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My stance is that you’re 43 times more likely to kill yourself or family than to defend yourself with those
That is the 1986 Kellerman Study. When suicides are removed from that study the 43:1 ratio dramatically decreases to 4.5:1.

Lying with statistics and repetition until the lie is commonly accepted is The Big Lie in practice. Thanks for demonstrating it yet again.
Ok, should healthcare be a right?
Maybe under the doctrine of Duty of Care, it will be an obligation on all parties, post Cofveve-19.
How's that for scary?
The voting process is used to implement taking away rights, it isn't used for "granting rights".

Also, I was alluding to the idea that voting is a ritual which doesn't bring freedom, but it can, and does, negate freedom.
It has it's moments, we're just on the downhill slope in the First World. US has always had a Country Club atmosphere about voting.

Things change quickly, like letting women vote led to prohibition and back to sanity again.
Republicans voted on prohibitions on immigrants, paying tax and healthcare all at once.

Don't bitch and shake guns when that all goes away would be best, since that has zero to do with 2nd amendment. Bitching is okay, don't intertwine other issues with gun rights, though.
That's the point, the Democrats just want to get back to zero and do fact finding. Way too busy to even look at another battle over hardware, they will just nibble at the soft spots if they are wise.
Democrat gun control started after the Civil War to keep black people defenseless.
By your great great grandpa? Good thing the family switched over to republican between 1964-72 to keep up keep up with the white nationalist neighbors.

Civil rights, bah humbug!
Voter's rights? We need the poll tax money.

What's the next rebel troll thread going to be?
Confederate statues? Mass shootings? John Birch society, then and now?
For being big supporters of State's rights, they sure want to secede from States and Union when they don't get their way.
Just willful ignorance, like the Chavezistas in so many ways. Embarrassing mostly, to see so many go back to their fathers ways.
By your great great grandpa? Good thing the family switched over to republican between 1964-72 to keep up keep up with the white nationalist neighbors.

Civil rights, bah humbug!
Voter's rights? We need the poll tax money.

What's the next rebel troll thread going to be?
Confederate statues? Mass shootings? John Birch society, then and now?

There is not a single fact in your statement as per usual.
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