It rings too much like all the 'get natural hair now' or 'male enhancement' or the things sold to young women to increase their bust size, all snake oil.
With all the information so easily accessed these days it's not that hard to differentiate the possibly useful alternative medicines from the truly useless or even harmful.
I'm not a total Big Pharma hater and by 'Big Pharma' I'm mainly referring to the heavy handed approaches used to stamp out many useful things like pot. The doctors of the day fought long and hard to keep pot listed as a medicine but rich pricks like Hearst wanted it gone as did Harry Anslinger because with the repeal of prohibition was about to become unemployed so needed a new dragon to slay and pot was it.
There has been snake oil salesmen around since the dawn of humanity and of course truly dangerous things should be removed and the criminals put away. Ask your doctor if you should take a particular supplement and he'll likely warn you off as it's now illegal for him/her/it to even hint that something that doesn't make money for Big Pharma, (there's that label again!), could possibly be of any use to fix what ails you. you can get all the stuff you need from a balanced diet he says. Who the fug eats a real balanced diet these days? Fast foods and processed food-like substances are the bulk of most sheeples diets. Notice any more obese people these days compared to when you were a kid? That's what you end up like if you eat S.A.D, (Standard American Diet). Engineered to addict you and keep you coming back for more. I'm 65 and still wear the same size jeans I did when I was 20. 32x32. Still have all my hair and most of my teeth and wake up with a boner every morning. lol I've also been into eating high fiber, fresh veggies and a bunch of vitamin and mineral supplents since I was a teen and on my own. We had great fresh food growing up so mom took great care of us. Can still taste the cod liver oil but that's because I still take a tsp twice a week or so.
But when an X-ray showed I had thinning bones he told me to take a calcium supplement. No mention to also take Vit. D3 with it so it goes to my bones and doesn't just circulate around in my blood helping to form plaques that will eventually cause blood clots, strokes or heart attacks.
I also had low iron so he wrote me a prescription for iron tablets. The pharmacist says they don't fill that order and sold me a bottle of the same iron pills I'd get at a health food store. A prescription would have been free for me.
Talk about hypocrisy!