Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Well ya know what they say about anecdotal evidence, not much better than small scale rushed pilot studies, even if double blinded. All truth is statistical in this game and the bigger the numbers the better, with causation studies being the gold standard, small scale correlation studies looking for grant money are a dime a dozen.
My own personal experience is much more important to share and valid than widespread studies that contain conflicting information.
ooooohh gimme gimmee.

Contains vitamins O, X, I, C, L E, A and N all in one easy peasy package. I tell you, this virus thing is the greatest boost ever given to encourage people to make their own home remedies.

how can you NOT trust this guy? i mean, come on...
My own personal experience is much more important to share and valid than widespread studies that contain conflicting information.
Well, folks are gonna talk about the news and as long as no one uses bleach for mouthwash, there's not much harm done. Now if Donald started sharing the secrets to his pearly white teeth, that would definitely be an issue, folks sharing harmless folk remedies, not so much, humor less so.
Well, folks are gonna talk about the news and as long as no one uses bleach for mouthwash, there's not much harm done. Now if Donald started sharing the secrets to his pearly white teeth, that would definitely be an issue, folks sharing harmless folk remedies, not so much, humor less so.
My statements about the effectiveness of gargling undiluted Chlorox is pure and not affected by conflicting information. I encourage everybody to stop listening to any sources that contain conflicting data. Statistics are the tool of the big lie. Listen to your navel instead.
Oh yeah,

And that guy who didn't trust health authorities when he kept smoking and later developed COPD is now advising home brewed colloidal silver because we can't trust health authorities. Yeah, I want to hear more about his prostate.
i have a strange suspicion that he looks like one of these fellas but on a more permanent basis:

My statements about the effectiveness of gargling undiluted Chlorox is pure and not affected by conflicting information. I encourage everybody to stop listening to any sources that contain conflicting data. Statistics are the tool of the big lie. Listen to your navel instead.
I will agree about the unambiguous data, all the participants died! :D Except the placebo group...
I will agree about the unambiguous data, all participants died! :D
I gargle with undiluted Chlorox bleach and I haven't been infected with coronavirus. Control groups just give conflicting data that makes it hard to make a decision. This is pure, simple to understand and everybody should take my statements as fact.
Coronavirus Treatment: NY Doctor Treats COVID-19 With Massive Doses of Vitamin C

Dr. Andrew Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist, observed that the Vitamin C levels in coronavirus patients show a dramatic decrease when they are confronted with sepsis.

Sepsis is the result of an inflammatory response caused when the body’s immune system shifts into overdrive and overreacts to an infection, in this case, the SARS-CoV2 virus that causes the COVID-19 disease. Sepsis comes with a litany of symptoms also associated with COVID-19 and it can quickly kill a patient if not treated.

While researchers are scrambling to find a vaccine, Dr. Weber has been administering 1,500 milligrams of Vitamin C intravenously to patients who are in intensive care battling the disease. That same dosage is then repeated three or four times over 24 hours.

The treatment is based on reports from China where massive doses of the powerful antioxidant supposedly helped patients. China is on the “downside” of the pandemic slope, with fewer number of new cases reported each day.


The article goes on to quote the doctor saying the vitamin "helps a tremendous amount" but isn't getting more attention because "it’s not a sexy drug."

There's also a paragraph saying the two Northwell Health facilities where this doctor is affiliated said vitamin C was being "widely used" throughout the system, but protocols vary from patient to patient, and they wouldn't say how many patients are being given vitamin C.
My statements about the effectiveness of gargling undiluted Chlorox is pure and not affected by conflicting information. I encourage everybody to stop listening to any sources that contain conflicting data. Statistics are the tool of the big lie. Listen to your navel instead.
Tell ya what, the next time they hold a Trump rally, set up a Kool aid stand and conduct an experiment (actually a psychological study) and see who gargles with the bleach, would make a great YouTube video!
Coronavirus Treatment: NY Doctor Treats COVID-19 With Massive Doses of Vitamin C

Dr. Andrew Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist, observed that the Vitamin C levels in coronavirus patients show a dramatic decrease when they are confronted with sepsis.

Sepsis is the result of an inflammatory response caused when the body’s immune system shifts into overdrive and overreacts to an infection, in this case, the SARS-CoV2 virus that causes the COVID-19 disease. Sepsis comes with a litany of symptoms also associated with COVID-19 and it can quickly kill a patient if not treated.

While researchers are scrambling to find a vaccine, Dr. Weber has been administering 1,500 milligrams of Vitamin C intravenously to patients who are in intensive care battling the disease. That same dosage is then repeated three or four times over 24 hours.

The treatment is based on reports from China where massive doses of the powerful antioxidant supposedly helped patients. China is on the “downside” of the pandemic slope, with fewer number of new cases reported each day.


The article goes on to quote the doctor saying the vitamin "helps a tremendous amount" but isn't getting more attention because "it’s not a sexy drug."

There's also a paragraph saying the two Northwell Health facilities where this doctor is affiliated said vitamin C was being "widely used" throughout the system, but protocols vary from patient to patient, and they wouldn't say how many patients are being given vitamin C.
It wouldn't be hard to quickly setup a double blind study with a placebo, they will look at anything now.
Coronavirus Treatment: NY Doctor Treats COVID-19 With Massive Doses of Vitamin C

Dr. Andrew Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist, observed that the Vitamin C levels in coronavirus patients show a dramatic decrease when they are confronted with sepsis.

Sepsis is the result of an inflammatory response caused when the body’s immune system shifts into overdrive and overreacts to an infection, in this case, the SARS-CoV2 virus that causes the COVID-19 disease. Sepsis comes with a litany of symptoms also associated with COVID-19 and it can quickly kill a patient if not treated.

While researchers are scrambling to find a vaccine, Dr. Weber has been administering 1,500 milligrams of Vitamin C intravenously to patients who are in intensive care battling the disease. That same dosage is then repeated three or four times over 24 hours.

The treatment is based on reports from China where massive doses of the powerful antioxidant supposedly helped patients. China is on the “downside” of the pandemic slope, with fewer number of new cases reported each day.


The article goes on to quote the doctor saying the vitamin "helps a tremendous amount" but isn't getting more attention because "it’s not a sexy drug."

There's also a paragraph saying the two Northwell Health facilities where this doctor is affiliated said vitamin C was being "widely used" throughout the system, but protocols vary from patient to patient, and they wouldn't say how many patients are being given vitamin C.
Doctors treating a patient are empowered to make decisions like this. They are the ones with the most information about both the patient and the literature. There are mechanisms in the CDC for doctors to collaborate and help build a database that will be useful after this crisis is over. This is a good thing.

It's the woo-woo sciency "don't trust doctors" types that perhaps we might be better off if we give them a sideways glance and then ignore. Include Trump in that category.
I was looking into purchasing a plastic face shield to use over my N95 mask. There are none available at the Lowes. I looked on amazon and shipping has really slowed down. If i purchased one now they said it would not ship until mid may. I will keep looking around. My husband has a Darth Vader looking one i might use until i get one, but its really scary and i already made one patient cry when i wore my P100 . They just gonna have to deal.

the 3D printed plastic face masks a lot of folks are making now Is inspiring!. I wish i had the technology, materials and knowledge to make them to distribute. those are great because they cover your entire face and can help with the longevity of an N95 mask.
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 45: Sharing Ventilators, More on Sleep, Immunity, & COVID-19 Prevention

The state of New York has approved the use of one ventilator for multiple patients during a surge or crisis. Dr. Seheult discusses some of the implications and challenges of this practice. Dr. Seheult also builds upon the research he explained in Update 16 (
) about important connections between sleep and immunity.
I was looking into purchasing a plastic face shield to use over my N95 mask. There are none available at the Lowes. I looked on amazon and shipping has really slowed down. If i purchased one now they said it would not ship until mid may. I will keep looking around. My husband has a Darth Vader looking one i might use until i get one, but its really scary and i already made one patient cry when i wore my P100 . They just gonna have to deal.

the 3D printed plastic face masks a lot of folks are making now Is inspiring!. I wish i had the technology, materials and knowledge to make them to distribute. those are great because they cover your entire face and can help with the longevity of an N95 mask.

Check places like welding supply houses, many industries use the shields.
Out of genuine respect for everyone here, I may also have to leave this discussion alone, I'm not here to posture myself above anyone, I love all of you, and I said what I said because I cared, I'm concerned with the well-being of others, and I am passionate about seeking out the truth, it's how I've always been.

The thread title is how to prepare for this epidemic, and protect our communities, it seems whether or not this virus is real or not, that food shortages are coming, Famine and starvation are headed our way, how am I doing what I can, I'm planting 1000 cups with various veggies planted in them to give to the public for free, I'm sacrificing all the soil I had saved for my future grow even to be able to complete this task, I've already got 100 cups done, I'm not selfish and I will sacrifice what ever I am able to fight against this virus and panic however I can. So if I have no meds, I accept it if I'm able to save family's & children and keep faith in humanity and God's blessings perpetuated.

So to anyone whom threatened me in anyway, just know your anger is misdirected (I forgive you), I'm a decent human being, I do what I'm able to be a positive link in the Human chain of life, I don't like wars and diseases just like anyone else with a Heart of (gold?) care, I respect others and what they feel they must do to protect themselves while this apparent pandemic unfolds, just because I believe the way I do doesn't mean I'd place anyone In harms way, and I would respect what ever laws are put in place to protect the safety of others, I know viruses are out there and would not do anything in any way to increase my or anyone else's chance of becoming sick, I will not take the feelings and beliefs of others for granted and I believe in protecting the well-being of others to be kept in high regard on such matters as this.

So I will be making my own thread in the spirituality section in the next week or so, I welcome anyone to come and contribute to my thread, it will revolve around consciousness and higher understanding of life, I was asked politely to make my own thread by DIY-HP-LED and that will show that I am able to respect his advice and continue to share information under my own responsibility and will power.

Anyone I upsetted in the other thread, I apologize, I lost my privilege to post there and will say that I'm sorry here and now, Sorry friend's I didn't mean to cause divide between us, and I wholeheartedly had good intentions when I commented there, I made a shallow joke and maybe went a bit overboard with a thing or two, I do recognize that and I am sorry, sincerely 100%.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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I was looking into purchasing a plastic face shield to use over my N95 mask. There are none available at the Lowes. I looked on amazon and shipping has really slowed down. If i purchased one now they said it would not ship until mid may. I will keep looking around. My husband has a Darth Vader looking one i might use until i get one, but its really scary and i already made one patient cry when i wore my P100 . They just gonna have to deal.

the 3D printed plastic face masks a lot of folks are making now Is inspiring!. I wish i had the technology, materials and knowledge to make them to distribute. those are great because they cover your entire face and can help with the longevity of an N95 mask.
TIP: Go on facebook and request one or several for your facility, these exist in home and industrial workshops all over your community and people will donate them. They can be gathered and sanitized quickly along with safety glasses, businesses hold inventories of new equipment too, a facebook appeal and a call to a local radio station can help to drum this stuff up and face shields are reusable too.

Many people are eager to help Amber, they just need to get the word and where the drop off bins are located, others can sanitize and prepare used equipment for you.
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