
I think NPR is pretty straight, but recognize other perspectives, when they’re not too loud about it.
It is just like any of the other actual journalist generated news that are held legally liable if they screw up and report false information, they don't mess around and give the entire story. And just like the others it's when they have their talking heads/politicians on air that you got to be careful about listening to what they are saying.

"Mainstream media" is Rorschach test that people decide what it means to them.
Trump is both a stupid piece of shit and an evil piece of shit. Does he do things to get reactions? Maybe but nobody is going to convince me he has this all planned out. This fucking clown couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery.

I know it’s hard to wrap your head around the possibility that the president is fucking moron but that’s simply the case. He real is a stupid mother fucker and he’s been one his entire life.
It's an established fact that Donald is a moron and an asshole, these descriptives are just as useful as the more technical terms! How big an ashole he is, as well as, how utterly stupid and ignorant he is, is pretty clear based on past behavior which is the best predictor of future performance. If the American's turf his ass in a close election there will be bigly trouble, if he gets his ass whipped and humiliated by the American people, he will take his revenge on them to the extent that he can.

Lame duck Donald would soon become dead duck Donald and he knows it or will after he watches the post election TV shows he frequents. The expert speculation about his legal fate will drive him insane, with visions of being ball gagged in an orange jumpsuit while a black female judge sits in power over him! It won't take long after inauguration to happen either, a lot of people on both sides of the isle will want Donald quickly removed from the stage if he loses. He should be in court before a judge by the end of January and issued a gag order a week later, then a week after that he will be in jail for breaking it, no twitter there. Michael Cohen is in prison over individual #, they got his bean counter by the balls and his buddy peckerhead of the National Enquirer is a witness too, that doesn't count the documents and paper trail. There are many thousands of former prosecutors who would be delighted to take him down, it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
I'm more focused on the fact that he is doing harm, the experts can debate the details, but there is a consensus of opinion that he is a psycho. His comments about bleach and disinfectants were revealing though, he stood there while a guy lectured about it and couldn't absorb or understand any of it at a shockingly fundamental level. This was not mere distraction, this was an imbecile, imagine how dangerous he would be if he actually had a brain. I'll leave it at stupid and evil, the details are for the experts when they candle his head in prison, first up, a high resolution MRI scan of his brain.
Just saying that he knows what he's doing and making a choice to do wrong. He's a criminal, not mentally ill and unable to differentiate right from wrong. He's a narcissist sociopath. People like that know right from wrong but feel that following rules of law or social behavior is for chumps. Yet, whenever they feel wronged, they scream bloody murder.

I'd like to think he's going to jail for his crimes but I don't think Biden will want to set a precedent like that.
Just saying that he knows what he's doing and making a choice to do wrong. He's a criminal, not mentally ill and unable to differentiate right from wrong. He's a narcissist sociopath. People like that know right from wrong but feel that following rules of law or social behavior is for chumps. Yet, whenever they feel wronged, they scream bloody murder.

I'd like to think he's going to jail for his crimes but I don't think Biden will want to set a precedent like that.
Biden said he is staying out of it. Trump's trial will be epic, I can't wait for the first gag order to be slapped on him.
Just saying that he knows what he's doing and making a choice to do wrong. He's a criminal, not mentally ill and unable to differentiate right from wrong. He's a narcissist sociopath. People like that know right from wrong but feel that following rules of law or social behavior is for chumps. Yet, whenever they feel wronged, they scream bloody murder.

I'd like to think he's going to jail for his crimes but I don't think Biden will want to set a precedent like that.
Fortunately forensic psychologists and the law agree with you, as do I, Donald's condition is considered a "character flaw", he is aware and knows what he is doing, even if sometimes he has little conscious choice. He will have his day in court and his particular "infermaty" will not be a factor in culpability, except in sentencing, there is no cure for this or stupid. As you might imagine he will have many charges brought against him eventually and will spend the rest of his life in prison. If he thinks he is gonna lose, he's gonna browbeat Pence to death for a pardon, especially after Nov3rd if he loses, he pardon's Pence and resigns, then Pence pardons him, only way out that I can see. Joe might wanna have a talk about a pardon to Pence, if he tows the line and doesn't issue one to Donald!
Anybody Donald pardons who is part of a conspiracy he himself is involved in and particularly if they are potential witnesses against him, will have to spend millions of dollars in court defending it.They would be easy meat for any congressional commision or grand jury that wanted to wring the truth out of them with no 5th amendment protections, lawyering up for that alone will ruin many.
Well that’s the thing, most normal thinking people look at mushroom dick and see a fool and a lier. My befuddlement is caused by the people that see a competent leader.......that’s the WTF!!! How is it possible there are enough retards to get him elected and possibly twice ....... WTF!!! I’m somewhat glad I can no longer step foot in the US due to the number of retards ......... by the way I loath to use that word but in this context it’s fitting.
Well that’s the thing, most normal thinking people look at mushroom dick and see a fool and a lier. My befuddlement is caused by the people that see a competent leader.......that’s the WTF!!! How is it possible there are enough retards to get him elected and possibly twice ....... WTF!!! I’m somewhat glad I can no longer step foot in the US due to the number of retards ......... by the way I loath to use that word but in this context it’s fitting.
He ain't fit to lead a pack of dogs much less men, Dogs have better sense and would have ripped him apart long ago. Some are born stupid Budley and they are to be pitied and helped. Most though make themselves into morons and suckers while being blinded and consumed by rage, born of fear and hatred, then drawn into groups and tribes by human nature. One thing we humans do is band together for strength when we become afraid of something including Trump, we then begin to organise under competent leadership into a hierarchical social structure, we tighten up and orthodoxy is enforced among group members (political correctness).

What drives the Trumpers is fear of the "other" as other peoples arise in American society and the complexion of the country changes. It was the "shock" of Obama that brought you the tea party and eventually Trump, who rode into power on the "Birtherism" conspiracy theory. They have banded together into a tribe under a strong leader after driving the RHINO's from the party and thanks to Obama, completely filling it with bigots. These people are willing to believe anything but the truth and don't care what the politicians, do as long as they keep the brown folks in their place and trigger the libs. Trump still has 45% support even after all this and it scares the shit out of me, Hitler never got more than 33% of the popular vote in Germany in 1933. WWII was a replay of WWI just as CWII will be an echo of CWI in the states, in this case elections are a proxy for actual civil war and the virus takes the place of the bullets. Paradoxically the political parties have switched sides and went from grey to blue and from blue to red, because the only thing some people care about is black and white, any other colors don't matter much.

You need not worry about any visits from American friends, relatives or tourists for quite some time as the border will be closed unless they wanna spend 2 weeks in quarantine and pay for the tests. The international passport will be an equal infection rate and sensible, responsible measures at home, Americans will be shunned around the world for awhile as the "infected".
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Make that two. Pence deserves one of his own.
Edit: or, a Fentanyl fish sandwich delivered from a patriotic Secret Service person, on the peoples tax dollars, of course.
Donald though stupid is almost seductive in his lying and spins an alternate reality, ya can see how some fall under the spell, it almost like the force, Donald has great power over the weak minded. Donald has a narrow band width of talent and a few of them are: preying on people, manipulating them, intimidating them, corrupting them, fucking them over and lying with a straight face. He has a talent for low cunning and survival, along with phenomenal luck, luck that just suddenly ran out.
Now that Biden has pledged not to pardon tRUmp if he's convicted, will the psycho try to have him whacked?
He's looking for a way to infect him at least, but King Clorox will Tweet out his wishes in code, " will no one relieve me of this troublesome rival"? The trouble is Joe is doing just fine in his basement bunker, while Donald digs his hole ever deeper, chipping away at the bedrock of his base. The political rule of thumb is, if your enemy is digging his own grave, get out of his way and Donald is digging at a furious pace and the sweat is starting to fly. Campaigning was never so easy, Joe sits home, watches TV with a coffee and laughs his ass of as King Clorox fucks up every day and the Lincoln project and others run ads tearing Trump apart. Joe has hardly spent a dime and them dimes keep rolling in with Daddy war bucks Bloomberg in his corner, Gates and Bezos would be nuts not to throw in a billion apiece, cause Donald will destroy them if he wins, he said as much.
Just saying that he knows what he's doing and making a choice to do wrong. He's a criminal, not mentally ill and unable to differentiate right from wrong. He's a narcissist sociopath. People like that know right from wrong but feel that following rules of law or social behavior is for chumps. Yet, whenever they feel wronged, they scream bloody murder.

I'd like to think he's going to jail for his crimes but I don't think Biden will want to set a precedent like that.
I like to think the Brand will take a big hit. I’d love to see the Trump brand sold to Walmart.