stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

Read this.

All gone.

Oh, well.

Start, all over again.

Good job Trump
And yea, I blame him, not for COVID-19, but for his utter lack of competency in dealing with it.
The Markets know a fool is charge, wither it be Trump or Mnuchin, so that's that.
Ladies & Gentlemen, boy's & girls, welcome to the 1st Worldwide Disaster/Depression of the 21st Century. (I told ya he would do it, but just like my wife, no one ever listens :) )
You can tell someone about it if you survive.
Feck it all :) (yea, I'm high)
Good song too forget your problems with as long as you can hold a glass in your hand :)

God bless all of you & be strong & we'll get thru it :)
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just pulled my cash out of the bank and put it in the safe....

I did as well. I usually keep $3-$5k in cash at all times between my safe and my person for emergencies, but I took a few more out until all this nonsense blows over.

I can see a bank run happening before this is over, and banks are stocked with far less cash than they used to be with everything having gone digital. I never fully rely on interac and online banking, ever.
Not buying into this being a major disruption that causes society to break down. It's bad, though. Maybe even as bad as what happened in the early 1930's. Can't help but laugh at Trump tards who are trying to spin this as something he didn't make worse.

A hospital in our area had a power outage and in the middle of that crisis, a patient in ICU managed to lock their-self in an office room shouting to people outside that they had a gun.

Power was restored, ICU patient was eventually talked down. Crazy days, just not end of times. I have tons of respect to those who said it was but sorry, not that big of an issue.

Tons more respect for health care workers who are dealing with the chaos with care, respect and dignity.
Well, all the stock gains that Trump bragged about are now gone. You know the ones he artificially stimulated with foolish tax cuts to companies so that could all buy back their own stock and drive it up sky high.

How much of Obama's gains will he now squander away with this rudderless leadership?

Hey, let's always vote for an inexperienced dipshit because he will 'shake up' Washington.

Are we shaken up enough yet?

And another 18 months of this shit until a vaccine is online. And then the antivaxers will come out.

This is what you get with mass stupidity.

Thanks Trump! I hope you catch it next.