Pandemic 2020

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Fuck a virus, I’m afraid of things like you ! you try to mind rape everything ! Your family would be proud of you ! You’re posts would make any daughter/wife proud lol!
An upgrade from Watson ? Probably reconfigured programming to fit the algorithm of virology? Lol, Skynet will cure us lol !
A big thanks to Burntrectum1 for it's intrepid reporting from Magatville

A President Unequal to the Moment

It’s almost unbelievable from the vantage point of the present moment, when we are in the midst of an officially designated global pandemic and a consequent economic crisis that threatens to plunge the United States and the rest of the planet into a recession, but consider how the President of the United States has spent his time since the coronavirus infection reached America in mid-January. He has:

  • Publicly attacked the judge, prosecutors, and jury forewoman in the case of Roger Stone, Trump’s longtime political associate who was convicted of lying to Congress and other offenses.
  • Fired his Ambassador to the European Union and a National Security Council adviser on Ukraine, and purged others who figured in the impeachment investigation as he fulminated to aides about “snakes” in his Administration.
  • Fired the acting director of National Intelligence, after an intelligence briefing to Congress about Russia’s ongoing efforts to interfere in the 2020 election.
  • Nominated as his new director of National Intelligence a highly partisan Republican congressman who was forced to withdraw from the exact same job last summer for inflating his résumé.
  • Sued, through his campaign, the Times, CNN, and the Washington Post for publishing opinion articles that he did not like.
  • Installed a new, twenty-nine-year-old personnel chief in the White House who had been previously fired and marched off the premises, and gave him a mandate to revamp the vetting process for Administration officials, with a new emphasis on loyalty.
My wife (a dual US/Canadian citizen) was going to listen for fun to see what stupid shit he would say, but she yelled out "Fuck, I can't even listen to his voice, especially when having to look at his butthole shaped mouth at the same time".

i know i can't look at his face without thinking how it looks like an asshole in motion..word has it when he's really, really mad, it puckers and turns white like the ring around his eyes.
A big thanks to Burntrectum1 for it's intrepid reporting from Magatville

A President Unequal to the Moment

It’s almost unbelievable from the vantage point of the present moment, when we are in the midst of an officially designated global pandemic and a consequent economic crisis that threatens to plunge the United States and the rest of the planet into a recession, but consider how the President of the United States has spent his time since the coronavirus infection reached America in mid-January. He has:

  • Publicly attacked the judge, prosecutors, and jury forewoman in the case of Roger Stone, Trump’s longtime political associate who was convicted of lying to Congress and other offenses.
  • Fired his Ambassador to the European Union and a National Security Council adviser on Ukraine, and purged others who figured in the impeachment investigation as he fulminated to aides about “snakes” in his Administration.
  • Fired the acting director of National Intelligence, after an intelligence briefing to Congress about Russia’s ongoing efforts to interfere in the 2020 election.
  • Nominated as his new director of National Intelligence a highly partisan Republican congressman who was forced to withdraw from the exact same job last summer for inflating his résumé.
  • Sued, through his campaign, the Times, CNN, and the Washington Post for publishing opinion articles that he did not like.
  • Installed a new, twenty-nine-year-old personnel chief in the White House who had been previously fired and marched off the premises, and gave him a mandate to revamp the vetting process for Administration officials, with a new emphasis on loyalty.

wasn't he the wife beater..? Trumpy's* running out of minions and needs to recycle.

The local hospital has put out a general request for donations of any masks, paint masks, whatever.
They need active community support in this, they take care of the sick and sterilize the equipment. Ya need drop off bins and guys pounding the drum about it, likewise a lot of companies that are down for the reset can donate PPE i inventory, even raiding employee lockers. Give the people who rushed out and bought masks and never used them a chance to donate them and make amends for being such stupid asses.

It's all a rather pathetic response, but anything that helps is good. With organization, supply chains and enthusiastic volunteers, educated online, a lot can get done in a short time to address the PPE issue at least. PPE clothing can be made reusable and sterilized after use repeatedly.
'i feel..i feel..i feel..' nobody fvcking cares what you think, Ass Face, and if you feel that Jackie Ho wouldn't cry if you died..? you have no fvcking idea how hated you are..

he just called Biden 'sleepy joe'. he's so vile and he doesn't shut up now he's talking about how he dropped the ball..
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Wow I was at that concert.....I had just returned from Vietnam. Do you remember the guy with short hair?... :hug:
I saw that tour in the mud & rain in Roosevelt Field, New Jersey tripping on Windowpane :)
Some lightshow, right?
Yes had the best lightshows in the World, they actually were the 1st band to do it right :)
Fucking awesome band.
Which one is your favorite between these two?
I go with No Disgrace :)

Peace out bro & thanks for you service :)
I saw that tour in the mud & rain in Roosevelt Field, New Jersey tripping on Windowpane :)
Some lightshow, right?
Yes had the best lightshows in the World, they actually were the 1st band to do it right :)
Fucking awesome band.
Which one is your favorite between these two?
I go with No Disgrace :)

Peace out bro & thanks for you service :)
Light show? There was no light show.
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