Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

I got a team update today about anti-body testing. The Governor announced that 1,000 citizens will be randomly chosen for blood serum test to determine anti-bodies to the Covid-19 virus . We haven’t been notified how this random testing will be conducted yet, but will receive additional information soon.
I hope I am one of the lucky chosen but what are the chances of that in a state population of 4 million people. Lol
Looks like they are trying to determine how many have been infected with a statistical sample, progress. In Canada we are mass producing testing kits and small machines that will test for virus in an hour and a new model can do it in a half hour, real time testing (Health Canada is stricter than the FDA right now). We are also going with massive antibody testing too. This kind of stuff is the only way out for us, the government is smart enough to know it and competent enough to pull it off.

Canadian-made rapid COVID-19 test approved for use | Power & Politics
I got a team update today about anti-body testing. The Governor announced that 1,000 citizens will be randomly chosen for blood serum test to determine anti-bodies to the Covid-19 virus . We haven’t been notified how this random testing will be conducted yet, but will receive additional information soon.
I hope I am one of the lucky chosen but what are the chances of that in a state population of 4 million people. Lol
It appears the SARSCOV2 the virus that causes covid-19 down regulates of the immune system and this may help it to get established and is perhaps responsible for much of the asymptomatic lack of febrile response in some people during the early stages of infection.

Coronavirus Pandemic Update 55: How COVID-19 Infection Attacks The Immune System & Differs From HIV
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You have a contract? Look through it and see what it says. This must be more red state idiocy closing hospitals in the face of a deadly epidemic and national emergency, they must be looking to hit the feds up for aid money or something, it makes no sense at all otherwise.

Fortunately work in your field ain't hard to find at all these days and if your husband is out of work right now your free to go where ya want. Find another job make your plans and then tell them they are violating your contract, record everything in a notebook as it happens cause ya might wanna sue them.

Just an idea, I figure your good at dealing with your boss and have no problem telling her to go fuck herself, if required!;)
I did a 2 year sign on bullshit bonus that got so much tax taken out it was a joke. It’s up in Feb . It says I would have to pay the remainder of what would be left if I left earlier then the 2 years .our lease is up end of July and I’m not locking into another lease in this lame pathetic loser no culture bum fuck place any longer. We are going to Delaware and I will vote for Joe in Nov in his home state! Exciting isn’t it!!
Plow through the article if ya want, I'll just cut to the chase and post the conclusions.

Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence

Sauna bathing, an activity used for the purposes of pleasure, wellness, and relaxation, is linked to a remarkable array of health benefits. It is a safe activity and can even be used in people with stable CVD, provided it is used sensibly for an appropriate period of time. Plentiful putative mechanistic pathways underlying these associations have been proposed, but many of these are not well understood. Further research work in the form of well-designed intervention studies is crucially needed to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie the associations between sauna bathing and its health benefits and to establish any causal relevance to the associations and whether these could be translated into clinical benefits. Sauna bathing may be a remedy to the call for additional lifestyle interventions needed to enhance health and wellness, particularly in populations that have difficulty exercising, and also as an adjunct to exercise.
Now for the juicy article on hot cold with lots of links. Anybody wanting to try this should take reasonable precautions and if you have health issues consult with your doctor.

Taking regular saunas seems to transform your health — more evidence that there could be a 3rd pillar of physical fitness beyond diet and exercise

  • People in Finland regularly take saunas, where they go into extremely hot, dry rooms for short periods of time.
  • The more saunas people take, the healthier they seem to be, according to a new medical review.
  • Health benefits of exposing yourself to extreme heat include improved heart health, mental health, immune system function, and more.
  • There's also significant evidence that exposing yourself to cold temperatures improves health.

It's good to get hot.

Taking a regular sauna is more than just a way to relax, according to a recent medical review of a number of studies published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings. People who take saunas regularly have lower rates of cardiovascular disease and fewer problems with blood pressure. They also have fewer issues with lung disease, cognitive disease, and mental health, according to that review.

Something about regularly exposing yourself to hot temperatures, which gets your blood pumping much like exercise, seems to be associated with a better quality of life, according to the review.

This provides yet more evidence that it may not be good for us to spend all our time in climate-controlled spaces where the temperature rarely dips below 68 or creeps above 72 Fahrenheit.

Other research has shown that hot baths can provide health benefits similar to exercise, including reduced inflammation, improved blood sugar, and lower blood pressure. And still other studies have shown that exposure to extreme cold can help people burn fat, improve the immune system, and counteract some effects of type 2 diabetes. Those findings have led some people — notably athletes and Silicon Valley biohackers — to incorporate cold showers and ice baths into their routines.
Only if you are really in interested and wanna sweat through it. Apparently the sars-cov-2 virus attacks the immune response in several different ways, here is one possible mechanism.
SARS-CoV-2 infects T lymphocytes through its spike protein-mediated membrane fusion
Foot sores could be an early sign of coronavirus, experts say


Foot sores similar to chickenpox could be a new peculiar symptom of the coronavirus, according to a team of Spanish physicians.

The Spanish General Council of Official Podiatrist Colleges warned experts that some COVID-19 patients have experienced lesions on their feet “similar to those of chickenpox or measles,” according to Newsflash.

“They are purple lesions (very similar to those of chickenpox, measles or chilblains) which usually appear on the toes and normally heal without leaving a mark,” the group said.

The health professionals said that the strange symptom was observed among mostly young coronavirus patients in Italy, France and Spain.

“There has been an increasing detection of a symptom in COVID-19 sufferers, especially in children and adolescents, however, it has also been detected in some adults,” the group said.

The council noted, however, there haven’t been enough scientific studies to back up the findings, the report said.

“Obviously, due to the short time we still cannot speak of scientific evidence,” the group said.

Meanwhile, the International Federation of Podologists released a report about a 13-year-old boy who complained last month of foot sores.

It was initially assumed he was suffering from a spider bite, but he later started experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus, the outlet reported.

Doctors later discovered that his coronavirus-stricken sister and mother had a fever, cough and trouble breathing six days before the lesions on his feet appeared.

The Spanish General Council of Official Podiatrist Colleges is now calling on medical professions to look out for lesions as a possible early symptom of the virus, which has spread to nearly 2 million people across the world.

“The Podologists Council urges its colleges and its members to remain alert because this can be a sign of detection of COVID-19 to avoid infection,” the group said.

Short story, no more at link:
A hail mary treatment, but promising for people on the brink.... Surely it will be in the billionaires private icu by the end of the week. Not so much in your rural regional hospitals.

They collect blood and make plasma on a large scale now and they say a pint of plasma can treat two people. It's scalable and doable, we are exploring it in Canada as a treatment option. If you are headed for a ventilator you get a pint or a half from a recovered volunteer, lower the mortality rate and you lower the fear. Lower the fear and you open up the economy, the lower the fear the more open the economy. People are not gonna be taking cruises, jumping on planes or going to mass events, no matter who says it's ok to do so. Most people can tolerate being sick and even sick as a dog, nobody can tolerate death.

If this or other treatment options (like one developed in Canada) become available this summer, along with massive testing, it might change things. Nothing will get better in America until Trump is gone, indeed it will get much worse.
Another one of my "pet theories"! :D
A lot of younger people and others with no underlying conditions are contracting covid -19 and dying, seemingly at random. I'm confident though that if vitamin D deficiency is a factor in their demise, it will be detected and eventually written up, after a lot of people have died though. Many people in higher latitudes are deficient in vitamin D this time of year and it's a no risk potential prophylactic measure that most can take.
Vitamin D and Immunity, Lots of Evidence
Dr. John Campbell
Some facts from the above video, see how vitamin D deficiency correlates with the mortality rates among African Americans and yes I'm familiar with the other factors too, like comorbidity and social conditions. This is an easy and safe base to cover though and the data supports it.

About 42% of the US population is Vitamin D deficient (varies with the season and sun exposure)
However, 82% of the US black and 70% of hispanics are vitamin D deficient. Though I did see one study that indicated that vitamin D deficiency didn't appear to have as many issues as white people. If I were black, I'd ignore that one for now, the purpose is survival, at this particular point in time, not ultimate scientific truth.

My main point is, it costs little, is no risk and the evidence shows it can aid in immunity to and survival of a covid-19 infection. The above video is produced by Phd in public health nursing and he is the author of texts in the field.
I did a 2 year sign on bullshit bonus that got so much tax taken out it was a joke. It’s up in Feb . It says I would have to pay the remainder of what would be left if I left earlier then the 2 years .our lease is up end of July and I’m not locking into another lease in this lame pathetic loser no culture bum fuck place any longer. We are going to Delaware and I will vote for Joe in Nov in his home state! Exciting isn’t it!!
Oklahoma is a great place to be from.
Time to see how Donald is doing in America, most deaths above the Canadian per capita level can be laid at Trump's feet, where he would wipe his shoes upon their corpses.

Deaths per 1 million
USA deaths------ 83
Canada deaths---25

America has 3.32 times as many dead per million, the ratio between the countries is dropping, but no thanks to Trump, thank the responsible governor's for that. The purpose of this post is to illustrate the cost of Trump in terms of human life, not to rub our American friends noses in it, they've got grief enough and will have much more before Donald is gone, so will we.
Those with an interest in the health benefits of cannabis terpenes might want to watch this video. An interesting look at "forest bathing", rigorous work but with small sample sizes, and it's effects on some aspects of the innate immune system. Apparently there are a number of ways to stimulate various aspects of your innate immune system in a significant way, hot, cold and exposure to terpenes as we term it in the cannabis community. Forest walking seems to be fairly low risk to me and quite pleasant really. I've got a whole row of scotch pines on the north side of my yard too, a fir tree and an oak are nearby, I might spend some time sitting under them this summer! I mean a fellow could do worse than a walk in the woods!
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 56: What is “Forest Bathing” & Can It Boost Immunity Against Viruses?
Those with an interest in the health benefits of cannabis terpenes might want to watch this video. An interesting look at "forest bathing", rigorous work but with small sample sizes, and it's effects on some aspects of the innate immune system. Apparently there are a number of ways to stimulate various aspects of your innate immune system in a significant way, hot, cold and exposure to terpenes as we term it in the cannabis community. Forest walking seems to be fairly low risk to me and quite pleasant really. I've got a whole row of scotch pines on the north side of my yard too, a fir tree and an oak are nearby, I might spend some time sitting under them this summer! I mean a fellow could do worse than a walk in the woods!
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 56: What is “Forest Bathing” & Can It Boost Immunity Against Viruses?
Getting back to your concerns about whether or not to smoke pot. You said you were questioning your practice of growing pot so that others can use it. What was it that you were bothered by?
Getting back to your concerns about whether or not to smoke pot. You said you were questioning your practice of growing pot so that others can use it. What was it that you were bothered by?
I help older people for the most part and I'm concerned that cannabis might reduce their odds of survival, either through pulmonary congestion or a reduced immune response. They are prescription holders for the most part and I'm a mere provider, but I must feel I am not harming these people with my services. One of the precepts is not to deal in poisonous or destructive drugs and as long as I feel I'm not, I will continue on as I am. I have to take the needs and opinions of those I serve into consideration too, as in many things it's a question of balance and personal judgement, guided by my conscience and I fear that the most, for I must live with it.

Some of the efforts I've been making on this thread are looking for low risk evidence based ways to boost our innate immune response, even marginally. For those without access to forests like me, perhaps terpenes or essential oils might provide that boost, there appears to be an evidence base, it's pleasant and no harm. I didn't think much and still don't about "aroma therapy", but these findings and the rigor used to get them took me aback. Similarly with hot cold therapy, I thought it was pseudoscience until confronted with the evidence base. I've got a DIY sauna project on the go in the basement, a good place to sit for a half an hour. I've got a variety of thermostatic cut off switches and I'm considering the temp cutoff to use, along with a countdown timer for additional safety.

Getting covid-19 is like playing russian roulette and the older you are the more bullets in the revolver, I'm just trying to take one or two out.
I help older people for the most part and I'm concerned that cannabis might reduce their odds of survival, either through pulmonary congestion or a reduced immune response. They are prescription holders for the most part and I'm a mere provider, but I must feel I am not harming these people with my services. One of the precepts is not to deal in poisonous or destructive drugs and as long as I feel I'm not, I will continue on as I am. I have to take the needs and opinions of those I serve into consideration too, as in many things it's a question of balance and personal judgement, guided by my conscience and I fear that the most, for I must live with it.

Some of the efforts I've been making on this thread are looking for low risk evidence based ways to boost our innate immune response, even marginally. For those without access to forests like me, perhaps terpenes or essential oils might provide that boost, there appears to be an evidence base, it's pleasant and no harm. I didn't think much and still don't about "aroma therapy", but these findings and the rigor used to get them took me aback. Similarly with hot cold therapy, I thought it was pseudoscience until confronted with the evidence base. I've got a DIY sauna project on the go in the basement, a good place to sit for a half an hour. I've got a variety of thermostatic cut off switches and I'm considering the temp cutoff to use, along with a countdown timer for additional safety.

Getting covid-19 is like playing russian roulette and the older you are the more bullets in the revolver, I'm just trying to take one or two out.
It's like when ya nailed my ass for profanity, I changed my tune very quickly, it's against the precepts to engage in such behavior. Harsh speech I reserve for the Trumpers and other enemies of humanity. I don't curse very much in my real life either and its of limited use as a literary device.