Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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Well-Known Member
I'd be ok if a person who refused to be vaccinated were ordered to stay home and wear one of these:

View attachment 4522474

If caught outside of home, they are taken to a healthcare or police facility and given the injection.

A bullets cheaper

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'd be ok if a person who refused to be vaccinated were ordered to stay home and wear one of these:

View attachment 4522474

If caught outside of home, they are taken to a healthcare or police facility and given the injection.


Does that slave ankle bracelet also open garage doors?


Well-Known Member
so endangering other peoples lives is ok when u know u have the germ and purposely spread it. I hope you get thrown in a moat with alligators if u think going out while currently infected with covid should be allowed. all this shit started with the damn thing and now people don't want to fucking fix it look at what happened to Italy


Well-Known Member
So you're going to shoot a virus then? Brilliant.
Cmon Rob, your not that daft are you?
Will that Infected idiot that clearly doesn’t care about infecting another 10,000 people and killing 500 of them be able to spread his/her virus if their dead?
Show compassion you reckon?
North Korea just dealt with someone this exact way. China has too.
I bet their citizens will abide by quarantine rules now.
And all it potentially took was 1 bullet :twisted:


Well-Known Member
yea that's how governments get out a message when people don't wanna listen and its going to endanger how many other people with how the medical system is to now your just asking for more death than their has to be

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Cmon Rob, your not that daft are you?
Will that Infected idiot that clearly doesn’t care about infecting another 10,000 people and killing 500 of them be able to spread his/her virus if their dead?
Show compassion you reckon?
North Korea just dealt with someone this exact way. China has too.
I bet their citizens will abide by quarantine rules now.
And all it potentially took was 1 bullet :twisted:
Replace counting votes with tabulating deaths.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yea that's how governments get out a message when people don't wanna listen and its going to endanger how many other people with how the medical system is to now your just asking for more death than their has to be
This virus, which you've been lead to believe is hiding under your bed and waiting to strangle you has been a very useful tool to advance other agendas. That's irrefutable by the way.

The methods of tabulating deaths vary from place to place and have been intentionally sensationalized. That's also irrefutable.
Many deaths attributed to the virus aren't from the virus, they are people who die with the virus, meaning they MAY have it, but the actual death is from other causes. Sort of like how governments invented fake stats to tabulate "drug related crime".

Also, even if ALL the propaganda scare porn you're being fed by an owned media were true (it isn't) the virus has a long way to go to equal the INTENTIONAL deaths caused by Democide, or "government caused murders" under the guise of Nationalism, Patriotism and other such bullshit.

So, Gond00s, are you okay with somebody injecting people against their will ? Do you have that authority? Does anyone?


Well-Known Member
Replace counting votes with tabulating deaths.

View attachment 4522856
Well somethings gotta change, not everyone’s getting the message.
This virus, which you've been lead to believe is hiding under your bed and waiting to strangle you has been a very useful tool to advance other agendas. That's irrefutable by the way.

The methods of tabulating deaths vary from place to place and have been intentionally sensationalized. That's also irrefutable.
Many deaths attributed to the virus aren't from the virus, they are people who die with the virus, meaning they MAY have it, but the actual death is from other causes. Sort of like how governments invented fake stats to tabulate "drug related crime".

Also, even if ALL the propaganda scare porn you're being fed by an owned media were true (it isn't) the virus has a long way to go to equal the INTENTIONAL deaths caused by Democide, or "government caused murders" under the guise of Nationalism, Patriotism and other such bullshit.

So, Gond00s, are you okay with somebody injecting people against their will ? Do you have that authority? Does anyone?
are you saying that these people would of died when and how they did, even if they didn’t have the virus? Hahaha.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Well somethings gotta change, not everyone’s getting the message.

are you saying that these people would of died when and how they did, even if they didn’t have the virus? Hahaha.
One thing we can be certain of, a government that kills "bad people over there" and lies about the reasons why
is quite capable of killing people "over here" and lying about the reasons why.

Also, I see you didn't address my claim that more people have died from Democide than will die from this disease.

I'm not saying any disease should be taken lightly, but if you were concerned about deaths, why aren't you outside right now protesting Democide?

Do YOU have the authority to inject people who clearly have not consented ? If you do were you born with that authority ?
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