dude, i got a fuckin stockpile of seeds, lol. My shit is fuckin proper when it comes to havin a backup plant in case shit goes south, i just dont wanna have to use any seeds that im plannin future grows with.
I think i have a total of 11 other strains put away for a rainy day man, and its worth every penny knowing that the genetics that i have stashed away are all bar none the highest quality and most saught after strains that are available. Plus, it helps to get all u can, WHILE you can, just in case somethin happens in the future that prohibits us from making orders like that anymore. like i said, rainy day...
N Raiderman, If you got two 600w setups, and some extra room, why dont you just do a proper perpetual grow?? you got the 25 for cloning/seedlings. N then you got two seperate 600 w light systems. What i would do, is set up a table with a shitload of clones/seedlings, and start them off, n let them go for three weeks. After three weeks is up, take everything you just cloned, and put them under your 600w, and start vegging, and get some new clones and put them under the 250. 3 weeks later, hook up another table under the same 600w light, and move the vegging plants over to THAT table, and move the next set of clones to the 1st veg table. 3 weeks later, move the 1st set of vegging plants on to one table in another room where your other 600w light is to flower, and move the other vegg plants to the 2nd table, and the clones to the 1st table. 3 weeks later, make a second table in the flowering room, and move them over to it, and all the other plants move along too. N so forth n so on = perpetual grow.
Well, actually that wouldbe good for a setup for every 4 weeks, not 3. But even still, its a thought man, and it really wouldnt take up that much room depending on how many plants your doin.
N Gyps, sorry about the mixup man, i totally forgot about those other plants man, musta fuckin drank somethin wierd earlier, lol. But nontheless, those roots are still lookin fuckin healthy as shit, and cant wait to check the end result man. N u buildin up another tent for the mothers, right??
That shit is such a good idea, the way that you made your tent. Im just glad i got the frame on my tent so i dont gotta make one on my own. Not that itd be hard to do, its just prefabbed, n makes my life easier cuz i wont have to tear anything down cept for the vinyl on that bitch. But i AM gonna be changin out the material on the tent. Id rather be safe than sorry for sure.
I cant believe ive been gone for a couple hours n you fuckers took up 3 pages worth of space

- must be some kinda record for this thread, lol.
anyways, im gonna start a new post, n post up some pics for you guys.