Well-Known Member
Damned if you do ....... Damned if you don’t
*hits pipe
*hits pipe

Here's our cool, calm & collected leader answering a reporters question.Carrying Donald's water after this fiasco is not the way to a peaceful life, at least around here. If you think Trump is fit for office you are delusional, he's worse than useless in this crises, he dangerous. A stunning failure of leadership that has directly threatened your own life and that of many North Americans. Firing the pandemic response team in 2018, failure to prepare when clear evidence indicated this months ago, incompetence and dangerous lies over testing, masks and PPE, failures to initiate and oversee preparations by mustering national resources. He even contributed to the spread by incompetently evacuating people back to the states.
If you're carrying Donald's water at this point or even for the last 3 years, you are the one who is deranged. WTF are you trying to convince about you're alternate bullshit reality. Face it, the only reason you support Trump is because you're a bigot and your fear and hate have so warped your mind and blinded your senses, that you still support this evil fool in the face of a mountain of evidence that he is dangerous and unfit.
It's the bald faced truth and you know it. Do the Devil's work long enough and you become indistinguishable from him. The line between good and evil could not be more stark and obvious, which side are you on? Blood is being spilled over this now and the numbers will grow to unbelievable proportions soon, most of the deaths could have been prevented in North America with decent leadership in the USA.
Jesus Christ, your perspective is astounding and your disconnection from reality is profound. Even Tucker Carlson came around, Hannity is a psycho like Trump. Government by sociopath, look it up and see if the description fits Donald, or even you.
never heard that one beforeHate trump but
I actually saw this part, prior to it Trump was hyping some 'cure'. It's a legit line of questioning because Trump has idiots running around thinking it is a Democratic Hoax.Hate trump but agree that dude was trying to piss him off
That was as easy of a question possible.Hate trump but agree that dude was trying to piss him off
It was an opportunity for Trump to simply say to the American people that we're working on cures & he turned it into his usual shitshow of sarcasm & ridicule.
He can't do a fucking thing right, at anytime or at anyplace.
Too funnyHe's only having these daily press conferences because he can't have his klan rallies. Notice how the other speakers compliments him several times before they speak, they are instructed to do so. He's a needy little bitch that can't live without constantly being fawned over.
I had high hopes for that drug until Donald agreed with me, now I'm having a rethink! The french guy who did the study looks like Trump's old doctor too...Here's our cool, calm & collected leader answering a reporters question.
Soothing, right?
Yeah, the man-baby is notorious for flying off the handle as he did there. Your embarrassment is understandable. I'd be embarrassed if I tried to defend my bad choices too.Hate trump but agree that dude was trying to piss him off
Nancy knows what to do with Donald's gifts to the cause of getting rid of him and the republican senate who acquitted him out of cowardice, in violation of their oaths. Now he is killing many of those same old GOP senators who let him off the hook, through dereliction of duty and criminal negligence causing mass death. Donald has a history of being an ingrate, a Dufus, a fool and a sociopath, what did they think would happen when they violated their oaths, the constitution and the rule of law for this fucking idiot and the morons who think the sun shines outta his asshole.Time for the 25th
Seriously, and I think Pence is horrid.