Cancel Rent?

I have a friend who bought a hundred rounds and two clips who also claims his friend has a thousand rounds. I’m more worried about food. We went through SARS so I got my shopping done very early and have a month supply that we haven’t had to touch yet.
As someone who worked their ass off their whole life to be well prepared for an event like this, it is disappointing that sooo many people are going to just get "bailed out." And with whose tax dollars? Mine.
I have a friend who bought a hundred rounds and two clips who also claims his friend has a thousand rounds. I’m more worried about food. We went through SARS so I got my shopping done very early and have a month supply that we haven’t had to touch yet.
If it came down to it, I could go a year without leaving the house. Because I was a responsible human being and planned for my future. Everyone else just getting handouts. So wrong.
Shit happens. I was a full time promoter. I occasionally lost money. Again, my landlord was an actual human being and not some piece of shit, robot sounding asshole.
Lol, been there. I just say patron of the arts. I’ve never lost more than I could afford to though, and that’s my point. For some reason people have no qualms about sticking it to their landlord. Why should your landlord have to suffer because you wanted to gamble with his money! Especially since you say he is a nice guy. People treat landlords like a personal bank they can borrow money from anytime they want.
If it came down to it, I could go a year without leaving the house. Because I was a responsible human being and planned for my future. Everyone else just getting handouts. So wrong.
Dude I would not want myself out my kids to live in a world where one would need a years supply of food. Take the black pill.
Lol, been there. I just say patron of the arts. I’ve never lost more than I could afford to though, and that’s my point. For some reason people have no qualms about sticking it to their landlord. Why should your landlord have to suffer because you wanted to gamble with his money! Especially since you say he is a nice guy. People treat landlords like a personal bank they can borrow money from anytime they want.
more hubris
Dude I would not want myself out my kids to live in a world where one would need a years supply of food. Take the black pill.
I could go at least 6 months.... depending on the outlook from there i would be making decisions about the length of my own future. I dont have kids so thats something i dont have to consider. Some of my food i keep for loved ones who are less prepared than I am. And as I say if I HAD to make it last a year i could.... were talking 1500 calories a day. I buy grass fed steaks in bulk usually keep about a hundred pounds of beef on ice. When this whole apocalypse business started I added 4 pork shoulders and 4 racks of ribs to my chest freezer and i dont regret it, they were on sale and I'll eat it either way. I might grab some more ribs soon smoked ribs are sounding really good right about now. And I have a well stocked dry goods pantry.
I could go at least 6 months.... depending on the outlook from there i would be making decisions about the length of my own future. I dont have kids so thats something i dont have to consider. Some of my food i keep for loved ones who are less prepared than I am. And as I say if I HAD to make it last a year i could.... were talking 1500 calories a day. I buy grass fed steaks in bulk usually keep about a hundred pounds of beef on ice. When this whole apocalypse business started I added 4 pork shoulders and 4 racks of ribs to my chest freezer and i dont regret it, they were on sale and I'll eat it either way. I might grab some more ribs soon smoked ribs are sounding really good right about now. And I have a well stocked dry goods pantry.
Joe triple bypass
Poor, persecuted landlords...

Why can't people just stop oppressing those slumlords?

Go easy, you don't know how hard slumlords have it and what it's like those poor slumlords.

Can't those poor slumlords get a break?
There is nothing fun about managing properties. Couldnt pay me enough to go unclog some piece of shit's shit filled toilet at 2am .
You don't have to know how to prep for bad times. Just take your neighbor's stuff that he's been bragging about. JK.. That wouldn't be right. IDK how long I could last without food but I can stay stoned for a long long time. Maybe I should have hoarded Stoned Wheat Thins and cans of government issued peanut butter for a cheap munchies cure.
You don't have to know how to prep for bad times. Just take your neighbor's stuff that he's been bragging about. JK.. That wouldn't be right. IDK how long I could last without food but I can stay stoned for a long long time. Maybe I should have hoarded Stoned Wheat Thins and cans of government issued peanut butter for a cheap munchies cure.
Thats the thing.... Having a 5 gallon bucket of "dooms day rice" around is not a bad idea, especially if you have people depending on you. Things that last FOREVER and yeah they may not be amazing but when you are starving, it will be the best thing you ever tasted.
So why is it that these mofos immediately go after landlords? Let me ask you this. Why not free food for all? How about we don't pay for groceries anymore? Free net? Why the F do people think it's ok to fck over landlords and not everybody else? This is B.S. I have little pieces of shit who live off of their disability while faking it demanding they should get free rent like they are losing their SS check. If the government didn't open their idiot mouths we would have handled it with care and compassion, but no they have to go on the news and talk about not evicting people. Now people who can pay aren't, people who are already fcking the system are fcking it more. And the money grab begins. And if anybody thinks, "We have to protect the little guy," then let me tell you, the little guy is going to get scraps of the corpse that has been offered to those with.

I hope your tenants bring cockroaches and bedbugs to your rental properties