ALL PEOPLE, are tired of this!!! Nobody's safe!!!
They're giving him lesser charges so he won't have to do much time... If they cut a deal, which they probably will, he'll get the manslaughter charge and get four and a half years... And then... 100 times worse than the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict... Too many cops have gotten away with killing unarmed non resistant people... Black people,ALL PEOPLE, are tired of this!!! Nobody's safe!!!
I had my charges upped at preliminary before. The deal on the table doubled after pre-trial. But then again, I’m not a cop. I ended up telling them go fuck themselves, my attorney talked em down and I took a misdemeanor and got time served. the second time I got locked up they offered me 27 years at pre trial. At preliminary hearing it was 56 to life. I pushed to trial and beat it. Hopefully they try to nail his ass as hard as they tried to fuck me. Funny how that works. Citizen doesn’t commit a crime and they try to lock me up and throw away the key. A cop does it and they usually slap his bottom and send him on his way.
I had my charges upped at preliminary before. The deal on the table doubled after pre-trial. But then again, I’m not a cop. I ended up telling them go fuck themselves, my attorney talked em down and I took a misdemeanor and got time served. the second time I got locked up they offered me 27 years at pre trial. At preliminary hearing it was 56 to life. I pushed to trial and beat it. Hopefully they try to nail his ass as hard as they tried to fuck me. Funny how that works. Citizen doesn’t commit a crime and they try to lock me up and throw away the key. A cop does it and they usually slap his bottom and send him on his way.
The absolute truth!!!
We should all go out and pass out weed to everyone!!!Maybe that would calm people down some...
In Fresno it’s been peaceful. It’s in the predominantly caucaaian town next door(Clovis aka KKK/NeoNazi area) where they looted a target store. Miles from, and hours after, the protest took place. It’s just opportunists and antifa making the legitimate protesters look bad. Lately protesters have been catching antifa trying to start riots, fucking them up, and then handing them over to authorities.
I hope so. The US Government needs to step in with civil rights violation like they did for Rodney King too. But apparently The Great Pumpkin is to busy trying to deploy the active duty military against the states to see justice for Mr. Floyd is carried out.

My read is that the statement states nothing really. But I know nothing about how these things are done. Was there something substantive in there?
My read is that the statement states nothing really. But I know nothing about how these things are done. Was there something substantive in there?
Other than what's within the 4 corners of that document? On a case that is at its inception?

Then, nothing really. Like any other case. Occasionally the wheels of justice take longer than 1 week.