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Do you have any more impotence to add?
Hey, how are those 'purples' treating you down there?

Nothing as dumb as a rebel who thinks they won the civil war.

Don't cut yourself sharpening your knife and I could still buy and sell your broke dick at least 30 times.

That enough for you and your ignorant user name and avi, stroker ace?
The great irony is that the local Protagonist fully uses the profoundly ugly tactics of the politics he claims to despise.
I come from the heritage he says he hates, and yet “the end justifies the means”.
He would have been awful to actual Jews.

Compounded I would say insofar as the one who screams racist the loudest seemingly fails to realize that the Nuremberg Laws were a sprout from an old Jim Crow plant.
You americans and your polarized gun situation. I love guns, used to collect a few hunting rifles. Liberal gov tried to strong arm us, conservatives destroyed the registry. It did nothing to curb violence, just makes a black market. A gun is just a tool, like a pair of pliers. People should get screened for fit to use and not fit to use. Too many low IQ people with an inferiority complex like guns. I just liked hunting and was tired of billybob and his silliness at the range and in the field. Big men, insecure gun owners, but guns do have their place.
Funny as fuck. You are the first person to ever thing that I'm a cop. You guys amaze me in this section. Usually I'm in the growing sections learning or posting pics of my own plants.

These I posted on March 10th.
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Do you think posting a pic of some pathetic indoor grow is going to make us forget you posted a pic of your old service pistol?

We're not dumb like you, dumb pig.
Says the guy that plays army
I'm not pointing a loaded weapon at you though like you are at me:
We're going to regulate the piss out of your gub rights, even more than they already are. And in the rare instance you do use your gubs in self defense, we're going to ruin your life with litigation.
This is a dogwistle for making me do what you say while you point a gun at my head(force of law).

It's sad that you seem so at odds with yourself.
Hey Dwayne, the democrats are gonna win in a landslide, it will be the slaughter of the elephants, a real blood bath in november. I figure you're so fucked you'll not only lose the senate, you might even lose half of the senators up for grabs. It will be bad Dwayne and you will be completely at the mercy of the liberal elites, who are gonna take your guns and bust your ass for hate speech and crimes. You will love the human rights commissions too!

By the time they are done with your redneck ass you'll be lucky to be carrying a spear, the NRA is on the ropes and is finished, the leadership are scrambling like cockroaches and criminal charges are coming, both state and federal. As far as the second amendment is concerned you can have black powder and muzzle loaders only, the conservatives judges believe in a strictly interpreting the constitution with the founders intentions in mind. Not even repeating arms might be allowed eventually, not right away though, just the semi auto rifles and shotguns.

If the government can regulate calibres and fully automatic weapons, they can ban semi automatic and even repeating arms. Sleep tight Dwayne, something to think about eh?

I dont consider foriegn influence, such as yours, in my political process. Thanks for playing though.
Guess you didn't see the backup?

Sure if someone is invading my home with a machine gun blazing, they would have gotten me anyways. But I am not that important to anyone to come at me like that.

The ridiculousness of people thinking anyone gives a shit about them to the point they need a bunch of guns to protect themselves is just sad. People will just wait until you leave your home to break in, because generally they know who you are and what you have that they want to break in for.

Quit being a hero, like you are somehow going to Rambo your way to safety, a couple dogs will take care of 99.9999% of any issues better than any gun will.

Post an honest dollar amount for your dog food, flea and tick treatments and vet visits for all your dogs per year.
I probably have known 500 gun owners. That would include friends, relatives, acquaintances and coworkers.

I know 8 people who fired a gun at a human being.

5 were suicides.

One case was two cousins, one accidentally shot the other back in high school days. The deceased wasn't found for two years until he turned up in a wooded area. Unsolved for a couple years. When he was found, the cousin admitted what happened. He wasn't charged, but he wound up in and out of mental institutions mostly because it tore him up mentally.

Another was an attempted suicide by a friends teenage son who now looks like hell after multiple reconstructive surgeries.

The best one was a guy who took it upon himself to shoot a black kid in the leg as he ran away after stealing something from another guys porch.

The shooter was charged and paid 20K in legal fees, had to do years of probation and community service and had to send the kid he shot a monthly check for a decade as a civil settlement.

I know personally of no one who used a gun to defend his home or legally stop criminal activity.

But I realize that's a small sample size so I'll let you guys slug it out and decide how important guns are to your own lives.
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