Pandemic 2020

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Thoughts and prayers.... This could quickly solve America's biggest problem...

One of Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus

(CNN)A member of the US Navy who serves as one of President Donald Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus, CNN has learned Thursday, raising concerns about the President's possible exposure to the virus.
The valets are members of an elite military unit dedicated to the White House and often work very close to the President and first family. Trump was upset when he was informed Wednesday that the valet had tested positive, a source told CNN, and he was subsequently tested again by the White House physician.
In a statement, the White House confirmed CNN's reporting that one of the President's valets had tested positive.
"We were recently notified by the White House Medical Unit that a member of the United States Military, who works on the White House campus, has tested positive for Coronavirus," deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley said in a statement. "The President and the Vice President have since tested negative for the virus and they remain in great health."

A White House source said the valet, a man who has not been identified, exhibited "symptoms" Wednesday morning, and said the news that someone close to Trump had tested positive for coronavirus was "hitting the fan" in the West Wing.
Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the senior staffers who regularly interact with them are still being tested weekly for coronavirus, two people familiar told CNN. The White House is continuing to use the rapid Abbott Labs test, which provide results in about 15 minutes. Several officials who have received the test said it's often administered in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, next door to the West Wing on the White House grounds. A medical official swabs the staffer's nostrils and informs them that they'll be notified within the next several minutes if it's positive.

Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?
Canada beat the US on coronavirus because its political system works.

Canada and the United States are, in many respects, similar countries. With the coronavirus outbreak, the two North American nations had comparable risk profiles, sharing (for example) similarly aged populations and similar distance from the earliest hot spots in Europe and East Asia.

Yet the outbreak has been dramatically worse in the United States than its northern neighbor.

Per capita, the United States is currently seeing about twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and about 30 percent more deaths. When you look at per capita cases and deaths across the course of the entire outbreak, the comparison looks even worse: the United States has over two times as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and roughly twice as many deaths.

Canadian testing rates have been consistently higher, especially during critical early stages for the two countries: In mid-March, the Canadian testing rate was roughly five times higher than the American one.

Our World in Data
To explain this divergence, I spent the last week speaking with Canadian public health experts who had been following the situation in the two countries closely. These experts varied in their take on their own country’s performance during the pandemic, assessments ranging from middle of the pack by global standards to one of the very best in the world.

But they all shared the same view of the difference between the United States and Canada: The Canadian policy response has been orders of magnitude better than the American equivalent.

“We have a federal government that is supporting provinces’ responses,” says David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto. “You have a chief executive who is directly undermining the public health response.”

There are a number of factors that have enabled Canada to perform at a higher level than the United States, including more consistent pre-virus funding for public health agencies and a universal health care system. But one of the most important seems to have been a difference in political leadership.

The American response has become infected by partisan politics and shot through with federal incompetence. Meanwhile, Canada’s policies have been efficiently implemented with support from leaders across the political spectrum. The comparison is a case study in how a dysfunctional political system can quite literally cost lives.

The Canadian approach has not been perfect. Its death rate is currently much higher than best-in-class performers like Germany and South Korea; Canadian officials have fallen down, in particular, when it comes to long-term senior care and the indigenous population. But given the interdependence between these two large neighboring economies, Canadians are not only vulnerable as a result of their own government’s choices but also because of their southern neighbors’ failures.

“The biggest public health threat to Canada right now is importing cases from the United States,” says Steven Hoffman, a political scientist who studies global health at York University.

The key political differences
The easiest way to see the divergence between the two countries is to look at this chart of per capita cases across the epidemic, courtesy of Our World in Data:

The US has been consistently higher than Canada.
Our World in Data
You can see in the data that cases began to tick up in the two countries at roughly the same time. But in March, the American caseload spikes significantly higher and faster than the Canadian equivalent, indicating greater Canadian success at “flattening the curve.” Through early May, the Canadian numbers remain consistently and significantly lower.

The most immediately visible reason for this divergence has been the choices made by each country’s political leadership.

Throughout the crisis, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a consistent stance that the virus is a serious threat that requires a strong federal response. In mid-March, Trudeau’s wife Sophie Grégoire tested positive — causing the prime minister himself to enter strict self-isolation well before mandatory distancing became part of everyday life. He took over parenting duties from his sick wife and conducted socially distanced press briefings from his front lawn. Since his wife’s recovery, Trudeau has been consistently emphasizing the need for Canadians to stay the course and remain distanced — unlike his counterpart in the White House.

Of course, such rhetoric would seem like a performance if not backed up by actual policy. But the Trudeau government has won high marks from experts when it comes to core federal responsibilities. Two clear points of contrast with the US are personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing.

In Canada, the federal government has served as a centralized hub of PPE purchases — buying supplies in bulk and distributing them to the country’s provinces on the basis of need. In the United States, the federal government’s efforts in this area have been haphazard and marked by political favoritism.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is currently hiding thousands of coronavirus tests, purchased from South Korea, in an “undisclosed location” protected by the National Guard. Hogan, a Republican Trump critic, is worried that the federal government might seize them. After the federal government seized 500 ventilators requested by Colorado’s Democratic governor, Trump sent 100 back to the state — crediting them to Sen. Cory Gardner, a Republican up for reelection in 2020.

Canada was ahead of the North American curve on testing because its federal government once again made the right choices. In mid-March, Canadian federal authorities launched a large-scale testing procurement program aimed at ensuring the country could test early and often. By contrast, Trump put his unqualified son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in charge of the country’s testing ramp-up. Kushner proceeded to hype a Google testing website that didn’t exist and spearhead a drive-through push that, as of early April, had built a grand total of five testing centers across the entire country.
did you see the guy with flag kits? it only started at 24:00.
No. I started at 24:00 and ended at 28:00, when I began to taste bile in the back of my throat. That woman is difficult to look at, and even more difficult to listen to. Propaganda from a she-male.
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No.I started at 24:00 and ended at 28:00, when I began to taste bile in the back of my throat. That woman is difficult to look at, and even more difficult to listen to. Propaganda from a she-male.

you totally missed the wooden flag guy- the whole point..go back to was like watching gotta go back or you won't know what SNL is talking about this week.
Biden Leads Trump By Nine Points In New Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former VP Joe Biden is leading the president by nine points in a general election match up, according to new polling. The panel discusses. Aired 5/7/2020.
you totally missed the wooden flag guy- the whole point..go back to was like watching gotta go back or you won't know what SNL is talking about this week.
SNL has always been wildly inconsistent, so I'll remain blissfully unhip. Conversely, cartoons always satisfy.
Trump sidelining Task Force by Memorial Day. He finally was convinced daily shit show was hurting his polls so they’re no longer needed.

This reopening is going to go tragically bad,

Be careful
“I didn’t know they were so popular.”.........trump

They’re Baaaaaaaaaaaaack
Ordered a new tile saw today, spoke with a gentleman from Knoxville. He said the lines were out the doors at Mexican food restaurants yesterday. I was speechless. Wtf? Round two, coming up.
And in the OKC McDonald’s bitches gettin super pissed for getting kicked out of the covid restricted areas, coming back in shooting the workers in the legs and arms and taking of with a happy meal and vanilla shake. The dollar stores, Walmart and now McDonalds! Okie Crazy crack head Covidiots. Stay safe out there folks!
People be loosin there shit and grabbing their guns Covid 19 revenge takes no prisoners ....FC1F0424-6290-4891-AD1E-B60E346F40D2.gif
Obama administration acting CDC director says 'we can't accept that as a society'

Former CDC director Dr. Richard Besser and CNN's Anderson Cooper discuss the economic effect that the coronavirus is having on some minority communities in the US.
Chris Hayes: Trump’s Solution To Every Problem Is To Lie | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “We have seen the president and his administration do this over and over. And now they are going to lie their way through the worst disaster to befall the country in maybe a century.” Aired on 05/07/2020.
Don’t need any fucking Conservative screaming about being ProLife or Family Values. Or fucking “Death Panelsl”

What values?
That don’t have shit to do with righties' “values” in regard to this pandemic.

Paying attention to what people label themselves as, or what other people falsely label them as, rather than what people actually are and actually stand for, is part of the problem.

What is a "conservative" anyway? Which Politicians are conservative? Is that the same as being a "righty" ?

Would you willingly pay men to enforce lockdown orders on your neighbors, even if they weren't sick?

Okay with forcing them to close their businesses, unless they were large corporate or state protected businesses ? If you support that, does that mean you're a conservative or a liberal ?
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