
Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!
He's given huge tax breaks to corporations and the 1%, also appointed conservative judges that Mitch McCornhole facilitated. That's all. It's party before country, or constitution, or rule of law and holding on to power for the Repulsivcan Party.
Why does everyone assume he wants to stop the pandemic, it's quite the opposite, he will try to use it to stay in power, he doesn't care if a few million die.
Apparently, it was all in the "playbook" that we only now have heard of. All the deflection, denial, lies and acceptance of death was in the plan all along.
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!

Watch Fox News & their on-air personalities. There lies your answer.
Watch Fox News & their on-air personalities. There lies your answer.
Most really want to believe, to reify their tribalism and give them a sense of community, Donald is the chief of the tribe and these are the witch doctors. People have feelings that drive their emotions and they rationalize and filter their perceptions to fit into a larger pre existing pattern that drives their thinking. We all like people who agree with us and the more important the issue the we more the dislike those who disagree, emotion prioritises our thinking and distorts our perceptions, the stronger the "feelings" the more pronounced the effect on thinking/emotion.

That's why political ads that appeal to emotion are the most effective, control how people "feel" (at the base of the emotional stack or layer cake) and your halfway there with most folks. The Lincoln project ads against Trump give a good example of how this is done effectively, these ads can break through Trump's base and whittle away his support around the edges.

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Apparently, it was all in the "playbook" that we only now have heard of. All the deflection, denial, lies and acceptance of death was in the plan all along.
So is she trying the good old fashion flash notes to the journalists so they can take a picture and read it afterwards?
Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 10.55.54 AM.png

Watch Fox News & their on-air personalities. There lies your answer.
Now you also have Right wing backed "Local News" websites and local TV. They go online and get pumped full of right wing conspiracies that never get touched to debunk them in the sources that they trust, then they get to drive home to hate radio, and drink some beers to some hate TV on Fox.
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!

they're in the bubble and refuse reality..this is pretty scary that people are acting like this in a group, but in public.

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So is she trying the good old fashion flash notes to the journalists so they can take a picture and read it afterwards?
View attachment 4571323

Now you also have Right wing backed "Local News" websites and local TV. They go online and get pumped full of right wing conspiracies that never get touched to debunk them in the sources that they trust, then they get to drive home to hate radio, and drink some beers to some hate TV on Fox.

Concur. And, damn, that girl is scortching. They used to say Bill Clinton surrounded himself with beautiful women (he did). This jagoff takes everything to a new level.
So is she trying the good old fashion flash notes to the journalists so they can take a picture and read it afterwards?
View attachment 4571323

Now you also have Right wing backed "Local News" websites and local TV. They go online and get pumped full of right wing conspiracies that never get touched to debunk them in the sources that they trust, then they get to drive home to hate radio, and drink some beers to some hate TV on Fox.

is that a cross?
He's given huge tax breaks to corporations and the 1%, also appointed conservative judges that Mitch McCornhole facilitated. That's all. It's party before country, or constitution, or rule of law and holding on to power for the Repulsivcan Party.

Although I agree with the premise, I don't agree with the details.

Trump is an extremely narcissistic sociopath. It's 100% Trump. There is no room for prioritization of anything to the man. It's him, and him alone. Everything else is completely irrelevant as soon as it no longer provides him perceived personal benefit. That includes his own political party. We've already had numerous examples of him wiping his ass with the Constitution.
Although I agree with the premise, I don't agree with the details.

Trump is an extremely narcissistic sociopath. It's 100% Trump. There is no room for prioritization of anything to the man. It's him, and him alone. Everything else is completely irrelevant as soon as it no longer provides him perceived personal benefit. That includes his own political party. We've already had numerous examples of him wiping his ass with the Constitution.

CunningCanuk, your
There ya go. The answer to your question. 4 simple words.
So is she trying the good old fashion flash notes to the journalists so they can take a picture and read it afterwards?
View attachment 4571323

Now you also have Right wing backed "Local News" websites and local TV. They go online and get pumped full of right wing conspiracies that never get touched to debunk them in the sources that they trust, then they get to drive home to hate radio, and drink some beers to some hate TV on Fox.

I watch them sometimes, depending on subject matter, run time, idiots speaking, whether I’ve eaten. It’s obviously hard vitriol to take, and my limit / tolerance is low. I’m actually not noted for my patience, in the real. I feel like I’ve gotta see first hand, @ least occasionally, or how will I know any better than they do? I’m not the guy who wants to bathe in MSNBC or CNN, either.
It’s a bummer that digital killed newspaper, which use to offer more diversity & less structured propaganda. Digital has given us easy, near-free access to news from every conceivable source, in every country, right down to the neighborhood level. I rather dig that. I’ve no idea where this will lead us. I’m compelled, however, to try to figure out who the biggest lyin rat bastards are, & to avoid them, or beat them with a 2D, screaming image of Judge Judy, & then avoid them.
Although I agree with the premise, I don't agree with the details.

Trump is an extremely narcissistic sociopath. It's 100% Trump. There is no room for prioritization of anything to the man. It's him, and him alone. Everything else is completely irrelevant as soon as it no longer provides him perceived personal benefit. That includes his own political party. We've already had numerous examples of him wiping his ass with the Constitution.

I dunno bout the Sociopath part (I will take your word, however!), but I think the rest is difficult to deny, given all the TV appearances.
they're in the bubble and refuse reality..this is pretty scary that people are acting like this in a group, but in public.

They ARE in the bubble. Most Americans (IMO) watch only one TV News “service.” We rarely really ever get the same 24/7 “other perspective.” Fox, and POTUS continually teach that any non-conservative source of information are a)Liberal, b)Corrupt, c)Capable of anything. Also, that the most absurd conspiracy theories are daily occurrences in the real world. That vague statements = facts. I’m pretty sure that the progression from legit cable news channel to hard right propaganda network didn’t happen instantaneously. They got indoctrinated, & I don’t know how to bring them back to some sense of reality.