Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Look at the Asian countries that have had the best results at containing this virus, one common thing is no stigma about wearing masks in public. Not saying it's the main or only thing in common but it certainly helps slow people from spreading it and getting it.
Masks were discouraged because it would wipe out supplies for medical workers with public hoarding, government action required. People don't need masks or hand sanitizer at this point, they just need to stay home and wash their hands, practice personal distancing etc, for a couple of months. Hopefully N95 masks will become plentiful by summer and vulnerable people will wear them in public at least. If people have the coronavirus, they need to stay home self isolate and wear a dust or surgical mask to protect others. You will see a lot more masks in the near future, particularly among the elderly.
Masks were discouraged because it would wipe out supplies for medical workers with public hoarding, government action required. People don't need masks or hand sanitizer at this point, they just need to stay home and wash their hands, practice personal distancing etc, for a couple of months. Hopefully N95 masks will become plentiful by summer and vulnerable people will wear them in public at least. If people have the coronavirus, they need to stay home self isolate and wear a dust or surgical mask to protect others. You will see a lot more masks in the near future, particularly among the elderly.

Sorry this is nonsense. Masks will save lives by containing the virus of the asymptomatic carriers, reducing inoculate on bare surfaces, and reducing the inoculate load a healthy person intakes. It makes absolute medical sense.

Not having enough masks is a failure of gov't in general and trump in particular. That does not change the science that masks save lives.

The two issues are independent. The public can "get by" with less than n95 protection levels. There are numerous designs publicly available that approach n90, with a minimum of n70. These can all be made at home or by cottage industry producers.
Sorry this is nonsense. Masks will save lives by containing the virus of the asymptomatic carriers, reducing inoculate on bare surfaces, and reducing the inoculate load a healthy person intakes. It makes absolute medical sense.

Not having enough masks is a failure of gov't in general and trump in particular. That does not change the science that masks save lives.

The two issues are independent. The public can "get by" with less than n95 protection levels. There are numerous designs publicly available that approach n90, with a minimum of n70. These can all be made at home or by cottage industry producers.
I agree, experts were dealing with the reality of the situation and trying to prevent a run on PPE needed in strategic locations. I never argued about the mask issue for the same reason many others didn't, to help conserve supplies. Of course masks (N95) reduce risk when in public, but nobody should be in public for a month at least. I'm all for DIY solutions for vulnerable people and even as a stop gap measure for hospitals, the government will need to control mask distribution for a spell, but the free market and capitalism is stepping up to the plate in a big way. Masks are a question of supply, not of efficacy and DIY solutions using approved designs with instructions found online are the best. You can make a lot of N95 masks from a N95 hot air furnace filter for instance.
"My mom still wants to see her granddaughter

but thanks for writing it all off as a hoax, trumptard."

Another tax evading subcontractor who justifies it by saying your the one that's owed. Your also one of those clowns who believe that you should try to keep every 90yo American alive regardless of whether their brain is dead or not and who BURDEN the health care system to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars which could be used for research and development and production.

I've yet to seen you state your position on any topic and it looks like your skill set is best at Copy, Paste and insult.
Here we go. Buck at least try and use your limited brain power to come up with some new material. Trumptard, Poo Poo Face Kaka head. Just between you and me Buck do tell your Granddaughter you love her when your assaulting her or are you the quiet type.
I'm embarrassed that the moronic diatribe between two adults exists. I NEVER called the virus a hoax. All I said was I dont think it's going to be as bad as was being projected at the time. I also reserved the right to change my mind.
Maybe I should get another account and screen name just to try and get out from under the label of Trumptard. Probably not because this has also become an amusing example of "drivel" and I like that word as much as "prattling" which is my specialty.
I NEVER called the virus a hoax.
”coronavirus? What’s the big deal?” - you

“this is their new hoax” - trump

“trump 2020!” - you, after trump called it a hoax

Just shut the fuck up already. You wrote these words. The internet doesn’t forget

you stain
"My mom still wants to see her granddaughter

but thanks for writing it all off as a hoax, trumptard."

Another tax evading subcontractor who justifies it by saying your the one that's owed. Your also one of those clowns who believe that you should try to keep every 90yo American alive regardless of whether their brain is dead or not and who BURDEN the health care system to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars which could be used for research and development and production.

I've yet to seen you state your position on any topic and it looks like your skill set is best at Copy, Paste and insult.
Here we go. Buck at least try and use your limited brain power to come up with some new material. Trumptard, Poo Poo Face Kaka head. Just between you and me Buck do tell your Granddaughter you love her when your assaulting her or are you the quiet type.
I'm embarrassed that the moronic diatribe between two adults exists. I NEVER called the virus a hoax. All I said was I dont think it's going to be as bad as was being projected at the time. I also reserved the right to change my mind.
Maybe I should get another account and screen name just to try and get out from under the label of Trumptard. Probably not because this has also become an amusing example of "drivel" and I like that word as much as "prattling" which is my specialty.
Thanks for writing it all off as a hoax, trumptard.
”coronavirus? What’s the big deal?” - you

“this is their new hoax” - trump

“trump 2020!” - you, after trump called it a hoax

Just shut the fuck up already. You wrote these words. The internet doesn’t forget

you stain
Buck I think a lot of people are "seeing the light" now and trying to mend the error of their ways. Just as long as they don't vote for Trump and the GOP, I'm happy if they stay home, and welcome them if they are going Joe and blue. It doesn't mean I forget or even forgive in some cases. It's how ya deal with terrorism, remove the the support of the more reasonable people and just leave the hardcore base, peel Trump's support away like an onion, you can never have too many votes against the bastard. If someone was stupid enough to vote for Trump the first time, fool them once, but voting for him a second time would be treason and suicide.

Maybe he finally gets it at the brink of disaster, when he's staring into the abyss.
Sorry this is nonsense. Masks will save lives by containing the virus of the asymptomatic carriers, reducing inoculate on bare surfaces, and reducing the inoculate load a healthy person intakes. It makes absolute medical sense.

Yes it does, and well-put!
What that report said: "the nucleic acid tests used in China were accurate at identifying positive cases of the coronavirus only 30%-50% of the time."

Now, "new" cases of apparent re-infection in China. What can we believe about test result data from China? For myself, I have no idea whether or not to put credence into their testing. What I'll do is note this but not react to any of it because I don't know if it's true or not.

Listed for reference,
Test results matrix: Four possible outcomes:

True Positive: Person is infected with the virus and test says they have it
False positive: Person is not infected with the virus and test says they have it
True Negative: Person is not infected with the virus and test says the do not have it
False Negative: Person is infected with the virus and test says they do not have it

When a new test is under development, the prospective test must meet their own test requirements for accuracy. China's early testing (and maybe still) gave 30-50% false results. Basically, it fails to meet expectations for accuracy. So, we can't really put much weight on test results coming from China right now. Does not mean we can dismiss those results. Just, don't put a lot of weight on them when making decisions and look to other ways if one must make a decision now.

What I don't understand is why we aren't getting much insight or feedback from South Korea's experiences? They kicked ass and are going to come out stronger because of it. Hopefully, more information from Korea will become available soon. China's proclivity for controlling information and possibly releasing false information as red herrings (who is to say?) is troubling.

Whether or not a country observes good scientific protocols is important. Italy, US and China have all botched testing in one way or another. More people are going to die because of this. If you don't like to pay for education and good science, then get ready for the higher costs of ignorance.
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Sorry this is nonsense. Masks will save lives by containing the virus of the asymptomatic carriers, reducing inoculate on bare surfaces, and reducing the inoculate load a healthy person intakes. It makes absolute medical sense.

Not having enough masks is a failure of gov't in general and trump in particular. That does not change the science that masks save lives.

The two issues are independent. The public can "get by" with less than n95 protection levels. There are numerous designs publicly available that approach n90, with a minimum of n70. These can all be made at home or by cottage industry producers.
are asymptomatic carriers infectious?

This from CDC FAQ page:

Q: When is someone infectious?

A: The onset and duration of viral shedding and period of infectiousness for COVID-19 are not yet known. It is possible that SARS-CoV-2 RNA may be detectable in the upper or lower respiratory tract for weeks after illness onset, similar to infection with MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. However, detection of viral RNA does not necessarily mean that infectious virus is present. Asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 has been reported, but it is not yet known what role asymptomatic infection plays in transmission. Similarly, the role of pre-symptomatic transmission (infection detection during the incubation period prior to illness onset) is unknown. Existing literature regarding SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses (e.g. MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV) suggest that the incubation period may range from 2–14 days.

Absent better information, I guess, the safest thing to do is assume they are. IF the test is any good.
What I don't understand is why we aren't getting much insight or feedback from South Korea's experiences? They kicked ass and are going to come out stronger because of it. Hopefully, more information from Korea will become available soon.
I posted this to another thread today, he has an interview with a S Korean expert who sums up their experience thus far and speaks about the value of masks. He has their statistics too.

I posted this to another thread today, he has an interview with a S Korean expert who sums up their experience thus far and speaks about the value of masks. He has their statistics too.

Just letting you know, I almost never watch the videos you post. Videos are terrible sources of information because they are so easily manipulated. What I'm looking for is good scientific reports on the subject. yeah, masks are important.

I'm pointing out that all the attention by the press coverage is given to China when the good information and great results come from S Korea. We really ought to downplay or place low weight on what comes from China right now. There is good information out there on S. Korea but not much. Unfortunately, the US isn't a good source for test results either.
Just letting you know, I almost never watch the videos you post. Videos are terrible sources of information because they are so easily manipulated. What I'm looking for is good scientific reports on the subject. yeah, masks are important.

I'm pointing out that all the attention by the press coverage is given to China when the good information and great results come from S Korea. We really ought to downplay or place low weight on what comes from China right now. There is good information out there on S. Korea but not much. Unfortunately, the US isn't a good source for test results either.

The doctor in that video is the head infectious disease guy in South Korea, can't remember the title he uses.
Well I n

The doctor in that video is the head infectious disease guy in South Korea, can't remember the title he uses.

I don't watch videos much. Except for entertainment. I find it hard to follow technical discussions and accurately recite what was said in the vid. I don't watch them. Not saying they are bad, although I've seen plenty from the Bernie Bros that are downright propaganda. They can be 100% accurate in what they say but selectively biased in the information they give. Which is why I don't watch videos for information.
Well I've had some chest congestion all day and a bit of a scratchy throat, no fever so far. The only way to get a test here is if you need to be hospitalized basically because they are in such short supply. I've had a runny nose mild cold for weeks so I'm hoping it's just part of that.