Trumper Dies After Taking Trump's Advice

It took me just a few moments to decide "yep, nothing of use is going to come from him", so, ignore. I don't know who that guy is but he's obviously one of several who gets banned then comes back for more.
Who does that and why?
Antisocial personality types, there are several kinds, all have low empathy scores and are almost always racist and bigots, some are sociopaths too. The are greist for the mill of neonazi ideoology and are not what one would call erudite either. If I detect a heart I will often change tact with some of them, most socks I just shit on for fun since Donald ain't around, they do serve a useful purpose, there's a toilet paper shortage you know and I need something to wipe my ass with. I feel guilty as Hell doing that shit to normal people (seriously) the trumpers are kinda a safe zone for me, no heart, no foul!
Yeah, I made oil for a friend of a friend who's doctor told him there was nothing more that he could do and basically sent him home to die of cancer. He had two good years and even went back to work, sad part was he had to go to Europe for work for a couple months and could not get any where he went, when he got back after a couple months the cancer had returned and he died.
Yeah its amazing. My friend an elder had metastases from brain through out his lungs, ribs, around his heart, in his pelvis and femurs. Was given 3 months to live. We gathered trash bags of any material we could get donated and set to work cooking it down for him. His metastases disappeared from his brain, heart and bones but never completely disappeared from his lungs. His doctor was baffled as Jerry didnt even want or do palliative radiation treatment. He eventually died of a heart attack 4 years later.
Yeah its amazing. My friend an elder had metastases from brain through out his lungs, ribs, around his heart, in his pelvis and femurs. Was given 3 months to live. We gathered trash bags of any material we could get donated and set to work cooking it down for him. His metastases disappeared from his brain, heart and bones but never completely disappeared from his lungs. His doctor was baffled as Jerry didnt even want or do palliative radiation treatment. He eventually died of a heart attack 4 years later.

Yeah I'll never do chemo or radiation, if the oil won't fix it I'm done.
Antisocial personality types, there are several kinds, all have low empathy scores and are almost always racist and bigots, some are sociopaths too. The are greist for the mill of neonazi ideoology and are not what one would call erudite either. If I detect a heart I will often change tact with some of them, most socks I just shit on for fun since Donald ain't around, they do serve a useful purpose, there's a toilet paper shortage you know and I need something to wipe my ass with. I feel guilty as Hell doing that shit to normal people (seriously) the trumpers are kinda a safe zone for me, no heart, no foul!
Might be a logic problem with your rationale for treating some people poorly. Not for me to say. I think we are all connected and of the same source energy that blessed us with consciousness. So hating others is akin to hating oneself. Choosing not to judge people is hard and I fail sometimes, perhaps often, but less often than the old me. Anyway, be well and stay safe.
Grow more weed...share more still filling orders but now a lot of my friends just need it. They used to get flower from me but a lot were going to dispensaries for carts and shatter. Ive given out about 10 pounds in last two weeks to friends and family. As a kid my grandfather and dad we're ganja growers and nobody went without weed. You come to visit you leave with some even if have no money.
Good feeling giving weed away!
It rings too much like all the 'get natural hair now' or 'male enhancement' or the things sold to young women to increase their bust size, all snake oil.

With all the information so easily accessed these days it's not that hard to differentiate the possibly useful alternative medicines from the truly useless or even harmful.

I'm not a total Big Pharma hater and by 'Big Pharma' I'm mainly referring to the heavy handed approaches used to stamp out many useful things like pot. The doctors of the day fought long and hard to keep pot listed as a medicine but rich pricks like Hearst wanted it gone as did Harry Anslinger because with the repeal of prohibition was about to become unemployed so needed a new dragon to slay and pot was it.

There has been snake oil salesmen around since the dawn of humanity and of course truly dangerous things should be removed and the criminals put away. Ask your doctor if you should take a particular supplement and he'll likely warn you off as it's now illegal for him/her/it to even hint that something that doesn't make money for Big Pharma, (there's that label again!), could possibly be of any use to fix what ails you. you can get all the stuff you need from a balanced diet he says. Who the fug eats a real balanced diet these days? Fast foods and processed food-like substances are the bulk of most sheeples diets. Notice any more obese people these days compared to when you were a kid? That's what you end up like if you eat S.A.D, (Standard American Diet). Engineered to addict you and keep you coming back for more. I'm 65 and still wear the same size jeans I did when I was 20. 32x32. Still have all my hair and most of my teeth and wake up with a boner every morning. lol I've also been into eating high fiber, fresh veggies and a bunch of vitamin and mineral supplents since I was a teen and on my own. We had great fresh food growing up so mom took great care of us. Can still taste the cod liver oil but that's because I still take a tsp twice a week or so.

But when an X-ray showed I had thinning bones he told me to take a calcium supplement. No mention to also take Vit. D3 with it so it goes to my bones and doesn't just circulate around in my blood helping to form plaques that will eventually cause blood clots, strokes or heart attacks.

I also had low iron so he wrote me a prescription for iron tablets. The pharmacist says they don't fill that order and sold me a bottle of the same iron pills I'd get at a health food store. A prescription would have been free for me. :(

Talk about hypocrisy!
Yeah its amazing. My friend an elder had metastases from brain through out his lungs, ribs, around his heart, in his pelvis and femurs. Was given 3 months to live. We gathered trash bags of any material we could get donated and set to work cooking it down for him. His metastases disappeared from his brain, heart and bones but never completely disappeared from his lungs. His doctor was baffled as Jerry didnt even want or do palliative radiation treatment. He eventually died of a heart attack 4 years later.

Yeah I'll never do chemo or radiation, if the oil won't fix it I'm done.

My oldest little sister just lost her battle with ovarian cancer last Wednesday at age 63. She'd been using a lot of RSO and many other things along with chemo and all the other things the medical establishment threw at her but finally died of thirst as she had her IV feeds removed to not prolong the suffering at the end. She had neglected to get her right to die forms done so could not take the easy way out with a doctor assisted death now legal here in Canukistan.

Some happier news. My wife has been taking RSO for the last 6 months to treat the tumours in her liver diagnosed a year ago with the biggest tumour being 18mm. 6 months later it was 24mm and last week she saw the doc about her latest scan results and it's back to 18mm and some small ones plus some lesions have disappeared! happydance.gif

She also drinks 3 cups of chaga mushroom tea every day but is on no prescribed medications at all and neither am I.


I was talking to the owner of out local supermarket in a town so small it doesn't have but 2 stop signs on main street and he said the city folk from an hour away are coming down and buying the stuff all those idiots at Costco fight over. He put limits on the usual stuff but said he's keeping extra in the back for locals so I I needed a couple packs of TP or hand sanitizer he'd fix me up. Told him I was good but should have maybe got some of the sanitizer as we don't have any. Just for when out and about.

I went to the feed store to score a gallon or two of ISO but that was long gone. lol I still have some but have been just evaping it when making RSO for the wife. Time to get the still set up to recover the next batch for reuse. Got two cans of Coleman's Camp Stove fuel to cook down for more naphtha as well. Plenty of Everclear at the liquor store I hope but I rarely use that because of my alcoholism so don't/can't keep booze in the house.

Shit's getting real, DIY. You are good at a lot of things and while I don't practice meditation or feel the need for counseling, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say about that. So, I look forward to your posts about what you know and annoyed by posts from you that are pretty ignorant.

For myself, I don't really appreciate your "advice" about vitamins and cutting edge medicine. It seems another on this forum is saying the same.

Do you only ever give advice?

It's a message board, Freak Show.