Pandemic 2020

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Look how America got to become a world leader, in self destruction, and the impact of public policy on public health. See the magnitude of Trump's ineptitude and failure measured in human suffering. I believe the oaths says, " to protect and defend against all enemies", an utter and complete failure of leadership. Nobody really expected he could rise to the challenge and his current performance was entirely predictable, here is what that failure looks like statistically and graphically. It's based on testing too and America failed there as well, S Korea and the USA had their first reported cases on the same date, the increase in America would have been the same as there, but testing was done in S Korea and not in the USA.
COVID-19 growth per country - 22nd April Coronavirus Update | The Data Show
COVID-19 growth per country - 22nd April Coronavirus Update | The Data Show This video shows the daily growth of the number of coronavirus cases excluding china (as china makes the other countries data unreadable as they had so many more cases). Their official numbers are also very controversial.


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If it wasn't for this crises, I think Trump would get elected for a second term. Look at these polling numbers, in spite of everything that has happened, he can still win in November, if he lets the experts deal with it, goes golfing, stays off twitter and STFU. If he did that, starting now, his poll numbers would rise and many will be eager to forgive and forget. In the critical period just before the last presidential election he went silent for a bit and his poll numbers rose just enough for him to squeak by. For many Americans Donald can do no wrong and if he didn't get in their face so much everyday, he would win, they want to believe and many need to, it's a pathetic spectacle. How many times do some people have to get punched in the fucking face, most Trumpers are like a speed bag for abuse. No wonder Trump holds them in such utter contempt, because they are such suckers, soon they will be losers, like many other Americans who did not vote for him. How many Trumpers are going to lose their businesses, jobs, health and lives for Donald? Millions will still fight like mad men to get him re-elected, even while he is fucking them silly.

Exclusive: Poll signals strengthening support for Biden over Trump in three Midwest battleground states

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican President Donald Trump trails Democrat Joe Biden among registered voters in three Midwestern battleground states that he narrowly carried in 2016 and are seen as crucial to winning November’s election, according to an Ipsos public opinion poll conducted exclusively for Reuters.

The poll, which ran from April 15-20 in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, showed 45% of registered voters said they would support Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, while 39% said they would support Trump.

It also found that Biden, vice president under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama, has an advantage of 3 percentage points among registered voters in Wisconsin, 6 points in Pennsylvania and 8 points in Michigan.

The Ipsos poll shows Biden has maintained or slightly improved his lead over Trump in those states over the past few months, even though his campaign and the presidential primaries have been sidelined by the coronavirus pandemic. The United States has the most confirmed cases and deaths in the world with at least 821,000 people infected and at least 46,000 deaths.

Biden’s advantage in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania over Trump averaged 3 to 4 percentage points in February and March, according to an aggregation of survey results by Real Clear Politics.
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Reich at Home: Alarming Lockdown Protests, Unemployment Benefits in Limbo, Mixed Families Ignored

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich is discussing the latest coronavirus developments, including how most of the promised $600 weekly extra unemployment benefits remain stuck in state offices overwhelmed with claims, what it will actually take for the economy to “reopen,” how American citizens in mixed status families are not receiving the economic stimulus, and the dangerous, right-wing protests against stay-at-home orders popping up across the country.


Well-Known Member
14% exposed to the virus and 20,500 dead, many more wounded in NY. Does anybody else want to promote the idea of just exposing everybody else right away so that we can just get this over with?

New York antibody study estimates 13.9% of residents have had the coronavirus, Gov. Cuomo says


  • An estimated 13.9% of the New Yorkers have likely had Covid-19, according to preliminary results of coronavirus antibody testing released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday.
  • The state randomly tested 3,000 people at grocery stores and shopping locations across 19 counties in 40 localities to see if they had the antibodies to fight the coronavirus, indicating they have had the virus and recovered from it.
  • With more than 19.4 million people residents, the preliminary results indicate that at least 2.7 million New Yorkers have been infected with Covid-19.


Well-Known Member
The people at the protests don't give a fuck about that kid, if she was white with blond hair, it might get their attention, this heartbreaking tragedy is seen as a victory by them in the civil war they are waging. Maybe some of her family who are contagious as Hell might want to attend one of those "protest" rallies, I could sure as Hell understand why they might want to shout in some assholes face over this. The truth is though they are probably much better people than that and will bear their sorrow stoically.


Well-Known Member
It's a warning, guess who is going to be deliberately showing up at future events like this and make those who are most responsible for Trump pay the ultimate price for stupidity and fear driven hate. Guns and body armour are no defense at all, an N95 mask would be, but a full beard renders it useless and most of these stupid fucks are to lazy to shave, much less wear PPE. People need to be threatening these folks a lot more with death online and make sure they have lots of rumors to feed upon about libertards looking to infect them. Force them to point those guns, video tape them and have the cops take their guns away, right there and then, later they can be sued.


Well-Known Member
General McConnell, is part of the confederacy Andrew and you are the enemy, get it.
Andrew Cuomo: McConnell's Bankruptcy Suggestion For States Is 'Really Dumb' | MSNBC

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called Sen. Mitch McConnell's suggestion that states could declare bankruptcy amid the coronavirus crisis "one of the really dumb ideas of all time." Aired on 4/23/2020.


Well-Known Member
This is not a performance, I figure it's how he and the majority of Americans feel, he really is this pissed, a former republican too.
Trump Downplays The Threat Of Virus Returning | Morning Joe | MSNBC

During Wednesday's coronavirus press briefing, the president again worked to downplay concerns of a second wave of the virus in the fall, which his doctors refuted. The panel discusses. Aired on 04/23/2020.
Don't you find that kind of format useless? There was about 1 minute of real information from experts followed by 12 minutes of appeals to emotion by a thought guide who is telling us what to think about that 1 minute of information.

That said, it was absolutely clear that Trump is not listening to his staff of doctors who are advising him. We didn't need the talking heads to tell us this.


Well-Known Member
Don't you find that kind of format useless? There was about 1 minute of real information from experts followed by 12 minutes of appeals to emotion by a thought guide who is telling us what to think about that 1 minute of information.

That said, it was absolutely clear that Trump is not listening to his staff of doctors who are advising him. We didn't need the talking heads to tell us this.
I think it exemplifies the reaction of many responsible citizens and shows some folks they are not alone in how they feel about this situation. An emotional reaction is entirely appropriate and emotion is as much a part of the equation as facts and reason, it's what drives both sides. Sure facts matter to those who oppose Trump and it's because of those facts that so many people are pissed about the government response. They are also pissed because they are suffering now and know that they will into the foreseeable future. Pissed off people vote, they vote in spite of terror and in spite of fear, anger drives people to the polls, to drive bad people out of government.

Anger born of fear brought you Trump and anger born of fear will remove him from office, either at the polls or in the senate. One thing I am certain of though, they will try to impeach him again and hang him around the republican's neck like a dead albatross.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Mitch's state bankruptcy idea will go over too well, he's got his head so far up Donald's ass that he's starting to pick up thoughts from his brain. I suppose it must work like one of them Vulcan mind meld things, only ya approach through the asshole and work yer way right up there next to the mind of the stable jenius...

'The Marie Antoinette of the Senate': GOP Rep. King slams McConnell for suggesting states go bankrupt

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell drew scathing criticism from a Republican lawmaker Wednesday for saying he would prefer to see states file for bankruptcy than receive additional federal funds as they struggle to cover the costs of combatting the coronavirus outbreak.

Republican Rep. Peter King of New York blasted McConnell's for his comment in a tweet Wednesday night. He equated the senator from Kentucky's statement to the last queen of France's infamous (and apocryphal) "let them eat cake" response to the plight of starving peasants.

"McConnell's dismissive remark that States devastated by Coronavirus should go bankrupt rather than get the federal assistance they need and deserve is shameful and indefensible," King said. "To say that it is 'free money' to provide funds for cops, firefighters and healthcare workers makes McConnell the Marie Antoinette of the Senate."
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