Pandemic 2020

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The priorities of the Trump administration:

He was heard saying "...but we need that tariff income!"
"I would like you to do us a favor, though"
How it's done
Scotland’s NHS using unique system to treat coronavirus
Kinda ridiculously stupid tbh.

To criticize Trump is low lying fruit. It's so easy because he's so inept. To use him as a scapegoat for the virus is becoming painfully useful for the Chinese Communist Party. To go so far as tossing in the word cover-up is an insult to the world's intelligence.

Just my opinion. Yeah he's fuckin dumb. The smart Chinese dictator is laughing because we're blaming the dumb guy.
Kinda ridiculously stupid tbh.

To criticize Trump is low lying fruit. It's so easy because he's so inept. To use him as a scapegoat for the virus is becoming painfully useful for the Chinese Communist Party. To go so far as tossing in the word cover-up is an insult to the world's intelligence.

Just my opinion. Yeah he's fuckin dumb. The smart Chinese dictator is laughing because we're blaming the dumb guy.
Setting aside China's role in all this, blaming Donald is useful in that it helps to get rid of him, he made the pandemic much worse in America than it had to be and crippled the response. I await the congressional oversight hearings, whenever Nancy decides it's best. Right now, don't piss off Donald and don't piss off China, we need to stay focused on saving lives and filling the breach as best we can until the effects of personal distancing and other public measures take hold. Here in Canada we appear at this point to be about 1/3 as bad off as the states and we might see some signs of the curve flattening soon. I'm hoping we can send help to the states after our own house is in order, if we can we will, to do otherwise is unthinkable.
Did you really expect Donald Trump to save you?
He is a jenius... What is done is done, ya go with what ya got not with what ya want, you got Donald. Yeah China started it, but what are we gonna do? It's what they are doing now and moving forward that counts the most. Until you have responsible government in the USA China, Russia, Turkey or the house of Saud own your ass. Forget China until you do, then deal with the pricks intelligently, because they will sure as Hell be dealing with us using brains. You've revealed nothing new about China to me, concerning Tibet or any of the many other minorities who are not han chinese. Organ sales, elite corruption human rights abuses and the treatment of Hong Kong are all well known, at least to me.

I sure as shit don't carry the CPP's water around here, my approach and attitude are pragmatic and I believe effective. Gang up on the assholes with yer buddies and beat the shit out of them until they come around.
trump sat there with his short thumb up his fat ass for six weeks and a Month ago called the virus a Democrat hoax.

His job is actually to defend the people of the USA. So yeah, I expect any president to do that. Asshole wanted the job. He oughta do it.

His carrying on about masks be stolen shows the paranoid world in his mind. How twisted. To say nothing of his treatment of Democratic governors with real people dying from trump virus.
This virus began in a wet market where exotic and critically endangered animals are crammed in cages and held in squalid conditions until they're slaughtered for bushmeat. This is officially legal in one country in the world. This international trade is served by poachers everywhere and has led to extinctions and now a fucking deadly pandemic. It became a global pandemic because the CCP covered it up for two fucking months and let 5 million people travel out of Wuhan while detainign doctors who diagnosed it properly and sounded the alarm.

the CCP is absolutely and solely to blame for the pandemic. Did you really expect Donald Trump to save you?
Hearing people use the language of racism to invoke anger at Trump in this situation, because he called it Wuhan virus...

That's fucking surreal.

Which country has millions of muslims detained right now in reeducation camps? Which country harvests organs from minority groups? Which country has outlowed the speaking of Tibetan in fucking Tibet? Which country actively persecutes all religious activity by official government policy? There is no group of people on earth more racist than the government of the People's Republic of China.

PS, the first person to call it "Wuhan Virus" was a Chinese person. So yeah, sure, Trump is racist and an idiot. That doesn't mean you should give the CCP a pass.
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