stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

Well, all the stock gains that Trump bragged about are now gone. You know the ones he artificially stimulated with foolish tax cuts to companies so that could all buy back their own stock and drive it up sky high.

How much of Obama's gains will he now squander away with this rudderless leadership?

Hey, let's always vote for an inexperienced dipshit because he will 'shake up' Washington.

Are we shaken up enough yet?

And another 18 months of this shit until a vaccine is online. And then the antivaxers will come out.

This is what you get with mass stupidity.

Thanks Trump! I hope you catch it next.
Another trillion and a half gone. This time in 60 minutes. Were even more fucked!
Trump calls Coronavirus “ Chinese Flu “ many believe “ KUNG FLU “ is next ...
Many Asian-American citizens have taken offense to President Trump’s new moniker for the virus sweeping the globe. COVID-19 or Coronavirus has been spoken as China Virus by trump in past conversations. Asian communities around the nation found president trump’s words racially harmful , and open to profiled violence. When asked by a reporter , why he referred to the virus as the “ China virus “ , trump snapped back “ that’s where it came from .. “ .
This sounds bad, the end of America as we know it.

I just don't see the scenario where "hell is coming" and end of the US as we know it. It is certainly going to be hell for the large number of people who get the virus and develop severe complications. The next year will be awful. It's probably not a matter of if our healthcare system breaks, rather how badly our health system breaks, Eventually nearly everybody will have been exposed. A single digit, maybe 10% will need hospitalization. For those people we need the scale of war spending to get as many through it as we can.

The economy will pick up and stocks are what they are. People are going to hurt financially too. It's going to suck. I hope we claw back that tax cut and use the money to help the people who need it. But there is remedy for this. As long as Trump and his Repubublican crooks are pushed out of power, that is.

A large number of population, maybe as high as 75% will get sick and then get better that will be that. Jobs will be tight and then will pick up. So, yeah, this sucks and yeah, I am fearful for some people I am close to. Devastated, actually. But "hell is coming?" Or end of 'murrica as we know it? A skeptic here.
My wife and I have been talking for days about when that shit would start. Now that the games have begun, next up will be parking lot and in-store shootings.
Or maybe more robberies being reported. That was a mugging by a transient. It's not the first time that's happened. From the talk on this board, I'm anticipating a spate of shootings by mistake, accidental shootings and just plain gun accidents. Gunfighter Nation is on edge.
Or maybe more robberies being reported. That was a mugging by a transient. It's not the first time that's happened. From the talk on this board, I'm anticipating a spate of shootings by mistake, accidental shootings and just plain gun accidents because Gunfighter Nation is on edge.
Poor people want to hoard too, they just don't have the funds, and now the shelves are empty. They will get desperate soon...
you ever been hungry? Have kids you cannot feed because you lost your job? Desperation is one hell of a motivator.
I'm not saying it can't happen and yes, I've seen some hard times myself. Not my kids though. I'm just skeptical that the world as we know it is going to end.

It's going to suck, no doubt about it. Fewer will be here when we come out the other side. Not saying the next year will be a skip in the park.

Just skeptical that society collapse is nigh. :neutral:
I'm not saying it can't happen and yes, I've seen some hard times myself. Not my kids though. I'm just skeptical that the world as we know it is going to end.

It's going to suck, no doubt about it. Fewer will be here when we come out the other side. Not saying the next year will be a skip in the park.

Just skeptical that society collapse is nigh.
there's very little holding society together....
Invest in Daniel's D, Rock River, LMT, LaRue, Wolf, Herstal or Magpul and you should be all set. WTF.. I'm paying 7K in taxes this time around which for some reason doesn't feel like a tax break. Total societal breakdown in three months and virus plays itself out in six. No need to panic. There's plenty of toilet paper to go around.
Your trailer is safe, twopump
Twopump was a silver trading baron. Or was it sorting change for copper and silver coins?.

Price of silver tanked recently, btw. Down 35% since the end of Feb. Thanks Obama!

Also, people aren't getting their knives sharpened. The non essentials are the first to cut. Maybe it explains why he's so bitter.
Poor people want to hoard too, they just don't have the funds, and now the shelves are empty. They will get desperate soon...

What I find odd about this whole situation is a majority of people always say they're broke and can't make house payment, car payment, buy groceries, pay utilities etc.

But the shelves in stores are empty, so where are people getting money from to empty the stores?