stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

2,997 point loss. That was fun. Now for the REALLY fun part that I talked about a couple months back:

Trump's bullying of the Fed has us well and truly screwed. There is now absolutely nothing the Fed can do to mitigate the falling market now except buy more bonds.

But buying more bonds screws everybody in bonds even worse than they already are by making them essentially worthless.

Welcome to hell. Brought to you by Trump.

Only an act of Congress will be able to help us all, and you can bet Moscow Mitch will block every bill unless it has another big tax break for the wealthy.
You guys seem pretty confused. How about a nice PM group chat where you all put your thinking caps on, and (try) to figure out ( among yourselves), whether I am a Trump troll, or a Sanders supporter. The wishy washy indecisiveness is a bad look.
Definitely a Trumptard. I smoked with Russ Belville . Russ Belville was a friend of mine. Trumtard, Your no Russ Belville.
Thank gosh for President Trump. Without his shutting of the flights from China early on, we all would be Chinese by now!
His quick action saved us !
is that the excuse when he wins again, again?
They haven't stopped, and he left the door wide open for them to continue their attack on our country. Shit he actually even opened up a window when he pushed to get the sanctions on Deripaska dropped and keeps firing people who try to combat their attacks.

But it is not just them, You also have Racists, Evangelicals, Crazy Chinese cultists, and Saudi's pushing for him using the same kind of online attacks on our citizens.