Cancel Rent?

ok, replace American with Canadian and again, done shit for nobody.
I get you're just some internet chump trollbut getting your tiny little pack hard, trying to get rise out of others. Probably stroking yourself now aren't ya little fella?
You have to TRY and bring others down, because you are pathetic, weak, and in all likelihood a coward.
I am sad for your Family...they deserve better.
Problem isn’t the money, problem is risking my guys to work on something that isn’t an emergency. Her oven will either be fixed or replaced in about two weeks time. You guys just don’t read very well and I swear to God there’s nothing in this thread that I had said that would indicate that I treat my residence with anything but dignity and respect the fact I do so much more for them than any of you guys will ever do in your life.
So this is all over, and isolating is complete in two weeks? You ARE a fucking moron lol.
I get you're just some internet chump trollbut getting your tiny little pack hard, trying to get rise out of others. Probably stroking yourself now aren't ya little fella?
You have to TRY and bring others down, because you are pathetic, weak, and in all likelihood a coward.
I am sad for your Family...they deserve better.
Lol, I feel sad for your family because they have a retard for a father. Tell me this Freddy, what about me housing people in good safe homes for fair prices and treating them respect pisses you off? None of my buildings are slums, some are in the process of being improved and not up to my standard, but that happens when you buy distressed properties, the residents for the most part thank me, can’t make everybody happy mind you. What about that pisses you off? Or does it piss you off that I don’t respect my tenant who prostituted his preteen children for heroine? You guys live in a fantasy land. All of my residents are treated with respect till they don’t derserve it. But that lady will have to wait for her oven to be repaired.
So this is all over, and isolating is complete in two weeks? You ARE a fucking moron lol.
Don’t know, could be a lot longer. Work order was put in the second she let us know. We are going to re-evaluate next week. But for now we make decisions on what we know.
I'm Canadian FUCKFACE, I served my fellow Canadians, and been in some fucking shitholes clown, protecting many. A 120mm put an end to that for me.
But you go ahead big man, you talk your smack, cause you can from where you are.
Different story mug to mug boy.
Get your face fucked by a covid ridden goat you piece of shit slumlord punk.
Hey what happened to the love fest?
Don’t know, could be a lot longer. Work order was put in the second she let us know. We are going to re-evaluate next week. But for now we make decisions on what we know.
Nobody likes you

Your posts are filled with hubris.
Don’t know, could be a lot longer. Work order was put in the second she let us know. We are going to re-evaluate next week. But for now we make decisions on what we know.
Hey man that “stupid bitch” (your words) doesn’t need an oven on lockdown in a killer pandemic with kids to feed, she can heat soup up on the radiator, assuming the boilers work in your slums.
Hey man that “stupid bitch” (your words) doesn’t need an oven on lockdown in a killer pandemic with kids to feed, she can heat soup up on the radiator, assuming the boilers work in your slums.
Or she can use the stove top or microwave. We don’t even have stoves where I’m from, people still cook.