Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Best of luck and hope it is something minor sir. Keeping a positive attitude and stress down as much as possible will surely give you the best chance to fight it off, if it really is something to fret.

I work in a grocery store and have been mobbed by people for three weeks straight pretty much. Other than the basics of more hand washing/sanitizer, I have been making some fresh ginger "tea" if you can call it that. I just chop some fresh ginger root and throw it in some boiling water for like 15 minutes. Also been trying to add tumeric/black pepper to as many things I eat as possible and trying to get some probiotics everyday. I'm no nutritionist or health expert by any stretch of the imagination and am probably naive to thinking these have any effect on whether I stay healthy or not though. If nothing else at least I'm getting a few more nutrients in my diet.

I didn't read through much of this thread, but truly hope you all are staying healthy and well through all the madness.
Best of luck in this madness, especially working in a grocery store, that is a scary spot to be.
Here is the best quickest hope that I see, antibody therapy to boost the ability of vulnerable people to fight off the virus. They seem confident and they are hiring like crazy in Winnipeg, the home of the Canadian international virology lab, this sounds like a spin off company. The time frame also looks promising, as does the technology IMHO. Something to keep an eye on and one of many approaches to treatment being developed, this one particularly suited to the elderly and vulnerable.

Winnipeg biotech company closes in on coronavirus treatment
A Winnipeg biotech company has teamed with two American pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments for a solution to coronavirus.

A Winnipeg biotech company has teamed with two American pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments for a solution to coronavirus.

Quinn PatrickMontreal, QC

23rd March 20202 mins read

Emergent Biosolutions, a company out of Winnipeg is in partnership with two American pharmaceutical companies. They are working together to develop experimental treatments for a solution to the CODIVD-19 coronavirus.
Emergent has partnered up with clinical-stage vaccine company Novavax and biotech company Vaxart in with the hope to develop two oral vaccines to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Global News.
“We started right away, looking across our different platforms for how we could have an impact, and of course everyone is doing this quickly,” said Dr. Laura Saward, vice president of therapeutics. “We looked at some of our proven technologies – platforms that have supported several licensed drugs, and we put those to work on coronavirus.”
What separates their research from many other companies at this time, Saward explained, is that they are focused on therapeutics for those who have already contracted COVID-19 as opposed vaccine that would make someone immune.

“When you use a vaccine, you’re developing antibodies over time. This is a way to give someone a dose of these antibodies right away, and that would help to remove the infection or the virus from their system,” Saward says.

“It’s an approach we’ve used with many other infectious diseases where you isolate these antibodies from plasma sources. There’s hundreds of years of research behind this type of approach. It does take some of the risk out, and our focus is on going as fast as possible.”
Epidemiologist Dr. Cynthia Carr said that we could still be a long way from a vaccine and that we might not get one at all. There hasn't previously been a vaccine for any of the seven strains of the coronavirus that have come previously affected the population, so the idea of developing a treatment for it is equally important.
“We don’t know if someone would become more ill [in the future], but we hope it follows the typical pattern where our immune system is a little bit educated about the virus and you are a little less ill the next time,” said Dr. Carr.

As the spread of COVID-19 intensifies, public anxiety is at an all time high. Researchers, doctors, scientists, and lawmakers are scrambling for answers to the global pandemic. Dr. Saward said that her group is making great progress.
“Because we’re using these proven technologies," Dr. Saward said, "we have a high degree of confidence in the safety [of our product] and we’ll be able to get in the clinic very quickly to evaluate its efficacy."
Saward hopes that if their progress continues, a solution to coronavirus could come faster than people realize.
“We will work with regulators to ensure we’re doing this in a way that’s safe — but our target is to get in the clinic by the end of summer. We will be manufacturing at our Winnipeg site by the beginning of summer.”
Thanks, only allergy I have is too bee stings and I didn't have that till after I was attacked by a swarm of hornets and I looked like I had chicken pox. I'm not even allergic to mosquito bites, no bumps or itching. I'm over 60 with some health problems so no soup for me. I've been paranoid about my precautions with everything for a long time so I'm just going to hope it's something normal, not really another choice anyway lol.
Yeah dude just relax , every things gonna be alright..
Its a silent sticky situation.

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Buck Buck Buck..
"Coronavirus? What's the big deal? - Me

"this is their new hoax" - Trump

I'm sure your a highly educated subcontracting tax evader but even in your small mind is that the same thing? The only man out there more dimwitted than you is Trump and if just a few more Democrats actually voted we wouldn't have to be worrying about how to clean up all the crap he's created.
The WHO (Not the doctor ass muncher) came out today saying everyone did NOT have to wear mask. You should know that the red ball in your mouth is not a mask dumbass. It's a ball so you should be ok. Just go back to your VHS collection of kiddie porn and relax. 41y73C4Rc4L.jpg
Buck Buck Buck..
"Coronavirus? What's the big deal? - Me

"this is their new hoax" - Trump

I'm sure your a highly educated subcontracting tax evader but even in your small mind is that the same thing? The only man out there more dimwitted than you is Trump and if just a few more Democrats actually voted we wouldn't have to be worrying about how to clean up all the crap he's created.
The WHO (Not the doctor ass muncher) came out today saying everyone did NOT have to wear mask. You should know that the red ball in your mouth is not a mask dumbass. It's a ball so you should be ok. Just go back to your VHS collection of kiddie porn and relax. View attachment 4517090
Ok trumptard
Buck Buck Buck..
"Coronavirus? What's the big deal? - Me

"this is their new hoax" - Trump

I'm sure your a highly educated subcontracting tax evader but even in your small mind is that the same thing? The only man out there more dimwitted than you is Trump and if just a few more Democrats actually voted we wouldn't have to be worrying about how to clean up all the crap he's created.
The WHO (Not the doctor ass muncher) came out today saying everyone did NOT have to wear mask. You should know that the red ball in your mouth is not a mask dumbass. It's a ball so you should be ok. Just go back to your VHS collection of kiddie porn and relax. View attachment 4517090
eff off, man

Republicans like you are why Trump got elected in the first place.

Why are you trying to gaslight us about the things you said? On second thought, never mind. Don't reply to that question. It was rhetorical and needs no answer due to its obvious nature.
If your talking to me I'm just trying to keep a positive light outlook about my situation because I literally don't have any other options other than freaking out, there's no real testing here, can you get a test?

Yeah, I'm sorry that I was making light of a bad situation. I was being silly. It's a childish rhyme so maybe you have to think like a child to get it.

The last line is "but it snot."

I hope everyone is well, or is going to recover.

Yeah, I'm sorry that I was making light of a bad situation. I was being silly. It's a childish rhyme so maybe you have to think like a child to get it.

The last line is "but it snot."

I hope everyone is well, or is going to recover.

You are so silly! I hope your doing well Uncle Rolli! I love the taste of the Anti-v , thats some yummy Moonshine. I enjoy starting my day with it. Take care
Yeah, I'm sorry that I was making light of a bad situation. I was being silly. It's a childish rhyme so maybe you have to think like a child to get it.

The last line is "but it snot."

I hope everyone is well, or is going to recover.

I'm concerned about the Captain, his health is not good, he's a senior and is in a very hot spot, michigan, they have "a die in place" order for people like the Captain. I hope we get an update from him. What a fucking mess potroast, we are all in it together and we are all fucked! :D
I'm concerned about the Captain, his health is not good, he's a senior and is in a very hot spot, michigan, they have "a die in place" order for people like the Captain. I hope we get an update from him. What a fucking mess potroast, we are all in it together and we are all fucked! :D
die in place order? That is totally fucked up. So if the Captain calls an ambulance they wont come? bodys will be dead and rotting in houses and apartments? Thats a new low.
die in place order? That is totally fucked up. So if the Captain calls an ambulance they wont come? bodys will be dead and rotting in houses and apartments? Thats a new low.
His words, not mine and there is a directive from the governor that older people are out of luck when it comes to ventilators. Stay home and die because what's the point of cluttering up a hospital... I hope like Hell we in Canada can help out michigan soon, even evacuate the hospitals in Windsor and bring American patients in, not to mention respirators and personnel. We seem to be only hit 1/3 as hard as you folks and we will know more in a week or two when the experts can model and predict things. If we can send aid to our neighboring states we will, it would be unthinkable to do otherwise.