Pandemic 2020

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No, stupid is posting a pic of an old service pistol.

Maybe the gun isnt yours, maybe it's your daddy's, I don't know. It doesn't really matter. It's not going to change anybody's mind about you, narc.
Believe whatever you want jackass. You're obviously not the brightest bulb of the bunch, lol.
Is it just me of does his avatar look like a drawing of a asshole.
It really kinda does man, lol. I actually thought that too when I first changed it, and so I asked my wife but she didn't see it the same way I did, lol. It's one of the cheesy Jedi Night logos. I just thought it was funny, instead of my old weed pic. I'm no big Star Wars nerd. When I created a name, I just wanted to use something that says I'm a rookie trying to learn the ways to become the master. I tried Young Grasshopper, but that was taken, lol.
The dumb ass posted a pick of his service pistol in the "guns" thread.
I really don't know why you keep saying I posted pics of some old cops service pistol. Your ignorance blows my mind man.

And I've been watching this thread and you sound like you might be one of them, so maybe check it out, lol.
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It really kinda does man, lol. I actually thought that too when I first changed it, and so I asked my wife but she didn't see it the same way I did, lol. It's one of the cheesy Jedi Night logos. I just thought it was funny, instead of my old weed pic. I'm no big Star Wars nerd. When I created a name, I just wanted to use something that says I'm a rookie trying to learn the ways to become the master. I tried Young Grasshopper, but that was taken, lol.
It could have been a young cop's.
I just don't understand why he's so insistent that it was a cops gun. Just because it's a 9mm? I have no idea what's going on in that fools mind, lol.
I have no idea if your a cop or not, and if you are stay safe. It doesn't really matter even if you are to me, I have no problems with people doing their jobs.

What does matter is when you say stupid shit like this:

Vote out both the Republicans and Democrats.

If you are an American you should really take time to understand that one party has been trying to do the work to advance our society, while the other has not.

And if you really want to make shit better, if you vote Democratic, vote Democrats. If your a Republicans, vote in better candidates and don't let it maintain it's racist policies. We need to all start working together to make our society as great as it can be.
And now I've got the FBI and DEA working with me to bust your illegal grow. We have surveillance drones flying over your house right now, lol.

You make me feel like I'm taking Crazy pills man.
It's called rollitup, not growitup, dumb pig.

If anyone doubts this guy is a narc feel free to hit me up in pm.
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