Pandemic 2020

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If that was in relation to me and mustbetribbin then I would love to understand his side but there are no facts to back up any of his statements. Only insult I think I made was on his intelligence(since apologised).
All good bud not calling just you out. Everyone here is very insulting to everyone on here. Its kind of thing that the world is doing right now especially kids.
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I guess I was wrong, they never shut the liquor stores down yet in NS, but the drunks are clearly panicking in anticipation, the bars and restaurants are closed! They might need to buy a home brewing kit or learn to make shine, if they want a drink. You thought the toilet paper panic was something...

Alcohol sales soar amid panic buying, and officials face hard choices
Liquor is viewed by many as non-essential, but cutting some people off could be fatal
Richard Cuthbertson · CBC News · Posted: Mar 20, 2020 4:41 PM AT | Last Updated: March 20


People line up outside an NSLC store in Halifax on Tuesday after the Crown corporation announced it was reducing its hours. (Brett Ruskin/CBC)

Some provinces are weighing whether to keep liquor stores open during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the decision is fraught with complications that include serious health questions.
Public health officials who may contemplate shutting down retail outlets are faced with several dilemmas, ranging from the huge pre-closure lineups that could result during a time of social distancing, to the significant and even fatal dangers of alcohol withdrawal.
The Nova Scotia Liquor Corp. this week instituted reduced hours to allow for more cleaning and is limiting how many people are allowed in stores at one time.

Alcohol sales in Nova Scotia subsequently tripled amid panic buying. But the NSLC has given no indication it plans to close locations, although spokesperson Beverley Ware acknowledged Friday things are "very fluid."
"This is really an unprecedented situation," she said in an interview, noting the Crown corporation is following the guidance of public health officials.
NLSC stores have seen a rush on purchasing amid incorrect "rumours" of impending closures, Ware said. Alcohol sales for the week are up an astounding 216 per cent over the same week last year, she said, and cannabis sales are 110 per cent higher.
Nova Scotia public health officials have ordered businesses ranging from bars to hair salons to shut down in an effort to slow the spread of the virus, and on Friday announced there are now 15 confirmed and presumed COVID-19 cases in Nova Scotia.
I guess I was wrong, they never shut the liquor stores down yet in NS, but the drunks are clearly panicking in anticipation, the bars and restaurants are closed! They might need to buy a home brewing kit or learn to make shine, if they want a drink. You thought the toilet paper panic was something...

Alcohol sales soar amid panic buying, and officials face hard choices
Liquor is viewed by many as non-essential, but cutting some people off could be fatal
Richard Cuthbertson · CBC News · Posted: Mar 20, 2020 4:41 PM AT | Last Updated: March 20


People line up outside an NSLC store in Halifax on Tuesday after the Crown corporation announced it was reducing its hours. (Brett Ruskin/CBC)

Some provinces are weighing whether to keep liquor stores open during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the decision is fraught with complications that include serious health questions.
Public health officials who may contemplate shutting down retail outlets are faced with several dilemmas, ranging from the huge pre-closure lineups that could result during a time of social distancing, to the significant and even fatal dangers of alcohol withdrawal.
The Nova Scotia Liquor Corp. this week instituted reduced hours to allow for more cleaning and is limiting how many people are allowed in stores at one time.

Alcohol sales in Nova Scotia subsequently tripled amid panic buying. But the NSLC has given no indication it plans to close locations, although spokesperson Beverley Ware acknowledged Friday things are "very fluid."
"This is really an unprecedented situation," she said in an interview, noting the Crown corporation is following the guidance of public health officials.
NLSC stores have seen a rush on purchasing amid incorrect "rumours" of impending closures, Ware said. Alcohol sales for the week are up an astounding 216 per cent over the same week last year, she said, and cannabis sales are 110 per cent higher.
Nova Scotia public health officials have ordered businesses ranging from bars to hair salons to shut down in an effort to slow the spread of the virus, and on Friday announced there are now 15 confirmed and presumed COVID-19 cases in Nova Scotia.
This is happening in the UK aswell currently. In my store we have limits of 3 of any subgroup of items across the entire store including alcohol. People are getting angry and upset over it as all the multipacks are bought up first them single bottles remain and they can only buy 3 bottles of beer and that's their lot
Starting Monday all non-essential stores are ordered closed in my state of Connecticut.
Essential stores are grocery, gas, drug, convenience (tobacco) & liquor.
If a person can't get their meds, wither it be a cig or a bottle or an aspirin or Zoloft things are gonna get real ugly real fast.
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This is happening in the UK aswell currently. In my store we have limits of 3 of any subgroup of items across the entire store including alcohol. People are getting angry and upset over it as all the multipacks are bought up first them single bottles remain and they can only buy 3 bottles of beer and that's their lot
Remember 1940? not literally!

Rationing, to help keep supply chains up, though not because of actual shortages, a temporary state, all the greedy arseholes have got their fill of bumwad and won't need any for 6 months. Grocery stores are opening an hour earlier for senior citizens and the vulnerable only, an excellent idea, make sure you folks are doing it too. Industrial places should be supplying grocery store clerks with N95 masks and fit testing them too, industry is down and has large supplies of masks shields, gloves, and other appropriate PPE. Cashiers and others working with customers should have masks, after the medical needs are met, it would be a strategic deployment of resources. All the government needs to do is make the call to industry to pitch in and lots of folks have masks gloves and glasses sitting in home workshops across the country. The government has to initiate the program and do some top level organization and distribution, volunteers from industry can do the rest. They have hundreds of people trained to service and fit test respirators properly and the testing machines to do it to. These places are gonna be closed, they need to volunteer their new masks from inventory, and take them from employee lockers too, recondition, sanitize and give them to hospitals or the government.

We are beginning to organize stuff like that now.
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Remember 1940? not literally!

Rationing, to help keep supply chains up, though not because of actual shortages, a temporary state, all the greedy arseholes have got their fill of bumwad and won't need any for 6 months. Grocery stores are opening an hour earlier for senior citizens and the vulnerable only, an excellent idea, make sure you folks are doing it too. Industrial places should be supplying grocery store clerks with N95 masks and fit testing them too, industry is down and has large supplies of masks shields, gloves, and other appropriate PPE. Cashiers and others working with customers should have masks, after the medical needs are met, it would be a strategic deployment of resources. All the government needs to do is make the call to industry to pitch in and lots of folks have masks gloves and glasses sitting in home workshops across the country. The government has to initiate the program and do some top level organization and distribution, volunteers from industry can do the rest. They have hundreds of people trained to service and fit test respirators properly and the testing machines to do it to. These places are gonna be closed, the need to volunteer their new masks from inventory, and take them from employee lockers too, recondition, sanitize and give them to hospitals or the government.

We are beginning to organize stuff like that now.
Already heard some of the older customers saying they haven't seen anything like it, even during the war.
We are starting that and on every sunday morning for an hour so that staff, NHS workers and care workers can do there grocery shop.
No word on any PPE such as masks but cashiers have been given gloves and there is distancing practices at the checkout. Does not help the people working on the shop floor that are in close proximity to the customers though. I hope something like this gets put in place but I find it highly unlikely that anybody in government will look at store clerks and other non medical workers that are having to deal with the public as there workplace is essential for everybody to continue.
Watch this space....
Fuck a virus, I’m afraid of things like you ! you try to mind rape everything ! Your family would be proud of you ! You’re posts would make any daughter/wife proud lol!
Didn’t you vote for the guy that bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage girls
they just called and said 'free delivery' for your refills..just call me Socialist..i'm holding out for 'free refills'..:wink:
I would hope that everybody can get free prescriptions no matter if there is an emergency or not. Scotland's devolved government have been doing it for years. They first reduced the amount you have to pay then the abolished the charge completely. I sometime look at the wider world shaking my head and wonder why there is not a nation wide health service that does not make you bankrupt just to get well again.
Of not Corona virus

Schuylaar, Medical Courier, Reporting in from the Covid-19 Front:

what a Trumper* if your words will make it true..I got news for you..Herr Orange Man Bad hasn't told you the truth by far- CITIZENS UNDER 65 ARE DYING..

i want you to guess by how far, Justin.
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Ummm I doubt it (virus) really fucking cares if your a republican ....... one person a day in NewYork is dying from this thing and it’s just beginning FFS

actually, you're wrong, it does care about easy in..Trumpers* believe this to be a hoax therefore they are walking around sans mask and gloves. a healthy Trumper can get it and not have anything..because hoax, and give it to family (please note their ages at time of death and how quickly they succumbed):

Italy's death toll has passed 600 dead a day and they have called in their military to enforce the lock down. The numbers don't lie, the US has more than 5 times the population and is one to two weeks behind what's happening there. If something doesn't drastically change in the next week Americans will start dying by the thousands every day and it will get worse by the day. Lock downs takes weeks to show any improvement in the situation and we are just now rolling them out now.
Italy's death toll has passed 600 dead a day and they have called in their military to enforce the lock down. The numbers don't lie, the US has more than 5 times the population and is one to two weeks behind what's happening there. If something doesn't drastically change in the next week Americans will start dying by the thousands every day and it will get worse by the day. Lock downs takes weeks to show any improvement in the situation and we are just now rolling them out now.


we all know Conald can't do math and for some reason, he seems to think we can't..optics, you know..optics.

South Korea got this shit under control through testing EVERYONE to find the silent carriers..
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